
Chapter 6: Duels End.

[Turn 4 Drake LP:2700 Hand:1, Kite LP:4000 Hand:3]

Drakes field has <Keeper of Dragon Magic>, <Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon> with one face down card. On Kites side is his signature monster, the <Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon> with one face down.

"…let me introduce you to an even more powerful monster. I sacrifice my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to special summon the <Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon>!"

Cracks appeared across the body of Drakes Ultimate Dragon, spilling out blinding blue light before it exploded in a shining radiance to reveal his new beast.


[Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon – Lv10 ATK:3000/DEF:2500]

Metallic armour covered this dragon from nose to tail, like some futuristic machine. On its chest and wings, great blue jewels that shone like miniature stars. Neon blue light glowed across its body as its eyes flashed with radiant power.

"You call that a stronger monster? It looks impressive but it has less ATK Points than the last monster." But Kite did not let his guard down. For Drake to go through so much effort to summon this beast it must be special.

"Yes. But my shiny new dragon has several special abilities that will leave your Galaxy-Eyes in the dust. First, I activate Shining Burst! My dragon gets an addition 300 ATK for each dragon type monster in my Graveyard, and at the moment there are three, my 'White Stone of Legend', 'Totem Dragon' and 'Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon'. So my Shining Dragon gains 900 ATK."

[Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon – ATK:3000 > 3900]

The blue jewel in the dragons chest burned with even greater light as it absorbed the power of the monsters in Drakes Graveyard. A pity Drake had had to banish four of his dragons from play or it ATK would be even high now.

"Now my Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon, attack Kites Galaxy-Eyes with Shining Neutron Blast!"

"I activate my monsters special ability! When Galaxy-Eyes battles I can-"

"That won't work!! Go Shining Diffusion! My dragons second ability allows me to negate any spell, trap or monster effect that targets my Shining Dragon. So the attack continues."

The Shining Dragon unleashed an aurora of light from its body, blocking Galaxy-Eyes special effect. But Kite was not done yet, if that didn't work then…

"I activate the effect of <Galaxy Tyranno> from my hand, by attacking a Galaxy monster I control, you allow me to special summon this card in defence mode, then I can immediately XYZ Summon a galaxy monster with the monsters I have on the field."

[Galaxy Tyranno – Lv8 ATK:2000/DEF:0 ]

"With my level 8 Galaxy Tyranno and Galaxy-Eye Photon Dragon I build the overlay network, to XYZ Summon in defence mode, rank 8 <Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord>!"

From the black hole of the overlay network arose a might knight, with a body of light clad in dark purple-blue armour. He carried a brilliant lance in one hand and a mighty shield which bore his number in the other.

[Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord – Rank 8, ATK:2500/DEF:3000, OU:2]

"And as you know, only a Number can destroy another Number in battle."

Wow, even after busting out his Shining Dragon Drake still couldn't take the lead. Now this was a duel he could enjoy. Although his dragon lacked the ability to destroy a Number in battle, Drake refused to cancel his attack. This was the pride he had in his dragon. His dragon fired its beam of swirling energy against the Numbers raised shield. No damage was dealt.

It also bought him some time to study this unfamiliar Number.

Dragons Eye!!

Drake pushed more of his power into his enhanced eye to hasten its analysis of the unfamiliar card, but it was difficult. This was not an ordinary card, but a powerful Number. His eye began to weep a small trail of blood, but Drake continued.

Reading the data Drake frowned, so long this Number has a "Photon" card as an overlay unit, it cannot be destroyed by card effects. Once per turn it can use an overlay unit to negate the activation of a monsters effect and if Kite used a 'Galaxy' card to activate this effect the monster would be destroyed. During Drakes turn it could…

"I activate my Numbers effect! During your turn I can take a 'Galaxy' or 'Photon' monster from my deck, then either add it to my hand or to this unit as an overlay unit. I add <Photon Advancer> to my hand."

"Not a bad card, but I will still take it down Kite. I end my turn."

A defence position Number that couldn't be destroyed by card effects was bad news for a deck without its own Number, but Drake had options left. Like if he could draw <Dragons Rage> then he could chip away at Kites Life Points.

[Turn 5 Kite LP:4000 Hand:3, Drake LP:2700 Hand:1]

"My move, Draw! I set one card face down and end my turn. Make your move Drake, so I can crush it!"

[Turn 6 Drake LP:2700 Hand:1, Kite LP:4000 Hand:3]


Drake looked at his hand. Tch, nothing useful.

"I set a monster face down and switch Keeper of Dragon Magic to Defence mode. Then I call it a turn."

At least if Kite destroyed a few more of my dragons that would increase my Shining Dragons ATK Drake thought.

"Not before I use Number 90's effect to add <Photon Vanisher> to my hand."

[Turn 7 Kite LP:4000 Hand:4, Drake LP:2700 Hand:1]

"Is this all you got? I am disappointed, I draw. Next I use the spell <Photon Lead> to special summon <Photon Vanisher> and then I summon<Photon Advancer> from my hand by its effect. When Photon Vanisher is special summoned I can add a Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon to my hand. Then I normal summon <Photon Circle>. With these three monsters I build the overlay network!"

[Photon Vanisher – Lv4 ATK:2000/DEF:0, Photon Advancer – Lv4 ATK:1000/DEF:1000, Photon Circle – Lv4 ATK:1000/ DEF:1000]

"I XYZ Summon <Number 10: Illumiknight> in attack mode!"

[Number 10: Illumiknight – Rank 4 ATK:2400/DEF:2400 OU:3

"I activate Illumiknight's effect, by sending one overlay unit and one card in my hand to the graveyard I can draw another card!"

[Number 10: Illumiknight – OU: 3 > 2]

"Then I switch my Photon Lord to attack. Now Illumiknight! Attack Drake's face down card!"

"You destroyed my <Spear Dragon>."

[N10 ATK:2400 > SD DEF:0]

"Since another dragon is added to my grave-"

"Wrong! When a XYZ monster summoned using Photon Vanisher as material destroys a monster in battle, that monster is banished from play!"

"Now Galaxy Photon Lord, attack his Keeper of Dragon Magic with your Spiralling Photon Spear!"

[N90 ATK:2500 > KoDM DEF:1300]

Drakes dragon was crushed.

"Because another dragon has been added to my graveyard, my Shining Dragon gains another 300 ATK, go Shining Burst!"

[Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon ATK:3900 > 4200]

"I will set one more card face down and that ends my turn."

[Turn 8 Drake LP:2700 Hand:1, Kite LP:4000 Hand:1]

What was Kite planning? Among those three facedowns of his must be some method of dealing with my dragon. Although Shining Diffusion would protect Shining Dragon from any targeted effects there were still methods Kite could use to get around that. For example, a none targeted effect like <Black Hole>, or even simpler would be to raise the attack of his own monster.

But Kite wasn't the only one with a trick or two up his sleeves.


Perfect! Just what the duellist called for.

"I play a facedown then active the spell <Card of Demise> with this spell card I'm allowed to draw until I'm holding 5 cards, but on my 5th turn after activating this card I must send my hand to the graveyard. Since I have no cards in my hand, that means I now draw 5 cards."

Drake examined the cards in his hand. <Deep-Eyes White Dragon>, <Forbidden Chalice>, <Monster Reborn>, < Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon> and <Mirror Force>. Fantastic, Drake didn't know what Kite was planning but Drake would still steamroll ahead.

"Get ready Kite, this duel is about to turn in my favour."

The facedown polymerization he had just played was useless, but if he used Forbidden Chalice on Kites Photon Lord then although it would gain 400ATK it would also lose all of its effects, next he could revive his ultimate dragon in the grave with Monster Reborn. After that he would have the ultimate dragon destroy Number 90 and have Shining Dragon attack Number 10. Even if one of Kites face downs can destroy one of his Blue-Eyes that would still allow him to special summon Deep-Eyes. With Mirror Force and his face down-.


What the?! A loud mechanical voice sounded out from Kites communication device.


Blast it! Drake thought. Not now, the duel was just getting really interesting.

Kite didn't hesitate for a moment before cancelling the duel and severing his duel anchor.

"We will finish this another time, mark my words. Next time I will hunt your Number."

As the AR Field dissipated the two Numbers and the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon facing each other seemed to linger on a few extra moments, as if unwilling to leave their battle with such an unsatisfying conclusion.


From the skies a jet powered hang glider swooped down. With a feat of incredible acrobatics Kite jumped up and caught hold it allowing it to jet him away.

"Now hold on! What about…"

It was too late, Kite was gone. Sound returned to the back street as Kites Time freeze was ended and things returned to normal. Only the comatose duellist, the damaged trash can and broken street lights left witness to the nights event. Drake kicked the trash can in frustration.

"BLAST, what about our bet!! At least leave the Number behind you pig headed..." Drakes rant faded away.

Drake was furious, it wasn't that he blamed Kite. He knew that if it came to a choice been a duel and his brother then Kite would choose Hart every time. And Drake didn't begrudge him that, he even approved. But at least he could have had the grace to leave behind the card he had put up for the bet. That Number 85: Crazy Box was a useless card in Drake opinion, but it was still a Number.

Now he was all worked up with no way to vent.

"How lucky am I? a poor injured duellist with a Number has just fallen into my lap."


Drake turned around to find another duellist hungerly staring at him from a shadowed corner, on the back of his left hand glowed the number 97. A Number user!?

"You don't look so hot, unfortunately for you that Number Hunter isn't the only one interested in taking your Number. Lets Duel!"


Drake looked down at himself, his new clothes were filthy, torn and ragged. He did look a mess. If not for the fact that Drakes body wasn't normal then those hits from the Numbers earlier would have seriously injured him or any other ordinary person. No wonder this guy looked so smug.

He thought he was looking at easy prey. What was the saying? The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

Perfect. Drake couldn't help but give a vicious grin. This guy may think he's the oriole, but Drake was no mantis, but a dragon instead.



It was past midnight as Drake snuck back into Yuma's house, a satisfied smile on his face. He felt much better now than he did after his interrupted duel with Kite. Not only had he gained his first Number card, but he had managed to vent his frustrations on that poor unsuspecting duellist. It had been brutal, but felt so fulfilling. Drakes unlucky oriole might never duel again from the mental trauma their duel had inflicted on him but unlike Kites victim at least he still had his soul.

The dining room light suddenly turned on to reveal an angry Akari sitting at the table.

Drakes good mood suddenly soured. She had stayed up just for him.

"Sit." Her tone left no room for argument.

Drake resigned himself to his fate.

"I don't want Yuma duelling, I thought I had made myself clear on this point."

"Yuma is old enough to make his own decision on what he wants to do."

"That not the point, and not your choice. Duelling is dangerous, a lot more than most people would think."

"I agree with that second bit, but lots of things people like are dangerous. Women, drink, drugs, motorsports, there are a lot of things that are usually a lot worse and a lot more dangerous than duelling out there, but people still do them anyway."

"That not the same!"

"Why not?"

"He's still a kid and he's my brother."

"And like any good sister you want to protect him."

"Yes! Especially because…"

"Because what?" Drake was curious, there seem to be something more to this than Drake had expected.

"Have you heard of the Lost Duel Syndrome?"


"About a year and a bit ago a particular group of people started to inexplicitly fall into coma's, not just in one city or country, but worldwide. It wasn't a lot at first, maybe one or two a city. Nobody knows why or what's wrong with them, the only thing they all had in common was that they were duellists. Several times there were witness where the victims would lose a duel and then suddenly collapse for no explained reason. So in the medical community some began to call it Lost Duel Syndrome."

Drake looked grim.

"A few months ago there was a sudden rise in the numbers appearing in Heartland city and they began to display new symptoms, with the victims seeming to rapidly age. This is why I don't want Yuma duelling. If something happens…"

"The older cases, did any of the witness mention a green circle of light."

Akari's gaze became sharp.

"A few of them… Why?"

Drake knew what was going on. The new cases with rapid aging was easy to understand, it was the result of Kites Number hunting. But the older cases, the ones from before Astral and the Numbers appeared, they had to be due to the Seal of Orichalcos. The timing made sense.

"And why isn't this general knowledge?" he asked.

"The government and the medical institutes have hushed it up or call it an unexplained coincidence. Besides, apart from our city which has had a sudden spike, the cases are few and far between. Only a few people know anything is wrong because of how it has been spread so thinly."

"Drake, what aren't you telling me?"

He couldn't keep the truth from her. She had a right to know.

"Akari… whether you want it or not Yuma is already involved in this."

"No!" She refused to believe it.

"Yes. And holding him back will only do more harm than good at this point."

"Your lying..."

"You know I'm not."

"Are you responsible?"

"No I-"

"I want you out of our home!" She cut him off.

Things were going downhill fast. Denial, rejection, anger.

"That will change nothing. What is coming cannot be avoided. But I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make sure the both of you are alright. I swear it on upon the Fang of Critias."

Here it is, a card that uses its anime rules instead of its TCG version, Card of Demise. Its one of those powerful draw cards the anime uses to keep the action going and pull off comebacks and it serves the same function here. If its good enough for Seto Kaiba then its good enough for Drake.

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