
Chapter 28: Target…?!

[Turn 3 – Wyvern LP:3700 Hand:4, Drake LP:4000 Hand:2]

"Ha ha ha, this is what I love, dominate me, crush me with your power, let me feel your strength. So many men have tried only to disappoint me in the end, will you be one of them? I draw, then I play <Pot of Greed>."

Wyvern took the time to examine the field and her hand after drawing her new cards, slowly twisting a lock of her red hair around her fingers with a seductive smile on her lips. Drake had his signature Blue-Eyes White Dragon and a face down while she only had her trap card.

"Next I summon <The Black Stone of Legend> to the field."

[The Black Stone of Legend – Lv1 ATK:0/DEF:0]

Yes, in many ways their decks were parodies, perhaps it was fate that they should meet like this Wyvern thought as she watched the black egg that appeared on her field pulse with crimson light.

"Then I activate its special ability, by tributing this card I special summon a 'Red-Eyes' from my deck, appear <Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon>."

[Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon – Lv7 ATK:2400/DEF:2000]

A new black dragon emerged from the pit before Wyvern, so very similar to the Original Red-Eyes, but their seemed to be something missing, as if the beast was hollow.

"But I know one dragon won't be enough to handle you, so by my sending <Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning> in my hand to the grave I can special summon <Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon> from my hand."

[Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon – Lv7 ATK:2400/DEF:2000]

A new black dragon whose scales seemed stained a deep red appeared on the field.

"Twice nothing is still nothing." Drake said impassively.

"Then lets make it three, I activate my face down <Return of the Red-Eyes>! So long as I have this trap card, once per either of our turns I can special summon a Normal monster from my grave so long as I control a 'Red-Eyes' monster. So return my Red-Eyes Black Dragon."

[Red-Eyes B. Dragon – Lv7 ATK:2400/DEF:2000]

Now three different versions of the Red-Eyes Black Dragon had gathered together on Wyvern's field, but even then, none of them could match the pure power of Drakes lone Blue-Eyes. Even if she played the Seal now that would only raise her monsters attack to 2900, still short of Blue-Eyes 3000.

"You know, the greater the power a person holds, the greater the responsibility they bare. So why don't you tell me Atlas, you who wield the White Dragon of legendary power, who wields magic that dares to challenge the almighty Orichalcos, what burden do your shoulders hold? Perhaps like your name sake, the fate of a world?" she teased.

Drake remained silent, focused on keeping his breathing steady. Let her go on a philosophical monolog as long as she wanted, it was allowing his body more time to recover the energy that duel monster smash down earlier had drained.

"But I think such a burden is too much for any man to bare and this card will prove it, I activate <Burden of the Mighty>, with this spell each of your monsters loses 100 ATK for each level it has and as this is a continuous spell it stays on the field affecting all monsters you summon. So your level 8 Blue-Eyes now loses 800ATK.'

[Blue-Eyes White Dragon – ATK:3000 > 2200]

Drakes monster seemed to hunch down, losing strength as if some great force or weight had suddenly been placed on it.

"Now then Red-Eyes Black Dragon, go and attack with Inferno Fire Blast hehehe."

Wyverns black dragon flew into the sky, hovering over Drakes dragon as if it looked down on the now humbled tyrant of dragonic might. With a roar it snapped its head forwards and blasted out a great sphere of black and scarlet flames.

"Not so fast, I activate my facedown <The Ultimate Creature of Destruction>. The effect of this trap card targets my Blue-Eyes and for this turn it is unaffected by any card effects and cannot be destroyed by battle. Which means my dragon regains its original attack! Go White Lightning!"

[Blue-Eyes White Dragon – ATK:2200 > 3000]


A great majestic aura of white lightning surged around Drakes monster and with a shrug of its mighty wings it threw off the suppression of Wyverns magic card. With an indominable roar it leapt into the sky and smashed through the incoming fireball like an unstoppable juggernaut scattering it to embers.

Before Red-Eyes could react the Blue-Eyes had appeared in front of it, lighting curled around its mouth as it opened its jaws and blasted out its attack, obliterating the inferior specimen that had dared to challenge its pride.

[REBD ATK:2400 > BEWD ATK:3000 – Wyvern LP > 3100]

"Fine, so you destroyed my dragon again. But the effect of your trap will only last this turn. Which I now end." Wyvern pouted.

She had so looked forward to humbling Drake and his dragon but she was not angry. In truth if the duel had ended like that then she would have been even more disappointed.

[Blue-Eyes White Dragon – ATK:3000 > 2200]

[Turn 4 – Drake LP:4000 Hand:2, Wyvern LP:3100 Hand:2]

"I draw. Then I switch my dragon into defence mode and set a monster facedown. That's all for me this turn."

"But not me, I again activate Return of the Red-Eyes, bringing back the Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

Wyverns monster snarled as it once more rose from the pit, perhaps it was angry? Humiliated? Just how many times had Drakes Blue-Eyes crush it beneath its claws already?

[Turn 5 – Wyvern LP:3100 Hand:2, Drake LP:4000 Hand:2]

"Well that was a short turn, didn't you have any good cards on hand? How disappointing, you seemed so dominating a while ago and now you are running scared? I draw!"

She gave another slight smile.

"This card should look familiar to you right? I play <Card of Demise> which as you know allows me to draw until I am holding five cards."

Since she was holding two that meant she could draw three more.

"Next I play <Cards of the Red Stone>, by discarding a second Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon from my hand I can draw two cards and then send another Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my deck to the grave. Then I use the effect of the Black Flare dragon on my field, I can re-summon this Gemini monster that is on the field to grant it new abilities. But more on that later dear boy."

Wyverns dragon was infused with new power as crimson flames seemed to coil around it, erupting from its wings, its claws and its tail like a burning cloak. This was its true form, its true power. No longer did it seem a hollow shell.

"I then use Return of the Red-Eyes to special summon my other Red-Eyes Black Dragon from the grave to my field."

"How many times has your dragon tried to prove itself now? Three times? Four?" Drake mocked the resurrected black monster.

"Well why don't you taste something different this time. Now Black Flare Dragon attack his face down. Inferno Flare Burst!"

[Kidmodo Dragon – Lv3 ATK:100 > 0/DEF:200]

[REBFD ATK:2400 > KD DEF:200]

"Well that monster was weak." Wyvern commented as a shower of fireballs blasted the juvenile dragon to bits.

"But by destroying my <Kidmodo Dragon> you activated its effect, when this card is sent to the grave I can special summon a Dragon from my hand. Appear <Deep of Blue-Eyes> in defence, and when this card is special summoned I add a <Polymerization> to my hand." Drake declared.

[Deep of Blue-Eyes – Lv8 ATK:2500 > 1700/DEF:2500]

Wyvern couldn't attack anymore, each of her dragons only had an attack of 2400, just short of the 2500 defence both of Drakes monsters had. But that didn't mean she had no way of causing Drake some pain.

"Now that my battle phase is over the effect of my Black Flare Dragon activates, since my monster battled with one of your monsters dear boy, it now allows me to deal damage equal to its original attack to you directly. Inferno Burn!"

The Red-eyes Black Flare Dragon took to the skies and bypassed Drakes monsters to strike at him directly with a fireball blast. Dealing 2400 damage to Drakes life points.


[Drake LP > 1600]

Another hit like that would wipe him out, meaning he had to deal with that dragon next turn or this duel would be over.

"I set two cards face down and end my turn."

Wyvern inwardly smirked as she kept a calm poker face. One of her traps was another card familiar to Drake, <Mirror Force> while the other was the useful life point restoring <Nutrient Z>

[Turn 6 – Drake LP:1600 Hand:2, Wyvern LP:3100 Hand:3]

"Draw. I play <Pot of Greed> and draw two more cards."

Drake hoped Yuma and the others had gotten far away by now, but he was uneasy for some reason. Perhaps it was because he was fighting a General of New Order and she hadn't played the Seal yet. He was waiting for the other shoe to drop. His energy had been restored enough by now that he felt it was time to go back on the offensive and win this duel.

"I activate <A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon> by returning my Blue-Eyes to my hand this spell destroys all spell and trap cards on the field."

"Not before I use by Return of Red-Eyes one last time and revive a second Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon from my grave, in defence." Wyvern said with a snarl.

Now she had five copies of various versions of Red-Eyes Black Dragons on her field but, she was not happy. She had lost not only her continual reviving trap Return of the Red-Eyes, but her powerful Mirror Force as well as the card she was depending on to weaken Drakes high level monsters, Burden of the Mighty. This restored Deep of Blue-Eyes to its original attack.

"Truly, only the strongest can break free of the laws and restraints of the world. Show me Atlas, show me your power!"

[Deep of Blue-Eyes – ATK:1700 > 2500]

"Next I reveal the Blue-Eyes I just returned to my hand in order to special summon <Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon> to the field."

[Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon – Lv8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500]

A Blue-Eyes White Dragon with neon blue markings across its body materialised from the sky above.

"Because its effect allows me to treat it as Blue-Eyes White dragon, when I summon this card I can use the effect of the Ultimate Creature of Destruction trap in my graveyard to return it to the field set. And my dragon has another special effect, it can destroy any one monster you control once per turn, so say goodbye to your powered up Black Flare Dragon."

Blue lightning blasted out from Drakes monster and consumed the burning Red-Eyes with its fury, extinguishing it existence. But that wouldn't be enough, the job was only half done. He needed to destroy the other one as well or next turn Wyvern could Gemini summon it to give it the same power as the dragon he just destroyed.

"Now I use Polymerization, to fuse the Blue-Eyes in my hand with the Alternative White Dragon on the field, to fusion summon Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon."

[Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon – Lv10 ATK:3000/2500]

"I attack Red-Eyes Black Dragon with Twin Stream of Destruction!"

[BETBD ATK:3000 > REBD ATK:2400 – Wyvern LP > 2500]

"And my Dragon can attack two monsters a turn, so go and destroy that second Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon. Twin Stream of Destruction!"

[BETBD ATK:3000 > REBFD DEF:2000]

"I set a card face down and end my turn. Activating Deep of Blue-Eyes ability at this time now adds a Blue-Eyes White Dragon to my hand."

[Turn 7 – Wyvern LP:2500 Hand:3, Drake LP:1600 Hand:1]

"I draw. Then I play <Mystical Space Typhoon> to destroy that set Ultimate Creature of Destruction you brought back."

A howling wind swept across the pit between the duellists flying towards Drakes trap card.

"In that case I will activate my trap first and target my Deep of Blue-Eyes."

Drakes Deep of Blue-Eyes began to emit a powerful lighting aura before Drake removed his card from the game. Because his trap had be returned to the field with its effect it had to be banished when it next left the field.

"Oh? Not your Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon? Ah but of course, your two headed dragon is already impossible to destroy in battle isn't it." Wyvern mused.

"You know, for a leading figure of a secret cult you are awfully talkative." Drake commented.

"So are you saying you prefer less talk and more action? Fine. I attack your Twin Burst Dragon with Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon!"

[REABD ATK:2400 > BETBD ATK:3000 – Wyvern LP > 1900]

Fire and lightning clashed in battle once more and vanquished the crimson tinted dragon. Others might be surprised that Wyvern would destroy her own monster, but not Drake. He understood the abilities of her Red-Eyes.

"Thanks to my Alternative Dragons effect when it's destroyed I can special summon my Red-Eyes Black Dragon back to the field and its attack is doubled! So who has the superior dragon now Atlas!"

[Red-Eyes B. Dragon – Lv7 ATK:2400 > 4800/DEF:2000]

"Now my dragon will take its revenge and attack your Twin Burst Dragon! I know your dragon cannot be destroyed in battle but the difference in their attacks still mean I will wipe out your remaining life points." In the end it seems like this Drake was just another failure, thought Wyvern. Truly only her King was worthy of her attention, only he could fulfil her dream.

But before the massive fire ball could strike Drakes monster a blinding light erupted.

"Not if I active my face down, <De-Fusion> this splits my beast back into the two monsters I used to create it. So I summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Alternative White Dragon to the field in defence mode." Drakes voice was commanding and firm.

"In that case I attack your Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon. Ultimate Inferno Fire Blast!"

[REBD ATK:4800 > BEAWD DEF:2500]

Wyvern knew that she needed to get rid of that dragon first, otherwise even though her dragon had the highest attack power on the field, Alternative White dragons effect could still wipe it out on his turn.

"I set a face down monster, then switch my second Red-Eyes to defence and I will finish my turn with a facedown."

[Turn 8 – Drake LP:1600 Hand:1, Wyvern LP:1900 Hand:1]

"I draw, then I activate my own <Card of Demise> letting me draw until I hold five cards."

Drake knew he had to finish this duel fast, something felt wrong here but he couldn't put his finger on just what it was.

"Get ready Wyvern! I summon <Parsec, the Interstellar Dragon>. Because I control a level 8 monster I can summon him without a tribute."

[Parsec, the Interstellar Dragon – Lv8 ATK:800/DEF:800]

"Then with my Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Parsec and Deep of Blue-Eyes I now build the Overlay Network and Xyz Summon rank 8 <Blue-Eyes Starlight Dragon>!"

[Blue-Eyes Starlight Dragon – Rank 8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500 OU:3]


Drakes powerful Xyz monster descended from above the pit, its gentle glow banishing the darkness of the falling night.

"And next I activate its ability, Star Fall! Sending my Blue-Eyes overlay unit to the grave this allows my dragon to destroy your powerup Red-Eyes and inflict 1000 points of damage to your life points!"

[Blue-Eyes Starlight Dragon – OU: 3 > 2]


[Wyvern LP > 900]

Swallowing the brightest overlay unit that orbited it, Drakes monster launched a meteor like fireball that crushed the pitiful Red-Eyes that had enjoyed its dominance of the field for but a single turn. The explosion cracked the edge of the pit where Wyvern was standing, forcing her to unwillingly back up several steps.

"I then activate Star Fall again to destroy your facedown monster, but as my dragon no longer has a Blue-Eyes White Dragon Overlay Unit to use, you won't suffer any damage."

[Blue-Eyes Starlight Dragon – OU: 2 > 1]


"And now the third Star Fall! Destroy her last Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

And with the <Silver's Cry> in his hand he would next revive his Blue-Eyes White Dragon and attack to end the duel, Drake thought.

[Blue-Eyes Starlight Dragon – OU: 1 > 0]


Wyverns monster was once more crushed under the power of a Blue-Eyes.

"Not bad. You seem so confident that from what I know about your duel style, I guess you must have a revival card in hand right? Monster Reborn or perhaps Silvers Cry? But don't celebrate too soon, I might not be able to win, but I won't lose either." Wyvern guessed with a smug smile on her face.


"Since you destroyed a Red-Eyes I control I can activate the trap <Red-Eyes Burn>, so we both take damage equal to my cards original attack, which is 2400."

The Red-Eyes Black dragon rose from the pit for a final time, its body glowing in a pulsating ruby light. With a final cry it unleashed its vengeance and exploded in violent flames that engulfed Drake and Wyvern together.


[Wyvern/Drake LP > 0]


"Neither of us may have won the duel but you have still failed your objective." Drake said was the duel anchor chaining him here broke into pieces. With enough of his energy restored he was confident in escaping now, as he turn his back to Wyvern.

"Ha ha ha whoever said you were our objective? Oh sure, Silver would have loved to take you down in the process, it would get him big bonus points with our King. And I would have loved to personally crush you in this duel. But you were never the real target. And all of this over the top fiasco is just the distraction." Wyvern mocked from the ground where the explosion had thrown her.

"What?!" Drake said spinning back round to face the laughing General.

"I told you at the start of this duel, you have already lost, you just didn't know it."


"I play <The Seal of Orichalcos>!"

Yuma was trembling, this couldn't be happening, why? Why? WHY?!

"No! it can't be true! Why are you doing this… Bronk!"