
Chapter 15: Awakening.

Drake was having a hard time in this duel, he felt frustrated as move after move of his was countered or rendered pointless. He had even lost all of his Blue-Eyes White Dragons to a trap he had never heard of before.

Finally he felt that he had managed to turn things around as he had cleared Hopkirks side of the field, leaving him only the Seal of Orichalcos. But it had come at the cost of his Blue-Eyes Starlight Dragon. He held an advantage with his <Dragon Spirit of White> and his set <Tyrant Wing> trap but he still had a bad feeling.

[Dragon Spirit of White – Lv8 ATK:2500/DEF:2000]

It was Hopkirks turn.

[Turn 7 – Hopkirk LP:2300 Hand:0, Drake LP:1600 Hand:2]

"I draw! Then I play <Pot of Greed> to draw two more cards. Next I activate <Level Limit - Area B>, this continuous spell card forces all monster level 4 or high into defence mode. I set a monster face down and end my turn."

[Turn 8 – Drake LP:1600 Hand:2, Hopkirk LP:2300 Hand:0]

First Gravity Bind, now Level Limit - Area B? Even after getting rid of Drakes Blue-Eyes this guy was obviously doing his best to lock down the rest of Drakes high level monsters. He wouldn't be surprised if there was a Dragon Capture Jar hiding in that deck somewhere.


If he still had his Xyz monster then that Level Limit Area wouldn't be so much of a problem. Xyz monster had no levels after all. Wait… he no longer had his Starlight Dragon, but he still had some Xyz monsters, the ones he had been collecting. Time to bring out a Number.

"I play <Heliosphere Dragon>."

[Heliosphere Dragon – Lv4 ATK:0/DEF:1900]

"With my Heliosphere Dragons effect, once per turn so long as I control a level 8 dragon I can change this cards level to level 8."

[Heliosphere Dragon – Lv4 > 8]

"And now I overlay my two monsters, to XYZ summon <Number 97: Draglubion>!"

[Number 97: Draglubion – Rank 8 ATK:3000/DEF:3000 OU:2]

It was the dark dragon counterpart to the Mythyrian Number, Number 46: Dragluon and it was the first Number Drake had obtained in this world. Drake just wished he had the cards need to make use of its ability, but he didn't. It was his only dragon type Number, its 3000 ATK would have to be enough.

"I now attack your face down. Go Number 97, Infernal Fire Attack!"

"Ha, you just attacked my <Cyber Jar>!"

[Cyber Jar – Lv3 ATK:900 > 1400/ DEF:900]

"What!?" Drake was really getting frustrated.

All his strongest monsters were being countered or destroyed before they had a chance to do any real damage. And what was a rock monster like that doing in a self-proclaimed insect master's deck anyway.

"Thanks to Cyber jars effect when its flipped face up it destroys all monsters on the field, we then each draw and reveal five cards. Any level 4 or lower monsters we draw are then summoned to the field and the others are added to our hands."


Like a vacuum the cyber jar sucked up Drakes Number before it exploded.


Drake drew his cards and showed them. <White Stone of Legend>, <White Stone of Ancients>, <Spear Dragon>, <Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon> and <Rage with Eyes of Blue>. While Hopkirk did the same, he drew <Man-Eater Bug>, <Pinch Hopper>, <Book of Moon>, <Cocoon of Ultra Evolution> and <Insect Armor with Laser Cannon>.

Cards summoned by Cyber Jars effect could be played either in attack mode or face down defence, so Drake set his White Stone of Legend and summoned White Stone of Ancients and spear dragon face up. Of course the effect of Hopkirks Level Limit – Area B forced his Spear Dragon into defence.

[White Stone of Ancients – Lv1 ATK:600/DEF:500, Spear Dragon – Lv4 ATK:1900/DEF:0]

Meanwhile Hopkirk set both his Man-Eater Bug and Pinch Hopper face down.

"Why bother summoning that stone in attack mode? It can't even beat my Man-Eaters DEF." asked Hopkirk as he saw Drakes play.

"And you say you've studied by deck, don't you know my White Stones have another use?"


"Gather now oh stars of life, illuminate the path to the future on the road of rebirth, with the Lv1 tuner monster <White Stone of Ancients> and my Lv4 <Spear Dragon>, I Synchro Summon level 5 <Samsara, Dragon of Rebirth>!"

Drakes two monsters transformed into five glittering stars that circled to form into a white ring, from out of this ring flew Drakes Synchro Monster.

[Samsara, Dragon of Rebirth – Lv5 ATK:100/DEF:2600]

Drake naturally summoned his monster in defence.

"You can Synchro summon too? You've never used a card like that before." Hopkirk complained. Fusion, Xyz, Synchro and ritual, was there any summoning method he couldn't do?

"I never need to before. I end my turn. Then my White Stone of Ancients effect activates, so I can special summon a 'Blue-Eyes' from my deck. This allows me to summon a second <Dragon Spirit of White> from my deck as its effect lets me treat it as a 'Blue-Eyes' monster."

[Dragon Spirit of White – Lv8 ATK:2500/DEF:2000]

"Although your magic card forces it into defence mode, my dragons ability will now banish your Level Limit – Area B from the game."

[Turn 9 – Hopkirk LP:2300 Hand:3, Drake LP:1600 Hand:4]

"I draw. I flip summon my <Man-Eater Bug> to activate its effect, allowing me to destroy one monster you control. Say goodbye to your Samsara Dragon."

[Man-Eater Bug – Lv2 ATK:450 > 950, DEF:600]

"When my Samsara, Dragon of Rebirth is destroyed I can special summon a monster from either of our graveyards, so return to me <Blue-Eyes Starlight Dragon>!"

[Blue-Eyes Starlight Dragon – Rank 8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500 OU:0]

"Tch, next I will equip my Pinch Hopper with the spell <Insect Armor with Laser Cannon> giving it an additional 700 ATK.

[Pinch Hopper - ATK:1500 > 2200]

"Now my Pinch Hopper, destroy Drakes face down White Stone of Legend!"

[PH ATK:2200 > WSoL DEF:250]

"Then from my hand I play the quick spell <Cocoon of Ultra Evolution> by tributing my Pinch Hopper that's equipped with a equip spell I can special summon an Insect from my deck ignoring its summoning conditions. Come forth! <Brain Crusher>!"

[Brain Crusher – Lv7 ATK:2400 > 2900/DEF:1500]

"Then I will have my new monster attack your Dragon Spirit of White!"

[BC ATK:2900 > DSoW DEF:2000]

"Now I play my spell <Book of Moon> to flip my Man-Eater monster face down and end my turn, at which point my Brain crushers effect activates and revives the monster it just destroyed to my side of the field. You should know your own dragons effect right? Dragon Spirit of White will then banish your face down <Tyrant Wing>."

[Dragon Spirit of White - Lv8 ATK:2500 > 3000/DEF:2000]

[Turn 10 – Drake LP:1600 Hand:4, Hopkirk LP:2300 Hand:1]

"I draw. I set a card face down and have Blue-Eyes Starlight Dragon attack your Brain Crusher. Starlightning!"

[BESD ATK:3000 > BC ATK:2900 Hopkirk LP > 2200]

"I end my turn."

Drake hated this kind of duel, it wasn't a question of two styles facing off against each other in a contest of strength and skill, it was just suppression, this guy was playing with the goal of preventing Drake from playing.

How was he going to…?!

Drake suddenly felt a shift in the deepest part of his mindscape, the presence of an ancient will and mighty power that had finally awakened. Critias…

{Took you long enough} Drake projected with his thoughts.

{What's the problem? Trouble?} came the nonchalant reply.

{You overgrown lizard! Last time you were still injured and I had to practically force you to rest. Now you're better and I actually need you, but are now only just waking up!}

{Weren't you the one who said to leave everything to you? To trust you.} Critias asked with dry humour.

{I..I.. Fine. But I need you now, please lend me you power.}

{All you had to do was ask my Chosen duellist.}

Drake felt new energy being poured into his deck.

[Turn 11 – Hopkirk LP:2200 Hand:1, Drake LP:1600 Hand:4]

"I draw. Now-"

"I activate my face down, the quick play spell <Quick Draw>, we both discard two cards and then draw two more." Drake said.

He had to get the timing of this card right because it could only be activated if both duellists had at least two cards in hand.

Drake quickly tossed the Polymerization and Rage with Eyes of Blue in his hand for what he hoped would be more useful cards. He was so pre-occupied with his thoughts of the duel and of Critias that he didn't notice Hopkirks own actions.

As he drew his two new cards Hopkirk preformed an excellent bit of slight-of-hand worthy of a magician, swapping one of the cards he just drew with another he had hidden up he sleeve.

Even before this he had been a cheat and knew all the tricks. So now that the opportunity for power and the risk to his soul were at hand, he wouldn't stop now.

All that mattered was winning.

"Then I flip summon my <Man-Eater Bug> and destroy your Starlight Dragon."

[Man-Eater Bug – Lv2 ATK:450 > 950, DEF:600]

"Now I attack you directly with Man-Eater Bug." Hopkirk wanted Drake to suffer more before he finished it.

[MEB: ATK:950 - Drake LP > 650]

"Now be destroyed by your own dragon, Dragon Spirit of White attacks you directly."

"Not so fast! I activate the effect of my <Blue-Eyes Kuriboh> in my grave. When I control no monsters I can banish a dragon type monster from my hand to special summon it, its level then becomes equal to the banished monsters level until the end of turn. So I banish my <Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon> to summon it in defence mode."

[Blue-Eyes Kuriboh – Lv1 > 8 ATK:300/DEF:200]

"Fine, so I will destroy your furball then."

[DSoW ATK:3000 > BEK DEF:200]

"Because my Kuriboh was summoned with its special ability, when it leaves the field it is banished." Drake declared.

"So what, like I care about that thing. I sacrifice my Man-Eater to set a monster facedown, I set another card and end my turn."

[Turn 12 – Drake LP:1600 Hand:3, Hopkirk LP:2200 Hand:0]

"This duel has lasted long enough. I draw."

Here it was, the card he had been waiting for.

"Awakened from his slumber, the Legendary Dragon rises once more. I play the <Fang of Critias>."


With an indomitable spirit Critias took his first steps on this new world and unleashed an earth-shaking roar!

"What kind of card is that?!" Hopkirk asked in confusion, it wasn't a monster card, a magic card or anything else he knew of.

"Behold, the Legendary Dragon Critias! Now my dragon will now absorb the power of the <Dragons Rage> trap card in my hand, fusing with it to create a never before seen beast. The <Raging Dragon>.

[Raging Dragon – Lv4 ATK:1900/DEF:0]

Drakes new dragon took to the field, it body was shaped much like a Luster Dragon yet it seemed sculpted of magma. Its cooling outer shell was like a cracked black crust through which burning reds glowed.

"So what if you have a new dragon, so what if it can absorb trap cards. I have my own my trap. Go <Dragon Capture Jar>, this continuous trap forces all dragons to switch to defence mode. Meaning you can't attack. And next turn no matter how powerful a monster you summon, I can destroy it with my Nobleman-Eaters effect."

Hopkirk rejoiced as Drakes Raging Dragon was forced into defence under the power of his trump card even as the dragon he control was also forced into defence. He really had chosen the right time to bring out the Capture Jar he had hidden on himself. He was close to victory, he could feel it. But Drake was not worried at all.

"There is no next turn for you, from my hand I play <Stamping Destruction> if I control a dragon type monster I can destroy a spell or trap card, its controller then takes 500 damage. So say farewell to your jar."


[Hopkirk LP > 1700]

Hopkirks Dragon Capture Jar was crushed under a giant dragons foot.

"Finally I activate <Dragons Mirror>! I banish from my graveyard, White Stone of Legend, White Stone of Ancients, Dragon Spirit of White, Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon and Nebula Dragon. With these five dragons I Fusion Summon the great <Five-Headed Dragon>!"

[Five-Headed Dragon – Lv12 ATK:5000/DEF:5000]

"When did you have a monster like that?!" Hopkirk was shocked.

5000 ATK?! That was the highest base attack possible in duel monsters, you could count the number of other monster with such strength with just your hands.

"I've always had it. However I honestly wish I never have to use it, compared to the majesty of my Blue-Eyes this monster is just so… ugly."


"Look at those five completely different and conflicting styles of heads stuck on that massive body, its crude and ugly in spite of its strength."

"What kind of reason is that?"

"It's my reason, but since you forced me to this state, you're going to have to take responsibility. Feel the burn! Go Five-Headed Dragon, finish this duel with Elemental Flames!"

"You really have gone crazy, my monster are in defence mode, you can't touch my life points." Hopkirk was gleeful, next turn he would just have to 'draw' what he wanted and he would control the duel again.

"Your forgetting my Raging Dragon. It has inherited the power of the trap card used to summon it, Dragons Rage. While this dragon is on the field all my dragons can deal penetrating damage. And since your Dragon Spirit only has a 2000 DEF and my Five-Head Dragon has 5000 ATK, that means you suffer 3000 damage."

"This…this can't be!"

Streams of roaring flames, crackling lightning, surging water, corroding winds and black destruction energy blasted out from the five heads of Drakes monster. The overwhelming power cut through the dragon like it was tissue paper before rolling into Hopkirk like a tide wave.

[FHD ATK:5000 > DSoW DEF:2000 Hopkirk LP > 0]


"Nooo!! Please no!" Hopkirk screamed as the Seal closed in on him.

Drake intended to let the Seal do its work to teach the bug a lesson for all the trouble he had caused, then afterwards he would free his soul. He felt that Hopkirk would be more likely to answer Drakes questions honestly then. But as he watched the Seal Drake realised something was wrong, it was different from the last Seal. He could feel it with his enhanced senses.

Unlike the last one Chapman had used, which stored the soul within the card itself, this one seemed to reaching out across space to some other unknown place, creating a bridge. It wasn't going to just seal the soul but transmit it somewhere else!

For a moment Drake really wanted to just let Hopkirk reap the trouble he had sown, but Drake had made a promise to Yuma and Drake was a man of his word. Although at times like this he wished he wasn't.

Drake sprinted over, he would only a few more seconds before it was too late. His duel disk glowed a bright purple light as it morphed into the form of sword with a jewelled hilt, and Drake thrust it into the Seal. Green and purple lightning erupted at the point of contact as a high pitch whine screeched out. It was as if Drake had stuck a piece of metal into the moving parts of a complicated machine, the bridge he sensed began to falter.

But it was not so simple. The Seal was faltering, but it had not yet broken.

As Drake tried to force the blade through the light of the ring of runes, an even greater power was trying to force him back. If Drake couldn't penetrate the ring, then Hopkirks soul would be sent who knows where.

Drake pushed with all his strength, but he could only hold his ground.

He had no choice.

{Critias!} Drake projected a cry for help to the legendary dragon.

In response a stream of power began to flow into Drake.

"Sword of Wisdom!" He cried.

His Dragon Eye lit up as it fired a small beam of energy into the yellow jewelled hilt, a card flew out of Drakes deck inside the storage dimension before appearing parallel to the blade. It was the card <Dragons Rage>. It suddenly shattered into countless motes of light and infused itself into Drakes blade.

No, not Drakes blade. Critias's.

Because this was the sword of the Legendary Knight Critias. The Sword of Wisdom, Drakes final trump card.

With it he absorbed the extreme penetrating power of his trap card and…


Like a sheet of glass, the Seal of Orichalcos shattered to pieces as Drake pushed the Sword of Wisdom through before it faded away to nothing. And Hopkirk collapsed to the ground as Drake stumbled forwards.

He had done it. He had saved the fools soul.

It had better be worth it.