
Chapter 8

I hummed pleasantly as I enjoyed my meal sitting opposite of Akiza in the cafeteria, who was eating with a far more subdued demeanour to her compared to me.

As promised, Akiza met me in the cafeteria to buy me lunch as part of the wager for our duel. I had actually done some research and it seemed the 'Ante' rule was a legal rule in Duel Academy, unlike in GX when it was explicitly stated to be forbidden. They probably decided that these kids could suffer the consequences of their own actions if they wanted to wager their most precious cards or something.

Regardless, I decided to go with the pasta- a good pasta always got me. Akiza got an omelette for her lunch with some fries… Weird combination, but who was I to judge?

"Thank you," Akiza said softly, part way through the meal.

"Hm? For what?" I asked her, tilting my head.

"For the cards… They're good additions to my deck, so… Thank you."

"Ah, it's no trouble," I told her. "They're good cards, but they don't fit my deck very well. Besides, I think they look more at home in your deck than in mine."

"But… Why give them to me?" She asked. "Aren't you worried I'll beat you and you'll be hurt by my powers?"

I paused, wondering how to go about this… A thought slowly pierced my mind, and Tez chuckled wickedly behind me.

"Oh, you are one evil son of a bitch," he told me. "And that's coming from me!"

"It's not like you're the only one with powers," I told her casually. "I have powers too."

Akiza was so stunned by my casual declaration she dropped her fork, causing it to clatter on her plate. I, of course, ignored it as if nothing happened as Akiza stared at me.

"You… You have…" She was stunned.

"Yep," I nodded at her words. "My powers are different from yours, even though I can do what you do, but I also have powers. I also know what your powers are."

"You… You know…?" The hope in her eyes, the desperation… It was obvious, and exhilarating. Just one of however many steps it would take. "Then… W- Where? What are these powers? How…?"

I swallowed my mouthful of pasta and took a slow swig of water before responding. "You're something called a Psychic Duellist," I told Akiza. "These Psychic powers manifest randomly in people. The earlier you awaken these powers, the more powerful they'll become as you grow older, with most people not awakening their powers past the age of ten. Most Psychic powers result in the user able to make the monsters, spells, and traps real. You don't even need to be the one duelling, just as long as you are the one who plays the card."

"Psychic Duellist…" She whispered to herself… She looked happy to finally have a name to put to her abilities.

"Your powers are pretty strong," I tell her. "Most Psychic Duellists aren't even half as strong as you are, they can get by pretty freely unless they actively train their powers. There is actually a somewhat low-key group made up of Psychic Duellists called the Arcadia Movement, but they're pretty cult-like and they're pretty sketchy. I'd avoid them if I were you."

"Cult-like…" She grimaced at the thought. "Then… Is there a way for me to control my powers at all?" She asked, almost desperately.

"There's certainly a way to do so, though I don't know how you would," I shrugged. "My best guess would be your Psychic Powers are like a muscle. Train them, and eventually you start to learn how to not use them. Alternatively, you could get a Psychic Suppression Device."

"A… What?" She tilted her head in confusion.

"A Psychic Suppression Device," I told her. "It's a device that is used to suppress a Psychic Duellist's powers. I'm not sure to what extent it can be used or if it works, but I know it does at least work."

I watched as Akiza's eyes shone with genuine hope for the first time since I'd seen her. "Then… W- Where would I go to get one of these devices?"

"Ah, I'll get one for you," I told her, slurping up my noodles.

"… You'll… Get one?" She sounded almost flabbergasted.

"I told you the Arcadia Movement is a low-key group," I told her. "The reason I know about it is because I have some less than savoury contacts, most people in the Tops tend to have some people they're contacted with in the underworld. While the Security may declare underground duels 'illegal,' they'll turn an eye to illegal activity if you have enough money or are well connected enough. Sweep things under the rug, as it were."

"And you have these contacts?" She asked. I did notice she didn't seem as bothered by that as other people might be… Good to know.

"Yep," I nodded. "I'll send a message to a guy, though it'll take some time to get the item made. I'm thinking a hair curler for you. You're so pretty, it's a shame to have those long bangs covering up your face."

Her eyes widened slightly at my compliment, her cheeks turned slightly pink, and she looked away.

'… I honestly forgot that she's so affection starved that this might be one of the first compliments she's received since she was five years old.'

"Five?" Tez blinked. "By my brothers, humans really are fucked up…"

"If… If that suppression device is real, I don't mind buying you lunch whenever you want," she mumbled, twirling a strand of her crimson locks around her finger.

I paused.

If I were a dense anime protagonist, I would not notice the obvious sign that was. The first sign that Akiza was starting to fall for me.

But I was not an anime protagonist.

I was more like an anime antagonist purely by the fact that I'm a Dark Signer.

Therefore, the correct response to this was obvious… To show a slight reciprocation of those budding feelings.

I gave Akiza a gentle smile and a soft nod. "I think I might just take you up on that, Akiza."

She blushed warmly and nodded, grabbing her fork and eating her food once again, though at a much faster pace this time. Clearly, she wanted to finish her meal as fast as possible without making it look like she was rushing to get out of there.

"You're one manipulative bastard," Tez snorted in amusement.

I just smiled and finished off my meal, wiping my mouth with a napkin before I stood up. "Thanks for the meal," I told her. "Keep working on your deck, I'll look forward to our next duel."

"Ah-!" She looked up and blushed warmly. "Y- Yes… I'll definitely defeat you next time, once I'm done making improvements to my deck."

I smiled at her and nodded before I walked out of the cafeteria, letting her finish her food in peace.

"I'll say it again, you are one manipulative bastard," Tez snorted. "Giving her hope like that, telling her about Psychic Duellists, even offering to get the suppression device… You even went as far as to steer her away from the Arcadia Movement. Plus, you 'looking forward to your next duel…' Bastard, doesn't that mean you're looking forward to seeing what her answer to your confession is?"

I just hummed with a smirk. 'As expected of you, Tez~ You saw right through me~'

The God of the Night just laughed in amusement as I confirmed his words.

I smirked and opened up the chatroom once again.

Black Sun (Admin): Just got done with lunch, what's up?

God's Tongue: I'm preparing for a Shokugeki to close down another money draining club that has no point… I have an extensive list of these to go through. I understand that Totsuki wants to encourage students to cultivate their cooking skills and seek out their own unique cooking… But we don't need a Boxing RS, or a Soccer RS. We are a culinary school. It's ridiculous…

Deviluke Princess: What's a Shokugeki?

Black Sun (Admin): It roughly translates to Food War. My guess is that it's basically a cook off, best dish wins?

God's Tongue: Essentially, though there is also a wager made with a Shokugeki, and the wagers are legally binding. For example, if you wagered that you would never be allowed to be a chef again, then that would be legally binding. You wouldn't be able to cook in any professional establishment, you wouldn't even be able to run a hotdog stand. You would only be allowed to cook for personal matters. Though of course, for someone to wager something so serious, something of equivalent exchange has to be wagered in turn.

Prima Ballerina: Sounds like you have it rough. I just got done eating my lunch too, and I'm doing a little Deck tuning with some of the cards I bought from the points shop. It's really helping improve my Deck, I can make it a dedicated ritual deck with these cards. Best part is that it isn't costing me any of my money or DP.

God's Tongue: DP?

Black Sun (Admin): I can answer this one. DP- or Duelling Points- is a secondary form of currency in our world. Basically, every single person has an online registration and profile connected to a global database. Then, when you duel, it records your duel, your opponent, and analyses the duel. Depending on several factors including your opponent's skill level, the length of the duel, and also how you performed will determine how much DP you receive. People can buy things with either money or DP, and you can also convert DP into money, but you can't convert money into DP.

Black Sun (Admin): Most people use DP to buy more cards for their deck, though some people will convert their DP to cash in order to buy food. This resource is why Duelling is so important in our worlds and why there are schools to teach it, as well as a professional and minor league and all sorts of local tournaments. We live, breathe, and eat duelling.

God's Tongue: That's… I was aware Duelling was important in your words, but I wasn't aware of just how important it was to your daily lives.

Black Sun (Admin): It's also why underground duels are illegal. Because they have technology that blocks the scanners for the database, meaning that it can throw off rankings and also make someone's Duel Score inaccurate compared to what it actually is, since you gets more points if your Duel Score is lower than the person you are duelling against.

Goth Thunder: Ugh… All this thought of Math is making my head hurt.

Prima Ballerina: Not a fan of Math?

Goth Thunder: I have Dyslexia, you tell me.

Black Sun (Admin): You know there's probably something in the shop to cure that, right?

Goth Thunder: … I'll be back.

I snorted in amusement… It would be nice if Thalia could cure her Dyslexia… I wasn't sure how much it would help, given I knew she would eventually join the hunters, but at the very least it would mean she could read normal books without feeling like the words were flying off the page.

I paused as a random thought occurred… Had anyone told others about the chatroom? I mean, I had obviously revealed it to both Tez and Pandora… But they were both my Duel Spirits, and they were capable of seeing the screen due to their connections to my soul… But had the others spoken about the chat to others?

I mean, Erina had probably told Hisako and perhaps her Grandfather… Byleth may have told her father?

Damn it, now I had to ask.

Black Sun (Admin): Random thought just occurred, have any of you told others about the chatroom? My spirits know about it, but they are connected to my soul and can see the screens. Normal people can't, so I was curious on if you'd told anyone.

God's Tongue: I told my Grandfather about it, and my aide Hisako. I didn't see any harm in it, though I have no intentions to spread this around. And I trust that, if my Grandfather or Hisako do tell anyone else, that they will have good reason to do so. Besides, I did need to explain where the Duel Disks and cards came from.

Ashen Demon: Ah… I told my father. He was concerned, but he relaxed after a while… He even told me that he could see it was good for me, but I don't really get what he meant by that.

Deviluke Princess: Hm, I only told Peke, my robot. I didn't really see a need to tell my sisters or parents, and it's fun to have a little secret just to myself!

Sea Diva: I thought about it, but I didn't really see a point as it doesn't change anything whether I tell people or not. So, I didn't waste my time. Besides, there's only one other person on this island with me and he'd probably mistake this for some Devil Fruit ability and try to get me to stop using it.

Goth Thunder: I'm a no for obvious reasons.

Prima Ballerina: I'm also a no, but the only people I'm really close enough to talk to this about are my two friends. My parents have been distant for a couple of years now, and I don't want to drag my two friends into whatever multiverse shenanigans we encounter.

Black Sun (Admin): Fair enough, simply curious~

I chuckled as I arrived my next class early, taking a seat and getting comfortable… Right now, it was a waiting game for Pandora to deliver the PSD to me so that I could continue to change Akiza's fate…

The Fortune Cup had already been announced, six months in advance from what the advertisements said… Which meant Akiza would have probably left within a week or two in the original timeline, and I had changed that.

Now then… I had to prepare… After all, Akiza was a signer, and there was no way that Goodwin didn't already have his eyes on her… And, by proxy, have his eyes on me…

'Well, Mr Goodwin… I wonder, do you suspect that I'm a signer…? Or do you believe I'm a Dark Signer? Or perhaps you merely see me as a tool to get to Akiza? I suppose in the end, it doesn't matter… After all, I'll be ready for you.'