
Yu-Gi-Oh! Gojoing GX

Yugioh GX Fanfic Branch off timeline from Help me Step Gojo, I'm Stuck. -YuGiOh and the official cards are all owned by Konami. -This is an AI generated DMG. Volume 2 is Arifureta Fanfic.

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The Mikanko have arrived in GX - 23


That costume duel that would be remembered as one of the most memorable in Duel Academy's history, at least for all the people here who watched it. Unfortunately, not everyone got to savor the moment.

After all, when the duel ended, everyone's mind returned to the present. Immediately the main question about who the 'student' cosplaying was as Dark Magician Girl that dueled Jaden.

And then, it happened. "HUSBAND!!~" Dark Magician Girl happily chirped, immediately charging and leaping towards Gojo's arms, "I HAD FUN!" She exclaimed.

I'm still dressed up as a 2B, with Dark Magician Girl clinging to me, the scene was very peculiar.

It was just one magician girl sharing a hug with a dude who crossdressed as a hot chick.

That was the moment when all the guy's (mob) hearts collectively shattered, especially the dudes.

Except for Zane and Alexis, who knew her true identity, many at the academy were aware of Gojo being a married man, but no one knew who the hell was his wife until now.

She was taken and even worse she is already married.

"WHY ON EARTH DOES THIS CRAZY GUY HAVE HER AS HIS WIFE?" The dudes in the crowd couldn't help but feel a mix of envy and bewilderment. Why couldn't it have been them.

"On gods. He cuffed a good one," Some of those words could be heard. "Lucky bastard."


"Oh! So that's why he was always flaunting that ring when we asked about it. His wife is beautiful." Bastion voiced out loud while nodding his head. He had always been curious about the identity of the person who I was married to, but I wasn't exactly eager about revealing it.

Chazz, whose mind also had been shattered by the scene, finally regained his composure and gritted his teeth before storming off, still wearing his bulky costume.

Alexis had already made her way back to her friends, joining Zane, Jaden, and the rest of the gang.


The entire day was spent going out with Dark Magician Girl. Honestly, for me after the first few hours, it got pretty boring quickly. It is what you expect from festivals and events if you stayed for more than a certain amount of time.

I still had to check out what the festival had to offer with Dark Magician Girl. To summarize the experience, it was more like an amusement park or attraction, but with more effects. Because actual duel spirits (at least in spirit forms) were coming out to the real world just for today and that was interesting to look at.

As the day turned into evening, various booths and attractions lit up with colorful lights, creating a vibrant and enchanting ambiance.

The Academy courtyard became the hub of activity, with students and guests still enjoying carnival games, delicious food stands, and gathering around a lively bonfire.

Around this time, the bonfire dance kicked off. Dark Magician Girl and I found ourselves joining in on the dance. For the record, I've danced solo before, but when it comes to partner dancing, I'm absolutely clueless. So, she couldn't help but make fun of me as I struggled to keep up with the changing songs and new dances.

All in all, it was quite an eventful day. I was honestly expecting something along the lines of Kaiba showing up and turning the festival into a Blue-Eyes themed extravaganza. After all, this is his school.


At nighttime, when we teleported back home, Dark Magician Girl was in a joyful mood. This led to a very intimate evening in bed that was a bit different compared to the usual. She whispered words of love in my ear all night, even after I had fallen asleep.

When I woke up, she was still moving her hips with my thing inside while she was sleeping on top of me, as usual. What's weird is that she made sure I was soundly asleep while applying A LOT OF OTHER MAGIC I DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE'S COOKED UP. How do I know? Well, I couldn't feel any of my bottom half down there right now. (The feeling of your limbs missing but you know it's there, but the sensation isn't.) 


Even after we woke up, she didn't let go of me until nearly evening.

As I got out of bed with Dark Magician Girl, I couldn't resist stretching my limbs and letting out a contented sigh.

Taking a look at my phone there were always messages in my dm on my phone. As I quickly skimmed through them, noticing none of them were particularly important. Yes, not even the updates about any potential leads about Banner were important.

If I were Banner, I would have just lose purposely in a duel already. That's all he needs to do now. Get that whole world ending going on with the Sacred Beasts already. Isn't he an enemy or something? Why the fuck are they still sealed? Oh, guess he didn't want to die.

Quickly scrolling down the messages on my phone up until I'm up to date I got asked if I wanted to meet up with Jaden by Alexis.

Well, obviously I'm not going. It's a trend to see someone from the protagonist's side and his friends having to duel over something stupid. This was the standard trope whenever I received an invitation to join any one of their outings.

"Hmmmm~ Husband, are you really not going to go?" Dark Magician Girl pouted; her arms still wrapped around my back as she peered at my smart device.

"Then, can you help me with something?" She asked. 

"What?" I replied. In the group chat, I was pinging everyone to stfu about searching for Banner.

Since none of us hold any spirit key holders, I figured I could handle those knock-off God cards if they showed up.

"I'd love to see how makeup looks on me!" My wife chirped with excitement as she jumped on the couch I was sitting on.

As soon as I finished texting, I got to work, helping Dark Magician Girl with putting on makeup. Naturally I took out a necessary kit from my Gate of Infinity.

I wasn't exactly a makeup expert, but I did know a thing or two about face masks and cucumber slices on the eyes. (I'm not sure if that's make-up.)

"You know, husband," Dark Magician Girl began, her voice softening as I carefully placed a face mask on her face. "Have you ever thought about our time together? It's like our own little world, and I wouldn't trade it for anything."

"To me, it feels like we've at the end of the story, the part where we're happily living ever after." I couldn't help but smile as I positioned sliced cucumbers over her eyes.

Not wanting to delve further into the topic, I decided to pull out nail polish and gently pulled her hands toward me as I started applying it to her nails.

As Dark Magician Girl's eyes remained covered by cucumber slices, she suddenly felt a cool sensation on her nails. It was as if a gentle breeze had caressed her fingertips.

"Husband, are you working on my nails now?" She asked, her voice filled with warmth. She lifted both her legs onto my lap and gave me her feet to apply nail polish on them too.

The remaining time was spent browsing the many makeup options within my Gate of Infinity before going for another round in bed.


Unbeknownst to Gojo, inside the academy, there was a duel going on. A crazy intruder who is a self-proclaimed Gambler and goes by the name Pierre challenges Alexis to a duel. Obviously, she reached out to Gojo about this, but I left her on read.


A/N: Sorry but I'm rushing this duel 💀.

The man in white suit, Pierre, started his turn with a draw... Holding 6 cards in his hand and proceeded to normal summon a playboy bunny girl. (Gamble Angel Bunny [Anime Exclusive Only]) in attack mode with 1200 attack points.

This furry had a unique effect - Once per turn he could flip a coin. If his guess was correct, he could inflict 1000 damage to his opponent. However, if he guessed wrong, he would lose 1000 life points.

But Pierre wasn't finished yet after setting down one face down card he activated a continuous spell card, it was called second chance. Once per turn he can redo a coin toss by activating that spell card.

This man was literally setting up a gambling board on a card game.

So, when Pierre activated his furry monster's ability, he had to use his spell because he called it wrong initially and got it right the second time.

Because of the monster's effect and with Pierre calling it right Alexis's Life points drop to 3000.


Much like Jaden, Alexis also made alterations to her deck. In fact, while Jaden's changes could be described as deck upgrades, Alexis's modifications were far more extensive, almost a complete deck overhaul.

After hearing about these 'deck engines' from Gojo, Alexis was eager to incorporate them into her deck because it will allow her to pull off OTKs (One Turn Kills).

Just to clarify, the backstory behind this duel about Alexis vs Pierre. Pierre and Alexis have a history as being childhood friends (completely irrelevant). Pierre, while cruising nearby, made a special trip to Duel Academy Island and went out of his way to challenge Alexis to a duel.

Basically, Alexis accepted Pierre's challenge, and she was going all out for revenge against him. Pierre, despite being a childhood friend, he had pissed her off by stealing her cherished red scarf, a gift from her mother before mysteriously disappearing. Ironically, Pierre has a crush on her.

[A/N: If you are interested in what Alexis Rhode's original deck looks like. Here is a SAMPLE deck. (not mine. I just googled it and found this link) https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/alexis-rhodes-character-deck-138719 But it will serve good enough as a reference.] 


A/N: This is a complicated mini flashback for plot purposes~

It was during one of those days when I, Gojo Satoru, was free and touching grass. Unfortunately, I found myself spending that free time with Alexis because she wanted to upgrade her deck. After seeing how her brother Atticius cooked up some crazy combos with the cards I had gotten for him, she couldn't help but also want to improve her deck with my help.

Alexis was also particularly adamant about preserving her Cyber Angel cards in her deck. So, in theory, I needed to find a deck engine that could complement a Cyber Angel deck… (Yeah, sounds fucking tough considering this timeline. 💀)

So, when I was looking for any modern existing deck engine in this world for Alexis (even though it seemed impossible), my search led me to an online luxury auction / market site.

Interestingly, while using this site, I found some interesting cards that shouldn't exist in this current time (At least I think). When I clicked on the seller's profile, I couldn't believe my eyes. They were selling the full collection of the archetype cards that I was interested in.

The person selling the cards had even provided a reason for their sale: they had absolutely no fucking understanding or how to effectively use these cards, so they ultimately decided to sell the entire thing after acquiring the whole set because it looked cute.

Since there weren't any potential buyers, this individual opted to set a fixed price for the collection rather than putting it up for auction. They were selling all 16 cards from the Mikanko archetype that I know of.

Yeah, apparently here, you could find a lot of dumb rich people in this online marketplace. People were selling cards like Kaijus / Herald of Ultimateness. I even found people selling a collection of Dark World. Kind of weird there is only one copy of cards in those collections and decks.

No, in fact it's kind of odd how none of these cards are even making an appearance in this world.

Interestingly enough, this site we were on was only exclusively for the mega ultra dumb rich, powerful political figures, extremely influential, or had the means to access it through connection (Pegasus). Alexis and I fell into the latter category.

Understandably, everything here was also fucking expensive, even by my standards. Like how many zeros are there? Fortunately, or unfortunately, the Mikanko set was being sold for a 'bargain' because NO ONE wanted to buy 0 attack monsters.

A/N: (Alright, let me cook. On this online site, apart from the standard card image, attribute, level, attack / defense points, and card names. All card descriptions and effects are concealed, this is to probe the interest of potential buyers. This regulation applied to all cards listed in this auction and market site. Furthermore, all sellers were strictly prohibited from disclosing card effects, except for providing their reason for selling and basic advertising.)

When I suggested Alexis to get it. She was originally a little frustrated because it was too expensive and there was a general lack of interest from other buyers. She ultimately agreed to make the purchase after I promised to contribute.

Alexis reached out to her parents for support because not only was she paying from her own pocket, but she also had to use her entire life savings (this was only the reason for contacting her parents after all), all while feeling a bit skeptical about this. Funny enough, I forked all the DP I had on me to make this purchase possible for her.

Sure, Alexis could have opted for super rare cards or ultra rare cards, but this is something she will never see again on the site. It was something I strongly recommended for her deck, if she ever wanted to dream of beating me and it had the added bonus of potentially working well with her Cyber Angel deck. (Oh, who the fuck am I kidding? It doesn't. At least not all cyber angels.)

Once Alexis got her hands on the Mikanko cards and worked tirelessly to acquire every other essential card for her deck (that I also suggested), she wasted no time reaching out to me. She was eager to learn how to master this deck now that she had everything she needed.

I taught Alexis the card combinations, explained the effects, and provided insights on what to do and what to avoid. She couldn't help but drop her jaw when she heard of the card's effects, combos, strategies, card choices, the reasoning behind each move, and choice of cards.

At the end of my lectures she was truly awe and impressed. The wealth of knowledge I had shared with her was priceless and couldn't be bought. This is not just an upgrade, this is essentially a new deck now. It looks very fun too.

As if that wasn't enough. Arahime, the Manifested Mikanko, was a Duel Spirit. And this Duel spirit came out after Dark Magician Girl called her out. Surprising both me and Alexis. This was a new and unexpected development.

Throughout my teaching session with Alexis, Arahime wore a peculiar expression, her face reflecting awe as she observed me, almost as if I were a god due to my knowledge of how to play a Mikanko deck.

I couldn't help but feel it might have been my imagination when I thought I saw the Duel spirit Arahime discreetly jotting down notes.

Her 0 attack had made her unpopular to the point where not even her previous owner had wanted to include her in a deck. This unfortunate situation had left Arahime deeply saddened, dealing a severe blow to her morale. Adding to her misery was the fact that her previous owner had sought to sell her, and the reality was that no one seemed interested in buying her. Until recently. (The previous owner can't see Duel spirits.)

After knowing there is a Duel spirit in Alexis's deck now, I made sure she ran a 60-card deck. Because there is no way she is going to brick with a motivated Duel spirit.

By the end of it, Alexis couldn't help but thank me with tears in her eyes. With the knowledge on how to use this deck she could easily compete at a professional level and even secure a spot among the top 20 duelists in the world. If she mastered it, she could reach top 10 (her own words not mine).

Although there is only one copy of each Mikano card, it's more than enough in this world.

A/N: It's not a literal engine deck, but it'll do since she has a Duel spirit. For the record Alexis, Pegasus, and Gojo are the only owners of the Mikanko cards 😀 (16 cards, although only 13 are used in the master duel format).


(Back to the duel)

As Alexis started her turn by drawing her card, she played the pot of greed and to draw 2 new cards.

She then activated a monster effect in her hand and special summoned Guardian Eatos. Since there are no monsters in her graveyard, she can special summon it. A lvl 8 2500 attack monsters on the field, this summon startled everyone. 'Alexis had a monster card like this in her deck?'

Immediately afterward, Alexis played a Quick-Play Spell card, "Twin Twisters," which allowed her to discard a card and then destroy up to two spell or trap cards on the field. After activating it, the face-down card on Pierre's side disappeared, and only then did Alexis feel relieved.

Following that move, Alexis played a Ritual Spell card, "Mikanko Kagura," by offering her Guardian Eatos and a monster card in her hand as tribute. She can Ritual Summon Arahime the Manifested Mikanko.

The spectators were taken aback by Alexis' unexpected move, and Pierre couldn't help but laugh at her for sacrificing a 2500-beat stick to summon a 0-attack monster.

However, after the hologram animation summoning finished, Pierre's face up continuous spell card was destroyed, and his life point dropped to 3000 completely taking him completely off guard. 

Alexis smirked as she watched him take 1000 damage because there was an equip spell card in her graveyard.

Alexis explained that when she uses this ritual spell "Mikanko Kagura" to ritual summon, she can destroy her opponent cards up to the number of different equip spells in her graveyard. Additionally, if she destroys any cards this way, her opponent takes 1000 damage for each card destroyed. (Alexis discarded an equip spell to use Twin Twisters).

Finally, surprising everyone again. Alexis played an equip spell card but equipped towards her opponent's monster side of the field. Double Edge Sword. This boosted Gamble Angel Bunny's attack to 3200 attack points. Pierre couldn't help but ask Alexis was intentionally trying to lose.

Not answering him, Alexis then attacked his Gamble Angel Bunny monster with Arahime the Manifested Mikanko.

Alexis's 0 attack monster attacking Pierre's 3200 attack monster? Everyone's jaws dropped as they watched her perform that action.

But, of course, this was Alexis's plan.

Immediately after Alexis's hologram monster completed its attack animation, Pierre's life point dropped to 0 ending the duel and confusing everyone.

Alexis then casually explained the ritual monster's effect; her monster cannot be destroyed by battle and her opponent takes any damage she would have taken. But wait, what about Double Edged Swords effects?

Interestingly, the part where Alexis was supposed to take damage for using the equip spell had ended up causing Pierre to take it instead, all thanks to Mikanko's special effect.

Pierre had essentially taken 6400 damage from that attack.

Everyone had their jaws dropped when they heard the explanation. Alexis had performed a One-Turn Kill (OTK) with a 0-attack monster. 'What the fuck?' echoed in everyone's thoughts.

This was truly unprecedented.


A/N: Instead of TikTok I use YouTube short because I'm on my pc most of the time. But fucking YouTube algorithm is crazy. My fucking YouTube shorts are filled with Japanese songs short anime edit videos, one of which is Shigure Ui's dance to "God Requiem," and that song is God damn stuck in my head. Not only that, but I keep encountering the cross-dressed short video "$20 is a $20" 💀

A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates, I guess. I'm struggling. Editing this was a pain since I inserted something out of the blue.

If you're unfamiliar with the Mikanko Archetype in Yu-Gi-Oh! I'd suggest doing a quick Google search to get acquainted with it. Thank you. I'm actually quite fond of this archetype and it seems to fit well within this fanfic. Initially, I had considered adding "Herald of Ultimateness/Perfection" to Alexis's deck. But I ended up with Mikanko.

Thinking about it, I think I should make a poll and let you guys decide. I hope this chapter has been enjoyable for you.

I must sleep now.
