
Journey in Alabasta

We separate our selves at Nanohana city to do our own things for a while. I also not gonna interfere with the meeting of Luffy, Ace and Smoker at the restaurant.

Since I already know that the plot (God's will of this Onepiece world) and the administrators of the app will not allowing me to change the course of this plot of the story just like back then in Loguetown, when I saw Luffy allowed him self to get captured by Buggy eventhough he can defeat him at that time easily.

(They only let me change the plot if the event is not that important in the storyline or they can alter it later if I somehow still able to change the course of the story)

'I guess I will just meet with Ace later on Going Merry'. I though to my self.

I will just let the invinsible device that being planted around Luffy and the others by those administrators to record that scenes and edit it later to be uploaded in to the app.

So I just spread the range of my observation haki to the max while running on the air to find the person whom I really wants to meet right now. My high intelegence in my status allowing me to calculate, deduct and predict the event that is not happening in the plot by remembering every events, conversations and actions from every characters in the anime of Onepiece.

Based on my calculations and deductions, that person will definetely be in this kingdom for a little while just to watch/stalk her, based on his personalties and actions in the anime. The probability of him being in here at Alabasta, at the time she watch Crocodile fight againts Luffy in the anime is as high as 74.52%, and as a fan of Mortal Kombat, I really want his power so badly.

I just need to find him my self, since in the anime they didn't tell us anything about him being in this kingdom at all and he will only shows up at much later date if I still following the plot like usual.

I really don't have the patience to wait that long. I need to become like sub-zero in Mortal Kombat immediately. Honestly I got envy watching all those devil fruit's users flaunting their skills right in front of me especially Luffy and Chopper.

After searching for a while around Nanohana's borders, I still can't find him at all with my observation haki.

So I guess his location is near with her location right now or maybe he is still riding his bike on the sea to reach Alabasta.

So I just went back to Nanohana's port and soon I see a clash between smoke and fire in a distance.

"Huh... So Ace already fighting with Smoker to let Luffy escape" I said to my self while running on the air back to Going Merry location.

'Smoker really loved by the plot since Luffy can easily defeat him but the plot wants Smoker to exist longer in the storyline' I think to my self.

After a while I finally back at Going Merry and gather together again with all the crews.

Luffy then told us how he met his brother in the restaurant. He also told us about his and Ace's history until they became brother.

Not long after that Ace arrived at Going Merry and the plot of the story began to flow like in the anime.

Ace is a tall muscular young man with curly black hair. Although they were not blood related, Ace looked remarkably like his foster brother, Luffy.

I really have the urge to immediately use my devil fruit power on Ace right now, since I know he won't mind if I shake his hand and copy his op devil fruit power.

I hold my self to be patient for a little while since my dreams since I was a kid will become reality, if I can really copy that person's power and that person definitely not Ace. (While remembering the Mortal Kombat games I played as a kid)

"Please take care of my brother!" Ace spoke to all of us while bowing his head in polite manners.

Ace then start jumping from our ship, after giving Luffy his vivre card, in to his own little boat that runs using his devil fruit power 'fire' that looks like a water skateboard.

We then saw him being surrounded by many ships belongs to Baroque Works that want to capture him for his bounty.

Just like in the anime, Ace just use one skill from his devil fruit's power 'Hiken' to burn and destroy all the ships that was surrounding him before.

"Cool....." we all said together after watching Ace's actions.


After meeting with Ace we start sailing to the west side of the Sandora River (Alabasta's biggest river) delta and anchor our ship to the shore to continue our journey on foot.

After we achored our ship, we encountered a group of Kung-Fu Dugongs, who challenge our crews only to be beaten up by Luffy.

However, the dugongs now want to become his apprentices, forcing Chopper to bribed them with some foods from my inventory so they can leave. Chopper also managed to hire those dugongs to protect our ship with a lot of foods as the payment.

During our journey on foot on the desert, I always spread my obeservation haki to search for him.

After walking for a while we entered the town of Erumalu, formerly also known as the Green City, but is now deserted and destroyed by the sand only to become a ghost town.

So we continue our journey through the desert, and Luffy, while resting in a shadow of a big rock, loses his bento to Warusagi Birds who trick travelers and steal their luggage.

Getting angry Luffy then chased after those birds but return a short while later alongside a camel that is being chased by a gigantic Great Sandora Lizard.

"Why are you running Luffy? Can't you defeat that lizard easily with your punch?" Zoro asked Luffy after seeing him running towards them.

"I want to taste this lizard's meat, so I bring it to Sanji." Luffy said while turning around and launch his attack to the poor lizard.

The camel that run along side Luffy then start walking towards the girls and act like a cute pet asking to be pet and touch by the girls.

The camel, who happens to be a pervert, is given the name "Matsuge" by Nami and joins our little crew, giving Nami and Vivi (and only them) a ride on his back later on.

Meanwhile Zoro just cutting the lizard's meats to be cook by Sanji on a hot stone for our lunch.

"Not bad but I still prefer The Island Eater's meat" Ussop said while eating the lizard grill meat.

"Finish that meat first, I won't forgive anyone who likes to waste foods" Sanji said while giving some cooked meats to the girls.

"I really hate this hot weather" Chopper said while lying on the ground with heavy breath.

"You should take off your fur so it won't feel hot anymore" Ussop said to Chopper while eating his meat.

"This is my skin you asshole!" Chopper said while turning in to his human form and start launching his punch to Ussop.

"Helppppppppp.... There is a monsterrrrrrr!" Ussop said while evading Chopper's punch using Kami-e continuously.

"Stay still bastard!" While continuing to punch Ussop with zero success.

"Shishishishishi... Let me join you Chopper" Luffy start following Chopper to punch Ussop together with his normal rubber punches.

"Sighh.... Those kids really likes to play around wherever they are." Igaram said while smiling and eating his lunch.

"Ooiii..... Chopper.... I can just carry you on my back when we continue our journey later. You won't be able to walk far in this hot weather with your thick fur since it's so different with the cold weather in Drum Kingdom" I said to Chopper.

"Okay... I just need to at least hit this asshole once." Chopper still trying to punch Ussop with no luck at all. "Stay still you bastard!!".

"Shishishishishi..... Ussop is getting good at dodging punches now" Luffy said while eating his meat with one hand and the other hand sending punches to Ussop.

(My guess was right, this Chopper is completely different with Chopper in the anime. His personality is a bit strange now also Ussop's Kami-e is at the same level as me now.)

We then keep eating our lunch and resting for a while before continuing our journey in the desert later on.


Back on earth

At Shaolin Temple in Mongolia

Some monks can be seen practicing their new moves while watching their phones.

(Modern shaolin monks now always carry their phones with them. Righht?? Can someone go there to check???)

"I can learn this shigan tehnique if I have strong fingers to withstand the impact" monk1 said to his friend while punching the hot sand with his fingers.

"What will you do after you mastered the tehnique?" monk2 ask his friend.

"I will go to the portal in bermuda triangle to challenge my self againts those people in that world" monk1 replying while smiling at his friend.

"Sighhh... You know those rumours were false right?" said monk2.

"Trust me the portal is real" monk1 said with full confidence in his voice.

'I really hate this Dan for making my friend crazy after watching his videos' monk2 said to himself in his mind.


At the Taekwondo Dojo in South Korea

"We need to make our feet stronger so we can start learning soru and geppo" guy1 said to his pupils.

"Yes master!" said all the pupils.


At Pencak Silat Dojo in Indonesia

"Ayo semuanya lari keliling lapangan 500 kali. Kita harus bangun stamina dan memperkuat otot kaki kita agar bisa mulai latihan geppo" said the otaku master.

"Siap pak!" said all of the other otakus.

(use google translator to know the meaning)
