
Paragraph 8 : Bold And Cold

In the aftermath of the duel, Eleanor was in the Ravenclaw Common Room when Bethany Radote, a fifth-year, went to seek Deborah Scart and told her, she had been so impressed by Deborah's success at this first challenge, that she had another one for her. Maybe Deborah could solve a riddle that bugged her. A riddle that originated in a visit by Bethany's family of ruins in the countryside. There, an only room was still intact, and its walls were smooth, in spite of the fact that the construction had been built centuries ago. This led Bethany's mother to think that some magic had been applied to the walls, since they wouldn't be that smooth otherwise. And very soon, it became still more obvious that magic had been practiced there. For on the floor laid a stack of what looked like golden dust. Bethany's father moved his wand close to this stack, and it changed into a pile of white powder, possibly the remains of a corpse, and a sad and hollow voice echoed in the room, as if a dead person were trying to communicate, although no words could be extracted from the sound. He then withdrew his wand, and the white powder was replaced by the initial gold dust. He muttered 'Accio gold', but the heap of dust didn't move. He put his wand back in his robes, and cautiously tried to grasp a bit of the golden dust in his hands, ready for a manifestation of dark magic, but his hands went through the accumulation as if it were air, or at least nothing solid. They had stood there, puzzled and silent, before leaving. On ending the narration of this story, Bethany paused, waiting for a reaction by Deborah. But the latter was completely uninterested, and said :

Eleanor is there. Since your stuff is about dark magic, you'd better tell her

Bethany was visibly disappointed that Deborah would not even take a few seconds to try and find some explanation to this mystery. She went away from Deborah without a word, and headed towards her bedroom. Eleanor was taken aback by the insinuation that she was the go-to person when it came to dark magic, and reported about this incident to the three others. Ann thought it was rich from Deborah to be so bitter at the expense of Eleanor, considering that Deborah was the one who had cold-bloodedly let somebody trapped in a fake portrait.