
Yours, Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Caddell was at the mercy of the duke's proposal since her family had set up the marriage without her knowledge until the day before where her parents dropped the news. The eligible duke was a fearsome person with horrid rumors constantly flying around the nobles and commoners which was why despite him having an enticing rank, no woman approached him with the thought of marriage. It posed the question as to why Maximillian Latimer was searching for a bride so intently, and to why he landed on the idea of his teacher's daughter. Gwendolyn truly believes that she isn't suited to become the Duchess of Latimer, however, marriage was not as she had thought it would be. Despite her worries, the marriage will carry beyond her largest dreams and turn to be a true blessing in disguise to take down those who are after her loved ones. **updates every Thursday & Sunday** *cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist*

Winter_Auden · Fantasie
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74 Chs

Moonlight Shadows

Gwen sighed and smiled to herself content with the day but was startled by the lightning that flashed through the room. It was a nice switch up from the quiet office that she had all to herself for a few hours now, but something was jarring about the lighting that came from above.

The office that was all dark had become eerily lit up with a bright white light for a only second which made chills run down her spine, and Gwen gripped the desk nearby for some support as a frown came to her lips at the gut feeling that was beginning to eat at her.

She knew that there was nothing to fear since there were knights stationed outside if there were to be any mishaps, but there was an underlying feeling in her gut that made her uncomfortable beyond words.

Gwen shuffled the papers idly before placing them smoothly down on the desk once more to try and keep her hands busy since she didn't want to move away from the desk yet at the same time she wanted to leave for a much-needed rest.

Rain continued to pour down from the thick storm clouds that spread out into the nighttime, and the silhouettes of the furniture around her danced across the room from the moonlight streaming in. She peeked her head out to the windows to watch as the rain was coming down hard.

The balcony was definitely turf that she couldn't go out on with the water making the floor look all slippery. Gwen sighed as she found the chair in the dark, and looked around to try and turn on the lights now that her eyes had finally become adjusted to the darkness.

She might have to stop her work there since it was a good time to stop when she was on the brink of exhaustion. It would be best to have a rest before returning to her work in the morning because it would always remain there waiting for her to come back and finish. That way, her mind could be fresh and sharp rather than the sluggishness she was feeling.

The sound of rain was extremely calming, pittering and pattering on whatever was found outside, and Gwen glanced back out the huge windows once more to take in the magnificent surroundings. She realized that everywhere within Solaris was stunning despite all the swirling thunder clouds from above that were lighting up the sky with magnificent colors.

The cold draft from outside was starting to make its way inside, however, and Gwen rubbed her hands up her arms in hopes of gathering the small warmth that it offered her.

Lighting flashed once more, making the eerie glow appear once more before crashing thunder came down. The boom seemed to shake everything in its wake, and Gwen turned her eyes back out the window in shock at how loud the sheer sound of it was.

The rain came down harder with the music mixing well with the trashing branches against the side of the mansion, and Gwen finished cleaning up her desk that was already somewhat picked up from earlier before tucking in the chair to the desk to get ready to walk over to the door to rest for the night.

There was another bang from the branches that made her startled, and Gwen grasped her chest in alarm when she realized that something was off as she had first thought. She whipped back around to look at the blank walls that became alive with the dark shapes that would have made any child terrified with animation.

Her eyes followed the movements of the shadows, flat and inconspicuous before they turned unnatural in a blink of an eye. Movement passed by from the corner of her peripheral vision, and it reflected by running vast shapes along the opposite walls. It didn't add up because it was too different. It seemed too real ou to nowhere.

The long, gangly branches that were reflected through the shadows looked like bewitching fingers on the wall, however, the blocky item making its way across the large space was a huge alarm. Her whole body froze as she contemplated what to do next since that split second could determine so much if she played her cards correctly.

The quick shadow moved again, and Gwen placed a hand on her chest to try and calm her breathing which was rising and falling rapidly. Slowly turning herself around, Gwen stared out the glass only to see the mist that the rain brought down which didn't help out with her trying to figure out what was lurking behind all of that only for thunder to crash down overhead in a complete and astounding boom that made her heart beat out of her chest.

It was hard to get her feet to move forward, but she needed to check if the lock on the French doors was switched correctly. In her bating breath, she went ahead to check the lock on the French doors since she was about to leave the study, and there was no way she was going to do so without doing her last round of required tasks. Her hand halted on the golden lock shape, but it was fine.

Gwen slowly backed away from the door with a slight look behind her to try and get a better idea of her surroundings. She couldn't tell if she was overreacting or not, but it wasn't like she was afraid of thunder. Instead, she was scared that whatever else was out there was setting her on edge.

She knew to trust her gut instincts, but she didn't know what was making her hesitate so much. Gwen has always been decisive in all the things that she did, so when she decided that she needed to evacuate the room immediately, she lurched for that thought with all her limbs in her body activating in a split moment that pushed her forward in one last push for the finish.