

Then his challenge began...

Kazuki made a bread and took sensies tips so seriously but his hands were shaking. He decided to slap his face with both hands to calm down and bake the bread. After the baking, he went to the office and presented it to Sensie, "Sensie I'm done, here's the bread i made" sensie smelled the bread and touched it to check the texture of the bread. Kazuki was so nervous and pray that he will pass. now the tasting time,Sensie ate the bread slowly and swallowed while closing his eyes. Kazuki look at him so close then suddenly Sensei said "masterpiece, you pass."

Kazuki shouted with glee "yes!!".

Kazuki was so happy that he passed

and said " I'm done Sensie, bye bye" Sensie reply "take care, see you tomorrow "

He waved at his student, then suddenly a worker went to Sensie "you know he failed at putting the fillings boss" and he replied "How can I say that to a boy filled with determination"

the worker smile and laughed "that's our boss" they both laughed after there conversation about the sweet determined boy.

Kazuki was about to go back home but he decided to stop at a book store to buy some drawing materials , then there appeared a middle aged looking man approaching him "oh,drawing"

he replied stuttering "ye--yes but I'm not good"

the man replies back "I told you a secret to improve it but first let me introduce myself"

"I am Ryan Walkavotch and i am 39 years of age"

"nice too meet you, kid" he reached out a hand for a handshake

Kazuki replied "same here too" as he grabbed his hand for a handshake. Ryan go to the bench outside the shop and sat together with Kazuki ," To improve at drawing you must focus on one person you want to surpass or impress and prove it you can do it and if you can do it approach me again"

Kazuki asked "how can we see again?"

Ryan replies " but believe in destiny one day,I will see the boy I met become so good ". Ryan stood up and went away with a farewell wave and Kazuki waved back and shout "One day I'll show you"

Finally, Kazuki arrived at home and saw his mom was preparing and due to curiousity, he asked "mom, are there visitors coming today?"

his mom replied "yes , she will arrive tomorrow "

Kazuki was so confused and asked "who's she?"

"your step-sister"

Kazuki just nod and went upstairs to practice. he didn't react much cause he already heard that his dad married another woman and he didn't expect too much about his step-sister thinks there will be no chance both of them will get close. He put his things on the bed and started practicing and thinking about Yuki and decided that one day he will surpass Yuki and fulfill her dreams as a friend. Kazuki was about to sleep but he got to his computer and decided to play rpg games online and he was happy that his online friend was playing the game, even though they didn't know each other in real life they were still close as friends online. he said goodbye after 4 hours of playing.

Kazuki finally goes to sleep.

Kazuki woke up 8:00am in the morning and decided to go down because of the noise and when the time he got downstairs and saw his step-sister for the first time

" Oh is he my brother, HI nice to meet you" with a great smile

"☆wait wait to much characters in early chapters

♡just shut up and don't try to wallbreak

¤you guys already did"

(Next chapter Are you?... coming soon)