
Your Turn to Chase Me, Reborn For Revenge

April Jones was submissive and weak, she gave in to her stepmother and stepsisters every whim. Her father was busy with the business and had no time for her. They took everything from her even her life. She died a horrifying death, now reborn she plans to change her fate and take back all she had lost. Dean Davis is a notorious CEO he built his business from he was young withhis own blood and sweat. His vicious uncle sent some thugs to deal with him one night, that same night he met his angel April. Both died, both were reborn. April only wants revenge and gave up on love, when Dean meets his angel for a second time, he wants to love her but doesn't know-how. (This book is full of revenge, romance, comedy and drama. If you enjoy a weak to strong female lead along with a doting male lead this book is for you.) _______________________________________________ EXTRACT "Ummm... Thanks." She took a bite and started to eat. She looked at him and slowly said, "It's probably a bit late but, hi I'm your new neighbour April Jones." "Hi April, I'm Dean Davis." He reached out his and so did she, they shook as they greeted each other. "Nice to meet you, Dean." She smiled at him and then took a bite of her pancake. However, she missed the look in Deans eyes. He, at this moment, was full of happiness like a teenage boy in love. Hearing her finally say his name was the most soothing sound to his ears. It sounded so sweet, so soft, he was greedy for more. In a good mood, he continued eating all the food she cooked. What made his heart softened more was he actually wanted to hold her small hand again and never let go. Thinking of it, he swore inside, he'll never let her go. _______________________________________________ Instagram alexia_author Discord Channel https://discord.gg/VeHkknJ6A2 Mature content 18+ only Cover art is not mine, will take it down on request.

xAlexiax · Urban
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170 Chs

In His Angels Home

Knock Knock Knock

She took and deep breath and exhaled before opening her door. She smiled up at the handsome stranger, her heart pounded out of her chest as she saw him again.

He was still only wearing a heart-stopping smile and a towel around his toned waist, her nerves got to her and she started to ramble incoherently.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to knock on your door but you were really loud and you woke me up and it's so early and I was up all night painting you should really be more considerate, although you weren't aware that I had moved in but still..."

As she was babbling Deans smile grew wider, he saw the paint on her smooth cheek and he found it impossibly hard not to reach up to touch her soft cheek. He clenched his fist to stop himself from reaching out, he didn't want to act so quickly as he might scare her away.

After her rambling stopped she stared at him again. Isn't he going to say anything? Or does he just want to show off his incredibly toned body? Maybe this is his form of torture for knocking on his door.

He saw her slight blush on her cheeks and the tips of her ears, he was glad he worked out as much as he did because she seemed to like his body quite a bit.

"Like what you see?" He asked while grinning as he leaned against her open door, he wanted her to blush more so he teased her.

"I've seen better." She regained her composure, her tone was indifferent as if she and he had not met before and in this lifetime she believed they hadn't. Like strangers meeting on the road and greeting each other after bumping into each other. In her mind, she had no time for romantic thoughts.

She had gone through worse in her life, she couldn't let something this handsome half-naked neighbour get to her. She would have to avoid him in the future.

Although she likes what she saw, she did want to beat the crap out of the man who had woken her up, she knew she couldn't.

After all, he was a complete stranger in her eyes. Which he was because she didn't know his name or anything about him, maybe just his measurements.

"Mm." He furrowed his eyebrows and he lost his smile for a moment upon hearing her response. She was about to close the door again but put his hand out as he stopped her. "Shower."

April didn't know what he meant, she titled her head in confusion. "Eh?"

"My shower is broken, that's what the loud noises were, I was trying to fix it. So can I use yours?" Dean scratched the tip of his nose.

"...." and what does that have to do with me?

Of course, she didn't say it out loud. She wanted to stay far away from any temptation but in the end, she caved.

"Fine, go get your clothes and you can use my shower." April rolled her eyes and gave in begrudgingly.

Deans eyes lit up like fireworks, but he quickly hid them. He couldn't believe it  had worked.

April sighed and stepped to the side as she opened the door wider for the man, she left it open as she went to her room to get some proper clothing on.

Dean did not hesitate, he ran to his condo and grabbed a shirt, underwear and trousers then he returned to his angel's home.

When he returned although his manner was aloof like he didn't care, he was smiling cheerfully inside. He was inside his woman's home. He felt overjoyed at the prospect and she lived so close to him.

She walked out of her bedroom wearing a black knitted sweater dress that reached her knees. She walked towards him as was gathering all her black wavy hair and she tied it into a messy ponytail with the elastic band in her hand.

He felt his heart skip a beat, was this why his workers would rush home at night, just to see their lovers? If it was he would leave early to see this site every day.

April at the same time, was cursing herself for being so reckless for letting some stranger inside her house. She did it in both lifetimes now, she cursed her foolishness. She would just have to avoid her neighbour in the future.

He stood there with his clothes and she sighed and led him to her bedroom door, feeling awkward as she was she hid it and acted indifferently.

"Go shower, feel free to use whatever you need." She indicated where he should go.

And just like a soldier following his General's command, Dean did exactly what he was told.

Going inside her bedroom he took it all in, it smelled like her, coconut. He continued to glance around the room and although it was feminine it didn't give off his angel's vibe.

He thought back to the small one-bedroom apartment he had woken up in, in his last life. That was filled with her characteristics, here it felt odd. Why was she here and not in the other apartment? What had changed?

He couldn't possibly ask her, only he knew her past life and he was glad in this life she was so close by. Thinking of it no more he went to her bathroom and showered quickly. He shamelessly used all her products, happy to smell like her. He dried off, leaving his hair slightly damp as he changed into black tailored trousers and a black fitted shirt.

He beamed as he exited her bedroom and saw her busy in the kitchen. A wild thought entered his head, wouldn't this be a lovely sight to wake up to every morning. Not April in the kitchen necessarily but just to be in her company. He coughed and adorned an indifferent façade as he looked at her expectantly.

Dean may need to be more shameless if he wants April, what do you think?

xAlexiaxcreators' thoughts