
Your Shadow: Ashley to Zero Story

[R18 Warning!!! No Rape] Ashley “Ash” Parker, the hidden heiress of Parker Electronics. She was born in Country A but lived in Country K after high school. Stayed out of the public eye at the age of 10 after a heartbreaking incident. Hated by her own mother and cursed her more after the incident. Will there be a reconciliation between mother and daughter? Will she forever be the hidden heiress? Zero Leon Kage, the CEO and owner of ZL Group of Companies. He was born in Country J but settled in Country A after his education. The most eligible bachelor for straight 4 years from the time he came to Country A. A mysterious and cold person in the eyes of many, what secrets do you keep? Why do you need to leave your home country? Two strangers spent a night together. Got separated. Found each other into an arranged marriage?! What the…? Excerpt: “Boss, I mean Zero... you have 30 minutes for your lunch meeting with Ms. Parker.”, said Frank, his secretary. “Okay let’s go.” he said coldly. At the restaurant. Ash is so focused on her phone not minding her surroundings until she hears a knock on the table. “Ms. Parker?”, said the man. “Yes! Hello. Nice to meet you. I’m Ashley Parker.”, she said, leaving her phone on the table and offering her hand for a shake. She looked up and was shocked to see the striking gray eyes, the same eyes, the same man she had a night with months ago. “Huh? So… nice to meet you… again… you said Ashley Parker? Hmm…”, Zero said with a smirk, intently looking at her green eyes. ‘I won’t let you slip in my hands this time Ash. This time I’ll make sure that you’ll pay not just $200 but your everything, even your shadow. You will be mine.’, Zero swore to himself while looking at Ash. They are tangled by fate. Hate? Love? Will they end up being married? ***Cover image is not mine. I just grabbed it from google and added the title on it. I'm willing to take it down if the original owner claims it.***

_shadow887_ · Urban
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32 Chs

Sleepover [2]

Zero, seated comfortably on the couch with his black pyjama and white t-shirt. The TV is on with some random business news when Ash approaches. She is holding some photos. Occupying the seat next to him, she settled with a pillow on top of her lap.

"I had a dream earlier, but somehow it turned out to be a nightmare.", she started. "You asked me if I wanna talk about it.", she paused. "To be honest, I don't wanna talk about it… but if it's you, I think I can share a bit of it.", she continued. "These are the only photos of my family that I have with me. They are the most precious gift that I have in this world. My treasures.", she added, handing him the photos. Zero looked at the photos in his hands. "That's me and my granddad. You might have seen some pictures of him from your grandfather too. He is my savior in everything.", she said, pointing to the photo of her and his grandfather while smiling.

"Yeah.. that's why he looked familiar.", he replied, nodding.

"These are my father and brother Ashton.", she moved on to the next photo. "You already met my brother. He is my rock, that's why I called him Rock. I got that nickname for him.", she laughed. "My dad, I think you know him by name or might have met him at some business gatherings, Alford Parker. He is the best dad in the world! My hero.", she said with a bright smile. Zero just sat there attentively listening to her. He looked at the last photo at hand, two adorable kids wearing the same dress and shoes. They looked alike except for their hair and eye color. "This… t-this is me and A-Andrea. S-she's my twin s-sister.", she said, stuttering.

"You have a twin?", he asked, surprised. 'I see. No wonder they looked alike.', he said inside.

"I had.", she replied with a bitter smile. 'Had?', he asked inside. "...but she's gone. She died when we were 10.", she continued. Zero's lips slightly parted upon hearing what she just said.

"I'm sorry to hear that.", he said as he held her hand, gently rubbing it.

"I feel sorry too.", she said with sad eyes. "And I still am.", she added. She continued to narrate what happened 11 years ago to him and he just listened silently. He did not dare to ask anything because he can see her eyes full of sadness and he hates seeing her that way. "Andi, that's what I call her. I love that name 'coz it gives that strong, independent and fearless vibe which Andrea lacks. Unfortunately, that accident happened. I always blame myself, why did I ignore her that day?", she continued, flashing a sad smile. "If only, she might still be alive…", she added in a low raspy voice.

"Look babe, it's not your fault. Andi chose to save you, stop blaming yourself.", he said as he lifted her chin to focus her eyes on him. She looked him in the eyes and smiled.

"Granddad says the same. It feels deja vu!", she said as she chuckled.

"We're both right.", he replied, rubbing her cheek. Then he realized that her mother is not in any of the photos. She might have read his mind so she started to tell him more about her mother.

21 years ago, they were born in Country A. Yes! She has an older twin sister - Andrea. They both grew up with totally opposite personalities. Andrea was a gifted child, perfect in everything. Growing up with her makes you look so small like dirt. Their mother, Jae Kim, loves Andrea so much because she is good at everything and in the process, Ashley was neglected. Though Ashley never felt that way because her grandfather, father, brother and Andrea loved her so much. As young as 5 years old, she started to learn everything in secret thinking that their mother would be impressed. Not as demure as Andrea but she is a very smart kid, but her expectation started falling every time their mother compares her to Andrea. She hates it! Andrea this… Andrea that… was tiring for her. Of course, she also loves her twin sister. It's not her fault. From then on, she stayed low key like a shadow of Andrea.

Until that accident happened. From her being neglected to totally forgotten by her mother. She has never met her from the day she got out of the hospital from the incident. Her grandfather and father decided to keep her from home for the meantime. They got her a condo unit near her school. At 10 years old, she stayed there with only her nanny Isabel. Trix and Sam visited her everyday and sometimes also do sleep over. Her father and brother also drop by at least 3-4 times a week while her grandfather went back to Country K. Starting from that day until today when she's already 21, she only spoke thrice to her mother and it's over the phone. Either her mother was screaming or demanding something from her in every call.

"Jae Kim, my mother. She's not there because I didn't have any chance to take a photo with her. Maybe when we were babies but I don't have it with me. She never liked me and I can say the same to her. She said that it's my fault that Andi died and hated me more.", she explained with a bitter smile.

"How can she blame you for that?", he said coldly. He was getting furious in her stead.

"Our relationship is not that good to begin with.", she started. "At dinner, we had an argument and she slapped me.", she laughed. "I only saw her today after 11 years and all I got was mocking words from her and a slap. Amazing, right?!", she added. "I really don't care what she does and whatever she says, but I don't like it when other people are being humiliated because of me. I hate it!", she continued with her face red with anger. "...and what more, she's so demanding! Ha!", she complained as she picked the cup and took a sip.

"I am so proud of you.", he said as he pulled her to his arms. "Despite what you've been through, you have grown into a fine and beautiful lady. Not just on the outside but mostly on the inside. You are a good person, babe.", he continued, kissing her forehead. "And I'd love to see more as you become the best version of yourself.", he added, cupping her face while smiling. She was touched by his words and gestures, she looked into his eyes for a second then smiled.

"Thank you. Thanks for listening, though it's not finished yet. I'm still hoping for a happy ending.", she said, smiling.

"You have your best friends with you… and now, you have me too. You can make your own ending.", he replied, smiling back at her. 'And I'll make sure you'll end up with me.', he added inside. She snuggled to his embrace and he lifted her, making her sit on his lap. "Are you sleepy now?", he asked as they hugged each other.

"Hmm.", she replied, rubbing her face on his chest with eyes closed. He stood from the couch supporting her bottom with one hand while the other on her tiny waist. She clung to him, wrapping her hands on his neck and her legs on his lean waist as he walked slowly to her bed. He gently put her down to bed, pulled the cover and lay beside her. Instinctively, her hand searched for him and she wrapped it on his waist as she buried her face on his hard chest. She felt warm and comfortable. Zero pulled her closer to his embrace while smiling.

"Good night, babe.", he whispered as he kissed her hair and forehead. Ash did not reply anymore since she is in deep slumber. 'She looked tired from crying.', he said inside. He stared at her face once more, her long lashes, slightly parted lips and soft breathing making him want to touch her lips. 'No! Man, what are you doing? Relax, time to sleep.', he scolded himself. 'Ah! Let's start counting the sheep.', he added, distracting himself as he hugged her even tighter with his eyes closed.

Their bodies tangled together under the warm duvet, cuddling and softly breathing. Thick and long black eyelashes flickered revealing such beautiful gray eyes. He hummed and moved slowly as he felt the soft skin touched his waist from his disarrange shirt. A faint smell of a sweet bubblegum scent from her hair, he glanced at the sleeping beauty within his embrace, he smiled. 'What a good morning!', he said inside and gave a peck on her forehead. He slowly untangled himself from her, making sure not to wake her up then got out of the bed. Glancing for the last time, she's still sleeping peacefully under the cover so he decided to take a shower. After a few minutes, the bathroom door opened and he was out with his black sweatpants and beige oversize t-shirt while rubbing his hair to dry. He didn't notice that she was already awake and currently lying on her stomach while her head propped up with her hands, staring at him as soon as he was out the bathroom flashing a wide smile on her face.

"Good morning!", she greeted. He paused and looked in her direction, sauntered towards her and crouched in front of her. He gave her a peck on the lips.

"Good morning, babe!", he replied, giving her another peck while smiling. "I'll take care of our breakfast, go take a shower.", he added as he stood.

"Hmm.", she said, rolled from the bed and stretched both hands revealing her flat stomach and tiny waist. She lazily walked past him towards the bathroom. He chuckled. 'Why are you so cute?', he hummed inside, then left the room.

A plate of avocado toast, bacon and eggs, porridge and vanilla shake were neatly arranged on the kitchen counter. He was still wearing an apron when Ash arrived in the kitchen. She is wearing a pair of dark green jogger shorts with an oversize t-shirt.

"Wow! Now I'm hungry.", she commented as she took the vanilla shake and sip. "Ah! I love this!", she exclaimed. Zero pulled her chair and she sat.

"Enjoy!", he said as he sat across from her. Ash laughed. "What?", he asked, frowning.

"You look like a house husband with that hello kitty apron.", she chortled.

"Hmm. I like the sound of it.", he replied, waggling his eyebrows. She did not comment anymore and both started eating.

"Any plans today?", he asked after some time.

"So far, none.", she replied. "Oh, let me ask you about these.", she said, tapping the screen of her phone and handing it over to him. Zero checked the photos and those were the photos taken by random people yesterday. He already expected that she might ask him about it, especially when he met her brother yesterday.

Ashton "Rock" Parker, 26, is the CEO and owner of Parker Tech. It is a network company holding the radio networks, packet switched networks, public switched telephone networks (PSTN) and computer networks within the biggest city in Country A, City of Alca. Though Parker Tech was established by Rock himself, it is still under Parker Electronics. Parker Electronics is one of the leading providers within Country A. They offer all kinds of devices from mobile phones, appliances, electric cars and bikes, almost everything related to electronics. Alford Parker, her father, is the current chairman which holds the biggest share in the company.

"I'm not actually aware of these photos until Rock showed me yesterday.", she continued.

"I knew it was your brother. I'm sorry.", he replied, returning her phone.

"It's fine, you both took care of it.", she said. "He already knew that we're together, by the way.", she added while leisurely sipping her vanilla shake.

"I see.", he mumbled, nodding. "Do you want me to publicly announce our relationship?", he asked.

"No! No! No!", she instantly replied.

"That was quick.", he said, sulking.

"I mean, not now. I don't want to be the center of gossip.", she said, glaring at him.

"Who cares about what they say?", he rebutted.

"I don't… but you are a known personality, handsome and rich. The spot beside you is already reserved for me, but in order for me to stand there with my chin up high, I need to make my own name to be deserving of that seat.", she explained. He smiled and stood from his seat, approached her and cupped her face with both hands.

"You are more than enough for me, but if that's what you want…go for it!", he said as he leaned and kissed her forehead, eyes, nose and lips. She giggled. "Wanna watch a movie?", he whispered.

"Hmm.. I'm guessing that you had your little exploration inside my house?", she said, narrowing her eyes to him. He laughed.

"I was intrigued by the door color and it was not locked so…", he trailed with an awkward smile. "...your cinema room is cute.", he added.

"It's no biggie.", she replied, smiling. "How about… me doing the dishes while you chose the movie?", she asked.

"Deal.", he quickly replied.

"Okay. Off you go.", she said, giving him a peck on the lips.

Please leave a comment for any corrections. Enjoy reading! :)

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