
Set 222

A man goes to a railway station and looks to board the train which would take him to the place he wanted to go. He sees that all the compartments are full and that there is place only in the "Pregnant Women's Compartment".

So he devises a plan and manages to get a black "Burkha" and gets into the "Pregnant Women's Compartment" disguised with a soft ball stomach.

The train starts off, the man now is quietly seated with his face covered beside another lady this lady is also pregent but she is one hot babe, this guy is getting excited but keeps quite, she looks at him and asks him "So how long has it been?"

The man not knowing what to say replies 13 months, the woman is staggered and asks him, "Lady are you giving birth to a human baby or an elephant?"

The man replies, "An elephant.....Look the trunk is already out!"


The penis experiment

Jack goes to the doctor and says "Doc, I'm having trouble getting my penis erect, can you help me?"

After a complete examination the doctor tells Jack, "Well, the problem is that the muscles around the base of your penis are damaged. There's really nothing I can do for you unless you're willing to try an experimental treatment."

Jack asks sadly, "And that would be?"

"Well," the Doctor explains, "what we would do is take the muscles from the trunk of a baby elephant and implant them in your penis."

Jack thinks about it silently then says, "Well the thought of going through life without ever having sex again is too much, let's go for it."

Jack went under the knife, and, after a period of recovery and healing, returned to the Doc for his blessing. Following the examination, the Doc pronounced Jack, "Healed and ready for action."

Eager to use his experimentally enhanced equipment, Jack planned a romantic evening for his girlfriend and took her to one of the nicest restaurants in town, anticipating a happy conclusion to the evening.

In the middle of dinner he felt a stirring between his legs that continued to the point of being painful.

To release the pressure, Jack placed his napkin on his lap and unzipped his fly. His penis immediately sprung from his pants, flipped the napkin on the floor, went to the top of the table, grabbed a bread roll and then returned to his pants!

His girlfriend was stunned at first but then, imagining the possibilities, said with a sly smile and a gleam in her eye, "That was incredible! Can you do it again?"

Jack groaned, "Probably, but I don't think I can fit another roll in my ass."