A millennium had passed, and everything had lost its meaning in his eyes. Many heroes emerged from generation to generation, but he stood the test of time. That was his life, waiting for someone to come along and defeat him, but no one did. Nobody dared. Nobody tried. How can he allow this to happen? With the aid of his magic, he rose from his throne and set out into another world in search of excitement and, perhaps, a worthwhile adventure. What would happen if this last boss decided to venture into the human world for fun? PS: This novel has joined Fantasy Carnival
Not only the kingdom of El Merey, but even the other kingdoms were also informed of what happened. None of them made a move but they were watching like a hawk. In a secluded part of El Merey several birds were sent flying bearing news to the intended receivers.
Cygnus smiled when he saw this. Although they already knew the location of the other three on the list, there were other two that they knew nothing of. After the master got all the information in the royal library, they were able to narrow down the list into the group that the books referred to as the 'Circle of Eight'.
While the birds were on their way to their destinations, five of them were intercepted by the people working for Cygnus. They placed tracking magic on each of them and released them. After the tracking magic was placed, Cygnus could now have a view of where the birds were going.