
Your Gentle Calms My Fierce; Your Vulnerability Evokes My Wrath

The man is a gentle fellow The woman was ice cold The man was stunningly handsome but crippled The woman was stunningly beautiful but disfigured He has an elegant, calm, and gentle demeanor which makes others feel serene when in his presence or near him. No matter what others do or say, he always remains calm and gentle, patient and polite. But because of these traits, he makes others feel distant from him; as if no one can ever grasp him, like a dream that fades after one wakes. She was always described by others as ruthless, cold, and fierce. These qualities made others admire yet fearful of her. No matter what challenges she face, she never backs down nor show mercy, but that doesn’t imply that she’s reckless. Quite the opposite actually, she is a very cautious person that can never relax no matter where she was or who she was with. One day, the cold and ruthless woman met the calm and gentle man. Her heart was moved by how serene he always was, no matter the situation he was in he never once shows panic. As if worldly problems are none of his concern. Always staying serene even when insulted about his crippled legs. Slowly but surely, her cold and distrustful heart starts to melt and lean on the man who made her feel warm and secure. Slowly but surely, his heart started to get disturbed by this fierce woman’s gentle and vulnerable side and his wrath which has long been in a deep sleep stirred. Slowly but surely, they fell in love. Warning: I might make mistakes in this type of story, not just grammatical mistakes, but info mistakes like their names and who they are suppose to take after. For example: the princes are supposed to take after the Emperor’s surname but I didn’t do that. So instead, the princes are going to be taking after their mother’s surname.

MidnightSweet · Geschichte
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Meeting Him

It was truly a work of art. Song Yin Xin stared in a daze at the figure in the pavilion. His whole body emitted a serene aura, calming the previous aggravation in her heart and eradicating her fierce demeanor. The moonlight lit the young man up, making him seem out of this world. Like an immortal, out of touch from others. It felt just like a dream with the moon's hazy glow shining onto him, his entire being aglow.

As if sensing Song Yin Xin's stare on him, the young man turned to look at her. Song Yin Xin sucked in a sharp breath. This young man was mind-blowingly handsome. Not like any of those other princes and nobles. Even though Song Yin Xin has never been moved by anyone's beauty, this was the first time she had chanced upon such a stunning sight. Though what attracted Song Yin Xin the most to the young man was his calm and gentle demeanor that shatters any negative or oppressive auras that gets close. His aura could make the most brutal man faint in guilt of being such a brute in front of him and being so belligerent in his presence.

Seeing Song Yin Xin there staring at him in a daze, the young man smiled gently and warmly at her. This caused a rush of blood to her cheeks, feeling embarrassed to be caught staring. She acted just like a normal girl under his glaze. The young man slowly approached Song Yin Xin down the one of many paths built on the lake. His every move was done with elegance. Seemingly memorized by his enchanting movements, she didn't realize that he was already in front of her until he spoke.

His voice was gentle and soothing like his presence. "Good evening," he greeted.

Snapping out of her daze she returned his greetings while stuttering, "G-good evening." Awkwardly she shifted her weight from one foot to another. She has never felt this nervous and shy in front of anyone before. She did not understand why she felt this way in front of this man, this young man she had just met, a total stranger. A stranger yet she felt such familiarity with him. She felt so weak and vulnerable in front of him, but she didn't dislike it. On the contrary, she actually liked this feeling she had. She liked the way how even though she felt so vulnerable, she felt so safe with him here.

As the leader of the second world best organization known for it's clean and smooth assassination skills, knowledge of medicine and poison, and incredible work at gathing intel, Yin Xin has long since abandoned her feelings. Ones that made her soft and vulnerable. For to be a good and invincible leader, one cannot afford to have weaknesses or soft spots, and that's how she has survived through these years, including those years spent in that General's mansion. When everyone laughed and made fun of her, she shrugged them off. When they stole her mother's things and broke them, she made no sound for they were only things she could replace, nothing she couldn't handle. Even when they had humiliated her and slaughtered her reputation, she shed no tears, always bearing with deep hidden anger everything they had done to her. She only felt immense hatred and anger towards the people in the General's mansion, not even excluding her father. She will feel no remorse even if one day the whole General mansion had a brutal and violent massacre and then lit on fire, burning alive the ones that still had breath in them. In fact, she will be delighted if that ever happens.

While the girl was engrossed in her thoughts, the man was also doing some thinking of his own. The man who's name was Hai Wen Nu was actually the fifth prince, the heavily favored son of the emperor. He already knows who this woman in front of him is, she's General Song's third di daughter, Song Yin Xin. An unfavoured daughter of the general. Mistreated and disgraced. A rumored good-for-nothing with a disfigured face.

Hai Wen Nu not only knows about her but every one of the noble family's children, and he memorized everything he knew of them.

However, this Miss Song seems to not be as the rumors say. She exudes quite an elegant and alluring air, with a hidden fierceness.

Although Hai Wen Nu felt some familiarity with her even though he was sure he had never met her before.

Hai Wen Nu smiled, "Miss, are you here to enjoy the beautiful night scenery as well?" The way he spoke each word made a person feel relaxed and calm, like the swaying of a willow tree in the wind. Yet still, a strange sense of politeness and distance radiated from the depths of his soul. Letting everyone wanting to get close to him subconsciously know, "Stay away from him. Don't get close."

"Yes, I needed some fresh air. Gongzi, how about you?" Song Yin Xin at last regained her usual composure and spoke politely. She felt a sense of distance when she spoke with him, and she did not understand why.

It was like there was an invisible bearer blocking her from this gongzi, not allowing her entry. It was as if he was purposefully distancing himself from her with his movement and words—he was as untouchable as a dream. Yet he intrigues her, she couldn't help but to want to be close to him. This bizarre thought of hers made her confused. Yet even so, she could not resist against it.

Hai Wen Nu smiled at her warmly, yet this smile brought no warmth to anyone it was bestowed upon.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew them by. Song Yin Xin's hair was tossed around in the air, creating an image as if those locks of hair were dancing on air. The before seemingly peaceful atmosphere was broken. Her left ear which was hidden behind her thick, beautiful hair was exposed, revealing a beautiful and unique earring consisting mostly of a light blue color with a hint of a heart-shaped red dot.

The gleam of the earring caught Hai Wen Nu's eyes.

"What a beautiful earring you have, Miss." Hai Wen Nu complimented. As if caught, Song Yin Xin reached out to hide the earring with her hand, she pursed her lips. She did not know why, but having this man see her precious earring felt as if she was caught wearing a stolen item. She quickly let go and placed her hands back at her side.

"Thank you kind sir, this earring is my favorite out of all my possessions." Song Yin Xin spoke politely, a light smile hung on her lips.

Hai Wen Nu's eyes rippled with an unnoticeable wave before it disappeared without a trace, even Song Yin Xin was not able to catch it, "Mind I ask where this lady got this earring from?"

"I can't remember, I had this ever since I was 6, I think." Song Yin Xin did not know why she'd told a complete stranger the truth about her treasured earring. This was so unlike her.

"Haha. I understand." Hai Wen Nu light laughter was like music to Song Yin Xin's ears, coupled with his words, she felt an unfamiliar—yet familiar—warmth spreading in her chest. Her heart sped up.

However, she noticed that there was a slight difference this time. That invisible barrier she felt before seemed to have disappeared. She felt much closer to him now than before. Although she should question why this was, she secretly felt inexplicable joy and excitement bubbling up from the bottom of her heart. This discovery had the back of her mind spike up in alarm, yet was pushed down by the front in an instant.

And though his response did not match with her answer, she paid it no mind. This carelessness was very unlike the usual Song Yin Xin.

Song Yin Xin stared into Hai Wen Nu's dark but twinkling eyes. There was amusement swirling around in them.

Usually whenever Song Yin Xin saw such a thing in other's eyes, she would absolutely feel fury and anger burn from the pit of her stomach because that so-called "amusement" they felt would certainly mean nothing good. More like seeing her as a toy to play around with.

Yet with him, she felt none of that.

'Oh Lord, I'm surely losing it from holding it in too much.'

In spite of what either of them were feeling, they chatted with each other longer than they would've with anyone else—not that they would realize, at least not now.

At this moment, Hai Wen Nu looked forward, behind Song Yin Xin, at the palace. There was a slight gloom to him that Song Yin Xin picked up but couldn't grasp. Disappearing without a trace as soon as she noticed it.

Hesitant, Song Yin Xin carefully picked her words. She had distinctly felt something in her conversations with Hai Wen Nu, a sort of sad yet mellow feeling he exudes whenever a particular subject was mentioned.

She slowly spoke, "Forgive me for asking but...Does the Fifth Prince want to go to the Emperor's birthday banquet?

Just moments before she had asked, she had found out that the man she was talking to was actually a prince—the son of the emperor—and the fifth prince no less. For the fifth prince was highly favored by the Emperor, a well-known fact for all.

She was shocked, but not too much, as she had expected him to be a prince, just not the fifth prince. So her guess being correct did not alarm her, as his real identity did.

But she was not careful with him just because he was a prince. No. She was considerate of him because she had took a liking to him.

Yes. She admits it. She's starting to like this fifth prince who is the Emperor's favorite among his many children.

She had had a good impression of him since seeing him.

Though she might blame that on his gentle and affable appearance and aura that always rolls off of him.

She would blush in shame any time thinking that she could not believe she was so taken by a person's appearance.

Hai Wen Nu, knowing or not knowing what Song Yin Xin was internally screaming about, smiled lightly but dimly. He had been impossibly transparent with his state of mind this evening with this hopeless girl. If any of his subordinates find out, they would be so shocked, they would faint—something they would never do even when drugged by a heavy sleeping poison.

"No. I am fine." Although his answer was again off, he seems to be hitting on the right spots on Song Yin Xin's heart all the time. Like he knows what Song Yin Xin tries to convey indirectly through her word of choice, or maybe he was just good with his intuition.

Song Yin Xin wasn't believing any of it. Even if she had been acting unlike herself for the past half an hour with Hai Wen Nu, that does not mean her IQ went down nor does it mean her sharp instincts and sixth sense were on sleep mode. She could tell that he does want to go, but for some inexplicable reason he chooses not to.

Thinking deeply into this, Song Yin Xin does not realize that the initially boiling feeling in her chest had dissipated since talking to Hai Wen Nu. Since seeing him.

She was acting unlike herself. And not in just one way nor in just the way she had thought. Unconsciously, she had opened up to Hai Wen Nu, though it was not obvious, and she was doing her best to try to help him even when she doesn't know how.

Thinking cleverly, Song Yin Xin suddenly realized that the banquet was about to be over and she had to go back—even if Hai Wen Nu is not going.

Turning to look at Hai Wen Nu, Song Yin Xin was still momentarily dazed by his demeanor, the aura that makes her brain slow down.

Sucking in a breath of cold night air, Song Yin Xin came back to herself, her red cheeks caressed by the cold wind turned a shade redder unnoticeably.

"Fifth Prince, I have to go now. The banquet is about to end and I have to be there."

Looking somewhat sad and reluctant about their eventual parting, Hai Wen Nu was conflicted between going to the banquet with her or stay here in the lake pavilion.

Seeing her about to take her leave, Hai Wen Nu made up his unusually indecisive mind. He decided to accompany her there. It has been a long time since he had gone to his Father Emperor's birthday banquets. Hai Wen Nu knows that his Father Emperor wants him there, but he just doesn't want to deal with those concubines and their sons for as much as he can. He sees them enough times 365 days a year, it'll be fine if he doesn't see them for one.

Thus, making up his mind, Hai Wen Nu told Song Yin Xin that he would go with her.

"It has been a long time since I've last gone for Father Emperor's birthday. I'll accompany you and stay a while at the banquet."

This abrupt turn of events pleasantly surprised Song Yin Xin.

Selfishly, a part of her was thinking that he was doing this just for her. But she squashed it right away. After all, they had just known each other today, for less than an hour.

Smiling, Song Yin Xin acknowledged, "I would be honored."

Then together, they left for the banquet hall still bright with light and loud with laughter and music.