

"Your body belongs to me (my king)" "Your mine till the end Amari" What if you were fated to die for your king?? can you override destiny and have a happy ending or does it only exist in tales and wishes.. This novel focuses on a chosen, a half witch and vampire "Amari" who's meant to be nothing more than a sacrifice for the king. in other words his better half( a chosen)sacrificing his self to save the kingdom and the king from the great War of the nuns. There was nothing left he could do but wish he had more time!! I watched him suck in his last breath breaking down before my eyes.. he wheezed as he battled with death he didn't scream just stared deeply into my eyes as if he was trying to reach down and connect with my soul. blood gushed out from his senses as I felt something ripping in my chest until I felt nothing and all I could do was stare frozen at the spot, "he's gone" years passed and I waited for the prophesy to be fulfilled..He would be reincarnated it said. I've read this scroll a thousand times waiting for a sign anything to approve I wasn't entirely going crazy like they said. I couldn't hide the fact that I missed our bond, well till I laid my eyes on her.... ... Will their love relationship work out for them in Amari's new body or will it be a one sided love even as Amari still feels like its wrong in this life "she" doesn't want to lose him again.

xl_ · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 2 Arrival of Amari

I stared at the wall of Lore with disgust, I found it useless for every mixed 16 year old to serve the king they just wanted us. to be puppet as to not rebel we were still a bit far behind. it will take us one more night to get to lore.

"You have to go Amari at least to try out maybe you could be the chosen one,your father would be very happy" said Mrs Avery with a bitter smile in remembrance of her late brother

My father was just like me a vampire and a witch, he was the king's chosen and died because of him my mother also died while giving birth to me a gloom expression appeared on Amari's face while remembering all the things he had to go through because of "this king" he turned and stared at Avery "because I am a mixed doesn't mean I am or will be the chosen" i turned and walked away to my tent I was exhausted, because of the long journey "good night Amari" said Mrs Avery staring at his retreating figure "hmm" I got into my tent and laid down on the nitten cloth tomorrow was gonna be an even longer day I closed my eyes *yawn I needed to replenish my energy

"We're here finally..."doesn't this place look wonderful hmm Amari" "scoff let's just get it over with" we walked through the gates of Lore with our luggages there were different people here it was bustling with so much life...unlike my little peaceful village it was... "let's go over there Amari" she pointed to the right where lots of people were heading to. finally spotting the guards of the castle we walked towards them "Good day, may we see your invitation" informed the first guard "oh um we actually weren't given an invitation but if you may inform the king that Mrs Avery Dennison is here" his eyes shifted from my aunt to me " sorry, but without an invitation no one's allowed to go in" said the second guard with a frown on his face but "I, I, I j-just told you that we weren't invited am actually the last chosen's sister late lord Rasmos this is his son please if you may inform the king that we're here he'll let us in" said Mrs Avery while fidgeting trying to reason with the guards while deep in the castle two men were watching both utterly and completely handsome but one a sinful beauty.

"my king, it seems like there's a little hold up at the gate" said an immobile man his hands clasped behind him "hmm and why is that Lancelot" came a bored raspy yet alluring voice. the man by the large window staring at the outset of the castle closed his eyes after a few seconds he opened them and turned around watching the retreating figure of the king going to sit on his throne before saying "Avery and a kid...Amari" the man sitting on a magnificent throne stopped in his movements of taking a dark liquid drink in a cup and a large grin appeared on his face before saying saying "well I would want to see this Amari my dear Avery brought but...I would also like to finish my drink Lancelot, let's wait and see what'll happen next his eyes gleamed with various colours one could only imagine what he was thinking about.

While outside the castle, there seemed to be a commotion with a boy trying to pry his way into the palace "how many times do I have to tell you, no invitation no entry get lost!!!" said an irritated looking guard getting ready to kick them out "g-g-gentle m-men pl---" said Mrs Avery panicking and cowering in fear as she tried to calm the situation but was cut short of her statement "and why should we leave, are you just being ignorant or plain stupid, who the hell do you think you are to tell us to leave" said Amari with a bored look but everyone present felt a chill running down their spine everyone was dead silent and shocked hearing what he said, guards,by-passers, other chosen's and their families had the same expression on their faces you could hear the crow passing by their heads "what the fuck, did he just say that? oh my... whispers* a little bit confused and angry the first guard said "what did you just say boy" walking towards Amari and stopping in front of him "I believe you heard me fatso" replied Amari staring down at him with a smirk on his face "h-h-how dare you, you stupid kid!!!" said the guard with his face beet red raising his hand to hit Amari "P-please c-calm down s...!!" before Mrs Avery could finish her sentence Amari kicked the fat guard so hard and fast that no one saw it coming only when they heard a loud cry and crash on the wall "pffff" blood splattered out of the chubby guards mouth "how dare you try to hit me you filth"Amari stared at the guard growling in pain completely oblivious to the ruckus he was making "yeah!!! kick him in the Winnie Winnie next time,said a red haired kid enjoying the show in front of him,oh my Gods, what just happened, did he just..., what's gonna happen to him" murmurs could be heard "I am so..." "shut up both of you are dead!!!!" screamed the fatso once again interrupting Avery as he charged at Amari with his sword "swish" his sword passed through thin air as his eyes grew wider the next thing everyone heard was his scream in pure agony "ahhh!!! my wi-ni-wi-ni as he fell down on his face this time holding his area "oh my gods, he-he just k-kicked his Winnie Winnie hahahahahaha everyone started laughing before another guard tried to slash Amari's arm but he disapeared again and another loud whail was heard with blood on the floor.

Um...I apologize for not updating for a while but between this period I wrote a lot of chapters so I'll start updating for my lovelies please like and send this shameless authoress a gift to encourage me it's my first time writing a book please be nice thanks

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