

"Your body belongs to me (my king)" "Your mine till the end Amari" What if you were fated to die for your king?? can you override destiny and have a happy ending or does it only exist in tales and wishes.. This novel focuses on a chosen, a half witch and vampire "Amari" who's meant to be nothing more than a sacrifice for the king. in other words his better half( a chosen)sacrificing his self to save the kingdom and the king from the great War of the nuns. There was nothing left he could do but wish he had more time!! I watched him suck in his last breath breaking down before my eyes.. he wheezed as he battled with death he didn't scream just stared deeply into my eyes as if he was trying to reach down and connect with my soul. blood gushed out from his senses as I felt something ripping in my chest until I felt nothing and all I could do was stare frozen at the spot, "he's gone" years passed and I waited for the prophesy to be fulfilled..He would be reincarnated it said. I've read this scroll a thousand times waiting for a sign anything to approve I wasn't entirely going crazy like they said. I couldn't hide the fact that I missed our bond, well till I laid my eyes on her.... ... Will their love relationship work out for them in Amari's new body or will it be a one sided love even as Amari still feels like its wrong in this life "she" doesn't want to lose him again.

xl_ · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 1 The beginning of the end

"What if you were meant to die for your king?? "For what is to come in the nearer future Lord Amari ".

I remember those words from the nuns 48 days from today. I had gone to the nuns for the prophecy I had seen,i smelt and I felt death. they were high piercing screams from humans and animals.

Beasts,vampires,elves, witches, fairies and the dark raiders all pumped up and ready to extract the dead souls.

The more I fought the more I saw it was meaningless. Every time we looked into the watchers eyes all we see is blood dripping from all senses. You struggle, scream and fight till you lose the will of your own and turn against your own kind..Then you kill like a controlled puppet.

I saw them the nuns(watchers) they were observing my every move,chanting words of poison to my heart.

I saw my king Demetri with his white long hair cascading down his waist..His eyes swirling with mixed colours of ombre as he fought to gain a will of his own and not fall prey to our enemies, A black slit a mixture of the wolves, the vampires, the elves, the fallen and the witches. it was truly a sight to behold for he was the king of all creatures born from the very ground(mother nature) the first creature along side with the nuns.

I had told him about the prophecy he told me "there must be another way" but we both knew there was none, it was either me or this world he had lived in since the very beginning and it was said "destiny had to be changed for the good of all" I was a simple witch and a vampire the son of the late chosen, while he was an immortal "A God to us" my life belonged to him and I shall have no regrets giving it up for him...

It was a going to be a very busy day in the kingdom of lore, for it was the day everyone had awaited for the arrival of the chosen for every 1000 years a chosen is selected.

it was written and told that the king was to have a soul bond with the strongest creature, that walked the earth for both of them would feel incomplete and would go berserk, insane for the kind of power they had could not be controlled by one of them. the soul bond was to join the body and soul to the king their emotion and power would be in ultimate sync. one could not live without the other or they would be chaos. so when a chosen dies another is selected out of all mixed creatures at the early age of 16.when their power could be felt and taught on how to control and use it.

500 years ago before it all happened...

My aunt bid everyone goodbye while I on the other hand was quite grumpy, I had never really left our town my aunt always made sure of it rolling my eyes i watched her lock the doors we made our way out of our little town, I didn't have much friends just two, Esther and Gabriel they both escorted us out of town all three of us lost in our thoughts this was the first time any of us left each other we've been together since we were kids so we didn't know what to say to each other now that I was leaving,

Esther was fiddling with her scarf while Gabriel had a frown on his usually calm face "um...Amari do you really have to go?" Esther gave out a little laugh but I still heard it the hiccup she was crying I stopped walking and turned around to face her "you know I wouldn't leave if not for my aunt rolling my eyes I continued this is meaningless So don't cry I promise I'll visit" giving a small smile to cheer her up she wiped her tears with her scarf giving me a nod I stared at Gabriel we both gave a nod "Amari we need to make a spell now" my aunt called out to me facing his aunt in front of him he turned back to look at his friends "promise you'll visit" staring back at Esther he gave a nod a light chuckle came from Gabriel "words Amari" smiling at his friends again he said "I'll try my best I promise that, take care of each other" they both smiled Amari patted Esther on her head before walking towards his aunt crouching down to help carry her bags she dropped, stretching out her hands for him to place his in it they both whispered a spell giving a final look at his friends they waved at him before they both disappeared,

They both appeared at another town "Sigh...it's going to take us at least two days to get there at our current speed Amari so we better go in to look for an inn and rest" giving a small smile at Amari she stared at the towns board "welcome to Greenhill" "let's just get it over with" Amari walked forward, they both walked into the town "it's a human village" sparing a glance at his Aunt "hmm it is we've passed quite a lot of towns but this is the best out of all" "excuse me" they both walked towards a food stall greeting the man behind the counter Mrs Avery said "please we're new here and we need a place to stay, is there any nearby inn around here?" glancing at Amari and back at the Lady the man offered a smile "Yes there is just keep walking forward, take a left turn you'll see an inn right there" giving hand gestures as he directed them "ahh thank you we'll be on our way now"

"This must be the inn" staring at the wooden inn they both walked in "welcome how may I help you?" offering a smile the old lady stared at them returning back the smile Mrs Avery said"we would like two rooms both with a fire place we'll be staying for a night" giving a nod the old lady said"ok that'll be 100 coins" Amari handed Mrs Avery bag to her untying the not she took out her pouch and counted the coins and gave it to the lady "we'd like a meal too, maybe baken and eggs" looking at her book again the old lady said "that'll be 3 coins for both of you" paying for the food the old lady took out a key from the stash behind her and handed it to them " just go through here and climb the stairs the you'll see your room number 4&5 on the second floor" "thank you" handing her bag back to Amari they both left passing through the rooms then climbing the stairs before they saw their numbers 4&5 "this must be it" Mrs Avery used the key to open her door and handed Amari's room key to him taking her bag from him she said "thank you, they'll bring your food to your room we'll be leaving early in the morning "ok" Amari went to his room

Hey guys! please know the story is about reincarnation it's gonna start from when Amari first went to the palace to when he reincarnated so please read the book to understand it and please leave good reviews

Thank you!

I just did some touch ups to this chapter I noticed it was a bit short enjoy 。◕‿◕。

xl_creators' thoughts