
Your's Truly [we were meant to be]

Aaron moved to New York with his parents, and the first person he met was Ava, his next-door neighbor. They started out shy and ended up being best friends. Ava is a bubble girl who is both beautiful and intelligent. She was always spreading joy and smiles. Her mother is the only person to whom she is devoted. Aaron is a skilled photographer. He is shy, cute, and has a good sense of humor. He is always Ava's savior in her silly problems. Aaron and Ava are always overly protective of one another. Their friendship is fulfilling. But everything changed when Nathan came into their lives. Come, and fall in love during the season of love. Let's fall in love with Aaron and Ava in Yours Truly ♡

Angelic_Rankita_98 · Urban
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14 Chs

The party has begun

Ava was waiting for Aaron outside the house. It was a Saturday evening, and they had been invited to Sharon's house for a party. Aaron initially declined the invitation but agreed to accept it for Ava.

Aaron stepped out of the car as it came to a stop in front of the house.

"Where were you?" Ava asked, taking a few steps forward toward him.

Aaron admitted that he had been assisting his mother with some tasks.

Ava rolled her eyes. "I told you to accompany me. The party has already begun. Now hurry!" she exclaimed.

As they entered the house together, Ava held Aaron's hand. When Sharon spotted her, she jumped for joy and embraced her.

Sharon exclaimed, "At last, you're here, babe." Ava laughed at her.

"I finally made it," she said.

"I had been expecting you. It's been a long since we spent time together." Sharon was enthused.

Since high school, Ava and Sharon have maintained their friendship and communication. However, they didn't have a lot of free time to hang out due to their respective jobs.

Aaron and Ava were both dragged by Sharon into the living room, where several boys and girls were conversing and drinking. Some people had already started dancing. They were energized by the other people and the loud music.

When Ava looked up, she saw Hayley giggling maniacally on the floor. In no time, she joined her friends on the ground. Aaron watched Ava dance while leaning against the table.

Aaron gave a sideways glance as Ava motioned for him to join.

Ava joined Aaron after leaving the dance floor a short while later.

"I apologize for leaving you alone here," she said, holding one ear.

Aaron yanked her hand away from her ear. "It's okay, babe. "I know you've been waiting a long time to see your friends," he said slowly.

Ava gave him a friendly smile. "All right, come on in, and let me introduce you to my friends."

With a loud "hi!" Ava led Aaron toward a group of boys and girls.

"Oh, Ava! "Are you already trippier?" Seb asked, covering his ears.

"Shut up! I'm not like that. You'd better apologize to me, too." She gave Seb's shoulder a playful nudge.

"In your dreams, yes." Seb sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Seb won't ever change," claimed Hayley.

Ava chuckled while shaking her head.

"Guys, meet my friend Aaron," Ava said, motioning to Aaron as she nudged him a little.

"And Aaron, that's Hayley, the group's leader. You already know Sharon, who is sitting next to her. She is followed by Rachel." She introduced each person, adding, "And this is Seb, our sole clown in the group.

"Hello, guys," Aaron said.

"Hello, Aaron!" they all said at the same time.

"Listen, bro, I'm not a clown," Seb stated. He pulled up his collar and remarked, "I'd say I'm kind of the spark of the group.

He received a glare and a headbutt from Rachel. "Fool. "You are the clown," Rachel exclaimed.

"And the asshole," Hayley added.

Ava laughed at their remarks. Aaron also chuckled at that. Seb scowled in retaliation. They all shared a laugh at the same time.

Aaron quickly got along with Ava's friends. Together, they took seats in a corner and got to talking.

"I am thirsty. Please send for some drinks," Sharon pleaded.

Seb stood up and said, "Wait, I'm bringing drinks for you all."

Aaron added, "I'm coming, too."

Seb gave him a nod. The boys went to the kitchen together. Seb started preparing drinks for them.

Seb asked, "Hey Aaron, what would you like to have?"

Aaron said, "I'll only have cold drinks." Seb gave him a sour expression.

Aaron filled two glasses with ice-cold coke. He added two ice cubes. Seb noticed it.

"Wait, that's Ava's drink. Isn't that right?" He inquired.

"Yup, that's the way she prefers," said Aaron. Seb let out a shoulder shrug.

They both came over to the group carrying drinks. Aaron gave Ava a cold drink while Seb served the hard drinks to the others.

"Hey, you remember?" she inquired earnestly.

Aaron smiled at her. They raised their glasses and took a sip.

They all went to the dance floor and danced together. Ava was tipsy after drinking two shots, and Aaron was worried about her. However, she seemed to enjoy the dance floor a little too much. Especially Aaron's company.
