
Young Master In Cultivation World

Wang Lishi is a martial prodigy born with a golden spoon. He had everything prepared for him and had nothing to worry about. This sparks his arrogance. A certain incident occurs and the young master found his life turned upside down. ... Note: The first volume of this story is heavily character build-up. I warn you the mc is unscrupulous, but he does have a character development starting in volume 2. The first volume is only around 10 chapters, please bear it. I'll show you a unique novel that you will fall in love with. I won't spoil too much, but I promised that this novel is worth reading. ⚠️ RESTRICTED TO 17 AND UNDER! # 2 Chapters A Day

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5 Chs


The floor was messy; scattered pieces of clothes, shattered glasses, and so on. The air reeked a somehow weird aroma, and sticky, white liquids stained the curtains, bedsheets, and the ground.

In the bedroom, a naked girl around the age of 18 rested weakly. Her flawless skin trembled at the exposure of wind, it was a feast in the eyes, minus the teardrop on her cheeks.

Bloodstained her thigh.

"Sob...Sob...I hate you...I hate you!"

The girl whimpered, her eyes were red from all the tears.

The bare young man leisurely sitting on the chair turned a deaf ear. He said, "Lasting ten rounds though this ought to be your first time, you're indeed attractive. I can't have enough of your body and private part. Alright, you'll be my plaything from now on."

"You..." The girl pointed at him, trembling. She looked, found a glass cup, and threw it in his direction. It flew, but it hit nothing and shattered into pieces after striking the wall. "VILE BEAST! There'll be a day you'll atone your sin!"

"Woman, shout all you want. In Broken Sky City, my Wang Clan is equivalent to a Royal Family. Slaves like you should be pleased that I, the prince, fancied you."

Wang Lishi licked his lips. He stood up, "Now, should we start another round?"

The girl shuddered, eyes shrunk. What happened these past five hours was a nightmare. She trembled, "No...No...please, stop...I'm begging you...sob..."

Alas, Wang Lishi listen no longer; he ravaged the girl for another five minutes and finally stopped after venting enough.

"I'm expecting a child from you, my little girl," Wang Lishi whispered on her ears and dressed himself. With a last glance, he departed from the room.

The girl's eyes were devoid. She stared around as if everything was unfamiliar. Her eyes dripped with tears. At last, she gnashed her teeth and took a sharp weapon on her side, aiming at her soft neck.

Unfortunately, female servants rushed and stopped her.

"Let go of me!"

She screamed, kicking and hitting the servants.

"It's your fault for being ripe..."

A sneer no one hear came outside the room.

Between the tussle of the female servants and the young girl, she fainted.

Wang Lishi peeked inside and crossed his arms.

The noises vanished and the door opened.

A female servant bowed, "Young Master Lishi, what is your command?"

"Dress and don't let her escape," Wang Lishi waved his sleeve and turned around. He glanced and said, "And make sure nothing happens to her; otherwise, you'll be held countable."


The female servant bowed.

Wang Lishi snorted and sauntered away.

"That was my mistake..."

He watched the scenery while walking on the corridors.

"That trash is too pathetic. After ten years with her, he didn't do anything. It's not my fault for misconception."

Wang Lishi shook his head. The varieties of emotions on his eyes vanished, replaced with indifference.

As soon as he stepped into the martial field, Blood Axe Gang Leader, Lackey 1, Lackey 2, and the rest of the people around greeted him.

"Are you done, Young Master?"

Blood Axe Gang Leader asked.

"Indeed. My body's sore from all the work," said Wang Lishi, stretching his arms.

"That girl's pretty. Young Master, if you're done with her, I don't mind playing with a second hand," Lackey 2 joked.

Wang Lishi's smile vanished. "What did you say?"

"Nothing...nothing..." Lackey 2 shivered, waving his hands repeatedly in the air.

Wang Lishi snorted and pressed his shoulder down; the overwhelming power forced him to kneel on the ground. He bent his knees and whispered to Lackey 2's ears, "This joke isn't funny. A mere slave only takes commands and not the other way around. When I'm happy, I give a reward, but when I'm in bad mood, expect a punishment."

He stood up and waved his sleeve. Qi condensed, forming a crescent wind. It shot and penetrated Lackey 2's arm.


"My arm..." Blood spurted and Lackey 2 screamed. His Young Master cut one of his arms? How was this possible?!

This ruthless action shook the people present. Fear began rising in their hearts. They had forgotten and were reminded — when the master is unhappy, the slaves will suffer.

"Try something funny again, I don't mind feeding you to the dogs." Wang Lishi sneered and looked at the Blood Axe Gang Leader, "Lead me to the location of the treasure. Now!"

"Yes, Young Master."

Blood Axe Gang Leader respectfully followed. He give a sideways glance to the unfortunate guy and said, "What should we do to him, Young Master?"

Wang Lishi waved his sleeve, talking while he walked, "Those who offend this Young Master suffered a tragic fate. You know what to do."

Lackey 2's pain vanished. His eyes shrunk at the decree. He gnashed his teeth, crawled, and gripped Wang Lishi's legs. "Young master, please, please spare me!"

"I don't believe in second chances," Wang Lishi kicked him to the side and shouted, "Lackey 1, let's go."

"Yes, Young Master."

Lackey 1's heart thumped, but he was well behaved compared to Lackey 2.

On this day, Young Master Lishi's 2 lackeys dropped into 1.


The Wang Manor was enormous and was tightly guarded. Guards with the cultivation of Qi refinement guarded all directions of the walls of the manor.

The people on the street quietly ambled without looking at the ferocious-looking guards.


A luxurious carriage halted in front of the Wang Manor. The door of the carriage had a symbol of a bell which symbolized one of the Four Great Clans in the Broken Star City — Ling Clan.

The door opened, a middle-aged man and a veiled young woman alighted. The guards glanced and didn't bother greeting.

The middle-aged man cannot help but stride towards them. "Please tell that the Patriarch of the Ling Clan is here to visit."


The guards nodded.

After his arrival was reported, the Seventh Elder of the Wang Clan welcomed him.

"Brother Ling, what brings you here?"

The Seventh Elder smiled, but his tone was distant. It was obvious he didn't take the Ling Patriarch seriously.

The Ling Patriarch directly said without beating the bush, "I want to propose a marriage."

Stunned, the Seventh Elder didn't know what to say. After a few moments, he said, "Please come in."


Broken Mountain coiled behind the Broken Sky City. It has existed even before the establishment of the city.

At this moment, Blood Axe Gang Leader took Wang Lishi into the depths of the mountain.

After walking for a while, they reached an intersection and a forest appeared in front of them. Entering the forest, a wide field awaited them.

Men were digging around the area. After Blood Axe Gang Leader, Wang Lishi, and Lackey 1, appeared, the actions ceased and everyone bowed respectfully.

Wang Lishi waved his sleeve and everyone raised their head obediently. He glanced around and said, "Have you found it?"

The leader of these miners came in front and bowed, "Young Master Lishi, you arrive at the perfect time. We already found the treasure, but we need to dig deeper to get it out."

"Good. Bring me there."

"Please follow me, Young Master."

Wang Lishi followed the man and they came into a big hole near the tree.

He had to admit this position was indeed a good hiding spot. The tree was a blind spot. A river stood at the side. With such a wide area, the miners' first attention would be to the river before the tree.

It is a pity that though Chen Mo did his best to hide the treasure, it was still excavated.

Wang Lishi bent and peeked at the slightly, black-colored stone deep in the hole. Only a small part of its body was seen and the rest was covered with soil.

As these miners weren't cultivators, they naturally can't take the stone easily.

Wang Lishi wasn't the same. He manipulated his Qi and the black-colored stone shook. He wriggle his finger up in the air and the black stone followed the trajectory, flying out in the hole.

The stone floated in front of Wang Lishi and he took it, storing it on his spatial ring.

"Let's go."

Now that he had it, everything here was no longer of importance. He turned, waved his sleeve, and disappeared from the area.