
Thrishul – A Future Plan

Punya drove Siri home. They were friends from childhood; they used to share their experiences without filters. As Punya was friend-zoned, she had to tell her the three incidents about this new guy.... So Punya started narrating "When I first saw him, he stumbled over me but held me above the ground safely… but accidentally he sprained my arm... "....

"Wow then?" Siri was completely curious.

"What's Wow, I never wanted to meet him again because he's a mental torture for me. That day at Mela, when bull attacked, I was running randomly and I crashed myself at a stranger, I felt strong arms around me pulling me away from danger... It took couple of minutes to know that I was safe... I felt shy about hugging a stranger but when I lifted my head up"....

"It was him again.... Che! I didn't see him that day" said Siri in a disappointing voice. "Ok Then" she asked.

"Good don't see him, instead of thanking him for saving me, I got angry and I scolded him" said Punya.

"Oh..... That's rude...why did you do so??" said Siri in a surprised voice.

"My heart pounds hard when I meet him, I can't control myself, I'll be lost...I just hate him, he disturbs me too much"

"Wait how does he disturb you??"

"I feel a sense of attraction towards him, I feel so safe in his arms, his perfect face must be designed by artists, he has a great charisma to his personality, he doesn't look like he's born here, he must be from some other planet. He started haunting me in dreams Siri"

"Oh that's awesome but what is his faults in all these incidents....your feelings has nothing to do with him, you better thank him, he saved you again at college today" ordered Siri.

"No, never... out of everyone in this world, why will I fall into his arms again and again, I think he's following me continuously" said Punya in suspicion.

"And planning these dangers for you, just to hold you in arms??? Right??" asked Siri.

"Aah yes, I feel the same way.... You're genius Siri..." clapped Punya in appreciation.

"Shut up, Idiot.... How can he tell the bull to chase everyone? How can he tell Rishab to ride a break less car and crush you both? Let's think he told, Did he dream that you will pass between those cars that too with earphones??" argued Siri pushing Punya to deep thoughts.

"Didn't Rishab send you an apology letter from hospital, he's hurt badly. Did he agree to get himself hurt so that you both can hug? You're nuts... go apologize tomorrow to the guy who saved you.... Will you do that? asked Siri authoritatively.

"OK... I will" agreed Punya blankly.

"Better.... I gotto go...Bye, see you at college" said Siri as she left. Punya was lost in her thoughts and climbed the stairs to her room, feeling guilty about her behavior. Her suspicion about this new guy was blown away by her friend. Punya lay on her bed looking at the ceiling blankly...

"There's truth in Siri's words... I have mistaken that new guy, well let me Thank him first, then I will talk to him directly about the accidents..." thought Punya lying in her bed. Now that she decided, she could sleep peacefully that night.

"Mom, where's my red chiffon chudi? I'm not finding it anywhere" Punya screamed standing in front of her wardrobe.

"It must be on the top row" replied Narmada from kitchen.

"Ok got it...." replied Punya picking it up from the top row. She wore it in few seconds and stood in front of the mirror admiring herself. She wore a light make up, wore little red earrings, a neck chain, bangles and a shining red bindi in between her eyebrows... "Why am I paying so much attention to dress up like a doll? Is it to meet this new guy?" she wondered and thought she'll change it.

"Breakfast dear" reminded Narmada from downstairs.... Rishi had left to school. Grandparents were out of town for a marriage.

"Coming Amma" said Punya "Chuck it, I'll go this way" she thought having a final look into the mirror.

"Hey Princess, you look beautiful, what's the matter?" asked Varun.

"Nothing Appa, just like that... Am I looking special??" asked Punya.

"This is not normal...Is there someone in college who interests you? You look like a doll" winked her father.

"No Appa, I.... I... wanted to wear it, that's it" Punya stammered as she lied.

"You can't lie to me baby" said Varun smiling.

She took a deep breath and decided to tell the truth "Ok, That guy who injured my wrist on the beach couple of weeks back, he's my senior in college. He saved me from the bull in the Mela that day and just day before yesterday, he saved me from an accident in the parking lot" explained Punya.

"Woah, you have learnt to keep secrets" said Narmada in a worried voice as she sat in another chair, carefully listening to Punya.

"No, Amma, I thought it's not that important, please don't mistake me..." pleaded Punya.

"Nammu" Varun nodded his head sideways, gesturing not to talk... "Were you hurt in college accident?" he asked turning to Punya.

"No not at all, he stood between me and the car which came crushing down" she explained how much she remembered.

"Oh that's Great, did you thank him for that" asked Varun.

"No Appa" said Punya bending her head down.

"Can I know why?" her father intrigued.

"I thought he planned these accidents, so he can save me and then talk to me" she complained.

Varun burst out into laughter... "How can he plan a bull run into you and tell someone to crush you when he doesn't even know you're in his college?? Stop imagining Punya... Today go and apologize, don't over think... " he ordered.

"I will, I decided to apologize last night but wasn't sure enough, now that I got your back, I know I took right decision... Thanks Appa. In fact I wanted to look presentable so I..." she said as she got up to leave.

"I understand…Wait, I have got you a new friend.... Come with me" Varun said as he put his hand around her shoulders to the portico.

"Here he's Thrishul, Pavan Uncle's son.... He's in your college itself... Have you met him there??" he asked showing a good looking guy standing with Pavan Uncle.

"Hi" the guy said, "Hi" Punya answered to Thrishul and said "I haven't seen him in college" turning to her father.

"I've seen you in the class, you're the girl who answered most of the biology questions right??" Thrishul asked as he recognized her.

"Yeah I love biology, so I think I answered a couple of questions" Punya replied to Thrishul.

"Hope you both can keep each other's company" said Pavan who was silently watching them converse till now.

"Off you go, it's time for your college" said Varun as he bid a good bye to the kids.


"Hi....You look beautiful... Punya Right?" said Thrishul as he was completely mesmerized by Punya's looks.

"Thanks, Yes I'm Punya" replied Punya with a smile...

"Come let me ride you to college" Thrishul invited Punya.

"Thanks for the invite but sorry....I hope you don't mind if I say that I like to ride to college in my own scooty" said Punya smiling.

"No..No... that's cool, see you in college then" Thrishul waved at her as he went to take his bike.

Punya waved back and they departed ways....

Varun and Pavan were watching them interact till now.... Varun started giggling....

"My daughter prefers to be independent" said Varun, "Please don't mind"

"Yeah I can see that, Like father like daughter" said Pavan patting on Varun's back.

Pavan was Narmada's brother. Pavan's father was with Eshwar in the Army. When their father died in a war, Pavan and Narmada were still in school. Varun's father took responsibility of their family, of course with Gowri's help. All three kids grew together. Pavan and Varun studied Architecture in the same college back then. When Narmada was in final year of degree, they lost their mother too. As they couldn't bring the grown up girl home, Gowri suggested Varun could marry Narmada. As Eshwar was very attached to his friend's children, he appreciated his wife's decision....When varun was asked to marry Narmada, Varun laid a condition that Pavan also should marry on the same day as his... Soon they found Pavan a match and everyone agreed happily.... friends, neighbors from childhood turned into relatives. 40 years of togetherness had made both the families to form a great bond.

Now Varun and Pavan wanted to make the bond stronger.... by bringing Punya and Thrishul together. Thrishul was a naughty kid hence he was sent to residential school in Ooty all these years. As Eshwar and Gowri demanded, Pavan decided to bring back the boy home. Varun admitted him to same college which Punya had joined. Either Punya or Thrishul had no clue about this plan... Even their parents didn't want to influence them.

Will marriages and love happen as per plan????

Pushkarini_Ccreators' thoughts