
22. Prakruth .... I can't lose you....

"Punya will you stop? I need to talk" he called while walking behind her.

Others didn't follow them as they got busy around the birthday girl and cake.

"Yes" she stood 10 steps away from him.

"Why are you avoiding me these days?"

"I'm not, why did you feel so? I'm just busy with my internals, exam..."

He interrupted "but you have time to celebrate your friend's birthday, three weeks Punya....can't even say Hi to me?"

"Today we finished our exams" she said in a low voice.

"Good, now that you've time come we'll go out" he walked to her and held her hand.

"No, leave me. I don't want to come with you" she raised her voice.

"Why are behaving like this? you're hurting me. Let's discuss this elsewhere, not here" he said. His voice showed aggression and compulsion.

"No, I won't. I have lots of goals set for myself, my parents expect a lot from me. Leave me alone" she scowled.

"How does that even make sense? Every student here comes with aspirations but that doesn't mean we shouldn't have friends and relationships. As a senior and good friend, I promise you that I will support you in all your endeavours. Trust me" he assured.

"No, no, no. I know what you will tell next. You can't flirt with me saying fancy words. Save these buttery words for others." she almost screamed.

"That is not true, I usually don't talk to others like this, I haven't asked anyone to stay with me till date. You are the only soul with whom I wish to spend most of my time with and I know you too feel the same level of comfort with me. Tell me otherwise, I'll leave right now!!" he said like throwing a challenge.

"Oh oh Hero, you've mistaken. I'm not so depending on you apart from taking lessons, that too as a friend. But these gossips around my name are unwelcoming. You have such a pretty girlfriend, you should stop putting your relationship in jeopardy"

"Whom are you talking about?" asked Prakruth.

"Disha told about gossips in college, you shouldn't keep quiet when you hear such things about you and me but you allowed it. Look Roshni is beautiful, in spite of her insane attitude, she's still a girl who has feelings for you so be loyal to her. Moreover I don't want relationships or gossips about them so early in my life. I like my innocence undisturbed in that matter for few more years until I graduate" she said in anger.

"Punya you're talking in anger, watch your words. Roshni....We are never meant to be, she's my father's close friends daughter. I move with her in obligation. I don't even consider her as my friend" he tried to explain as he spoke.

"OBLIGATION, yeah she's obligation, I'm the necessity, another girl for fun and one more for....."

"Punya...!!" screamed Prakruth in anger, raising his hand to hit her but he stopped there itself.

"Don't speak rubbish just because I don't hurt you" he folded his fingers into a fist and controlled his anger.

She looked around, no one was seen around them yet she felt badly humiliated... She started walking away screaming "How dare you raise hand? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" raising her voice every time she repeated the words.

Whole campus turned at them, as they were standing at the edge of terrace, they were easily visible. Now it was Prakruth's turn to look around. She walked away sobbing and he stood there helplessly looking at her. Few minutes later, he walked down slowly towards the parking lot. He didn't know what was going on inside Punya's mind or he wasn't even the reason behind the college gossips. He punched his car in anger.

Punya reached home alone after the fight with Prakruth. As it was afternoon, no one was around except for her grandparents who were asleep. She went to her room and locked up. Threw her bag on the chair and lied down on bed looking at the ceiling.

Three weeks back when her father lectured her about finding love, she thought it's better she avoid him to curb the attraction. Initially it was easy for a week, later her feelings had started growing on her slowly. She was left all alone as she couldn't discuss this with anyone. "What will I discuss, If I say I like him.. it will be foolish. He himself told Roshni is an obligation. What does that even mean? Ok if I say that we're just friends, my own heart won't accept that". She fell asleep as she couldn't think anymore.

Knock Knock!!

Punya woke up hearing someone knock at her door. "Punya are you in there?" asked Narmada.

"Yes Amma, coming" said Punya and opened the door.

"You came from college and slept off?? It's Ok fresh up dear, let's have dinner" said Narmada patting her cheeks. Punya just nodded.

Later at the dining table, she saw Thrishul and his father along with her family members, she simply joined without talking.

"Hi" said Thrishul from across the table. "Hi" she replied. Narmada was serving their plates with dishes.

"You fought with that senior today?" whispered Thrishul.

"Don't bring that up now and he has a name" scowled Punya. He just shrugged in response.

Dinner went on peacefully with Varun, Pavan making jokes with the grandfather. Such family dinners were quite often nowadays. Thrishul lost his mother when he was 6, so all the family members had soft corner for him. Narmada thought he needed much love and care.

Later that night, Punya was standing in the balcony of her room .... there was light drizzling outside. "Punya" called Varun "Yes Appa" she replied "Come here baby" he gestured her to sit with him on the bed.

"How was your midterm exam?" he asked. He observed her being distracted earlier during dinner so he walked into her room to check on her.

"Everything went well Appa" she answered.

"You don't seem normal, anything bothering you?" he asked.

"Nothing so Dad, I'm just tired. Had a hectic week" she smiled "Can I sleep on you lap for sometime Appa?" she asked.

"Should you ask permission? Silly girl.. Come" he said and Punya put her head on her father's lap. He started brushing her hair with his fingers.

"Is there anything you wish to discuss with me baby??" he asked calmly.

There was silence for 3-4 minutes. "Appa, I'm disturbed. I don't know what to do" said Punya in a low tone.

"Can I know what's disturbing you dear?"

"Gossips" she sighed. Varun waited for her to continue.

"I told you that I take help from my senior in college, Right? He is very good friend of mine, we discuss only studies and there's no space for anything else between us. We always hang out in library for studies or play badminton together but his friends have spread rumors that he likes me. When confronted, Prakruth didn't accept it neither denied it" she paused.

"He also has a girlfriend but he says that it's because of obligation, not even friendship. He literally likes hanging out with me. We gel with each other too. In school, I had friends among boys, it never was a problem but now suddenly the same level of friendship is mistaken, teased and rumored" she sighed "But I like him and his friendship Appa. I don't want to lose him" she added and started sobbing.

"Baby relax....stop crying" said Varun comforting her "Punya remember one thing, people talk on whatever you do at your back. You need not worry about them. You have a inner conscience which keeps telling you what's right and what's wrong. If you feel having him as your friend is right, you should go with it. Friendship isn't gender biased - don't allow low lives to tell you otherwise. Let them gossip in hundred ways possible. You be true to yourself"

Punya felt better listening to her father. "So is it OK to have friendship with a guy who has a girlfriend?" she asked.

"Absolutely. You're his friend and his relationship is purely personal. As far as you don't disturb their intimate time, you're welcome as his friend. Tomorrow when you've a relationship, he should be able to give you that personal space" explained Varun.

"I won't have relationship so soon Appa. Thanks for talking to me" she sat up.

"Anytime baby, never burden yourself with anything. Remember I'm here always" he said. She nodded with a smile. "OK princess off you go to bed, it's 11 pm"

"Sure Appa, Goodnight Sweet dreams" she wished. Varun tucked her in the bed and kissed on her forehead "Goodnight my princess". He headed out of the bedroom switching off the lights.

How many of you need a father like Varun?

Pushkarini_Ccreators' thoughts