
Chapter 1

Joy turned into a nightmarish time in an instant.

Forty-five minutes had passed since the incident. In that time, M'gann M'orzz must have ran over the incident in her mind just as many times as there had been moments. She and Marie Logan, hanging out. Having a good time. The good time turned back when a mysterious girl walked up to them. And without any warning, stabbed Marie and caused her to bleed out on the sidewalk.

Megan could not see it coming. And could not sense any thoughts from the girl about what she would do. Or any thoughts whatsoever which Megan should have sensed as a red flag. And yet, and yet, Megan failed to do anything.

Marie Logan laid out, bleeding severely, and in critical connection. The doctors tried to do everything they could to stop her bleeding out.


Harry brought Megan out of her stupor. The firm hand on her shoulder caused Megan to slip out of those thoughts and back to what needed to be done.

"Caitlin and Genesis are here," Harry said. "And they wish to speak to you."

"R-right," Megan said shakily.

The hospital had been a bit crowded on this day, being the New Year. Some people did some less than sensible actions when ringing in the new year.

Caitlin Fairchild, Harry's surrogate older sister and caretaker at Cadmus, and Genesis, a piece of living technology from the planet of New Genesis taking the form of a gorgeous woman, met them outside of Marie's room. They looked somber.

"It's not good," Caitlin said.

Genesis picked up Caitlin's initial and somber diagnosis. "No, it's not good. Marie's been stabilized, but she's lost a fair amount of blood. And she's going to need a blood transfusion. Given her blood type is rather rare, there's a less than one percent probability there's going to be a donor."

She flashed up the information for Megan to see and to read. Megan took it all in with a deep sigh.

Megan knew what she had to do.

"I can do it," Megan firmly said. "I can shift my blood…."

"It's possible, yes," Genesis said.

"Is this something you want to do?" Caitlin asked.

Megan's steadfast and determined look took the older redhead aback.

"It's something I have to do."

"Allow us to set things up," Genesis said. "I have created the necessary credentials where I'm a doctor and you are the donor which I have found which can give the blood type."

The elevator popped open. Zatanna and Artemis stepped out of the elevator.

"We heard about Marie," Artemis said. "Is she..?"

"She's going to need blood," Harry told her. "Megan is going to shift her blood molecules and give her the blood which is needed."

The two members of the team frowned and shifted their eyebrows.

"Will...that work?" Zatanna asked.

"It's about the only option we have, because Marie's blood type is so rare and if she doesn't get a transfusion soon, she'll die by morning," Harry said. "But, Caitlin and Genesis, they both know what they're doing and Megan...she knows...she knows what has to be done as well."

"She believes it was her fault," Zatanna said. "I can see it in her eyes, when we were coming up."

Artemis leaned up against the wall. "Any idea who did this?"

"That's secondary right now," Harry said. "From what I've been able to get from Megan, the girl stabbed Marie and ran off. It almost like she did not know what she was doing until Marie hit the ground."

Harry doubted very much this attack had been a random act of violence. He scratched the side of his head, pondering the next move and how to tackle it, when his phone went off. Harry reached over to answer it.

"Anissa?" Harry asked. "Okay, okay, stay put, I'll be there as soon as I can."

Harry closed his eyes. Artemis put a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"We'll look after Megan," Artemis said.


Harry and Artemis shared a quick kiss before he slipped from the hospital and when he was clear of anyone seeing him, he disappeared.


Anissa paced about the subway tunnel. Harry arrived in a flash, and he was not alone. Whitney, Helena, and Mareena turned up next to him.

"Okay, what happened?" Harry asked.

To the point and Anissa liked that about Harry.

"Well, I was walking alone, when these two goons decided to get fresh with me," Anissa said. "When I taught them a lesson, I put one of them down hard and cracked the wall."

"So, you have powers," Helena summarized.

"Yeah, super strength, and I don't even know what else," Anissa said with a nod.

"We'll figure it out later," Harry said to her. "There's more, isn't there?"

"Yes," Anissa agreed. "There's a whole lot more, in the sense that there is some smuggling operation going on under everyone's nose. Weapons, drugs, and who knows what else. And the guy behind this, they call him Mr. Lincoln."

Harry just frowned at the thought of it. He had no idea who this Mr. Lincoln might have been. Anissa deeply breathed, almost as if she had been trying to come to terms with the new power thing. Mostly because she had been trying vainly to come to terms with the new power thing.

"There's a train car where they're keeping the crates right through this way," Anissa said.

The goons had left, but had also left goodies. Whitney moved over and opened opened of the crates.

"Hey, Princess!" Whitney called over. "Maybe it's just me, but this design, it looks pretty Atlantean doesn't it."

Mareena took the device from Whitney's hand. It had the symbols, runes, although it was somewhat home made and also fused with land-based weaponry. This raised some even more unsettling questions.

"Yes," Mareena said. "We need to figure this out who is behind this."

"The first thing to do is to find out who this Mr. Lincoln is," Helena summarized. "Search around, see if they left anything around, a clue, a shipping invoice, anything on the crates."

L. Thompson Lincoln, a very well dressed albino gentleman dressed in a pinstriped suit talked to the figure in the shadows. He had made a deal which would make him the king of this town and they would all bow before him.

"Everything is on schedule, my friend."

"Yes, you have been chosen well."

The gentleman from the shadows stepped out to reveal the one and only Black Manta. Over the past few months, Black Manta had stayed open step ahead of Aquaman, who had hunted him down after the previous attack on Atlantis. When the time was right, Black Manta would set up Aquaman for a fall.

Vengeance would be sweet. After all Aquaman took from Black Manta, it would be finally time for the King to succumb.

"We have a common goal," Tombstone said. "The means to the end. The means to end ofMr. Tobias Whale."

Black Manta nodded grimly. Tobias had been sitting high on the throne for quite some time. Sitting pretty, and acting like he was too good to fall into line with the plans of Black Manta's partners. And oh Black Manta made some very powerful friends.

"You've been given all of the tools necessary," Black Manta said. "And soon you will cause the One Hundred to crumble and Tobias Whale to fall."

Running a city like Freeland had been only a minor goal for Tombstone, but it had been a start. Black Manta and his partners teaming up with Tombstone and giving him resources, along with a small group of loyal men, allowed him to get closer and closer. Everything would be his.

"I must go, but this gentleman will show assist for Tobias's end," Black Manta said. "May the blood flow as smoothly as your cash."

Tombstone shook hands with Black Manta who departed. Another imposing figure, the Ocean Master, stepped out of the shadows. Dressed in battle armor, with a spear like object in his hand, and joined by a small army of elite soldier, Ocean Master looked ready for action.

Another truck came in from the back, wheeled in. Tombstone walked in to see all of the goodies.

Christmas might have come just a little bit late this year.

Helena found the shipping company on the invoice and after getting in touch with Barbara, traced it back. They had hit playdirt.

"The shell company is registered for a man known as Lonnie Lincoln, or L. Thompson Lincoln, rather," Helena said.

Anissa hitched in a deep breath, as sudden recognition dawned upon her.

"I know, Mr. Lincoln," Anissa said. "Or, rather my Dad did. He went to school with him, but they lost touch over the years. And Mr. Lincoln fell into a really bad crowd after he went to New York."

Helena nodded grimly. This lined up with the information Barbara picked up.

"And there are allegations had been working as a mob boss," Helena said. "They called him Tombstone, a fitting name ...they're shipping in something big, at the docks tonight."

"Well, how about we head there now?" Harry asked.

"Right," Mareena said.

Mareena had been a bit preoccupied about so much Atlantean technology falling into the wrong hands that she did not consider what Lincoln's role in this would be. And given the layout of the land here at Freeland, the technology being used for some kind of gangwar caused her stomach to curl up in all of the wrong ways.

"So, she's coming with us," Whitney said. "Are you sure...because this is dangerous?"

"Hey, I can handle myself," Anissa said.

"Yeah, well, we are going up against some very dangerous people, and you just got your powers so….."

"She can handle herself," Harry said. "She goes toe to toe with me regularly, and she can keep up, more than keep up. She causes me to break a sweat."

Anissa smiled, glad Harry backed her up. And to think, this was before her powers where she could handle herself. If Anissa found a way to train them properly she might be in good shape.

"Anissa can stay with us," Mareena said. "Right now, this is just figuring out the source of who is sending Lincoln his shipment of weapons. Because, there's someone out there."

As for who, well Mareena had her thoughts about it. She could not determine one way or another who it might be, but oh Mareena would find out all too well.

"So, stick to the shadows, and we'll be able to pick them off.," Helena said.

"Yeah, no problem," Anissa said before she turned Harry. "So, are your friends always wound uptight on a mission?"

Harry sighed and put his arm around Anissa. "This has been a trying last couple of days….you might want to cover your face in case this turns ugly.

"Right," Anissa said.

She reached into her coat and pulled out a ski mask. It made her look more like a hoodlum, then a hero, but hey, Anissa did not want any involvement traced back to her. If she did this for real, Anisa would have a better disguise. She could not help and be a bit excited, with the blood pumping. And also terrified.

Things in Freeland appeared to have gotten a bit more chaotic, since her mother moved Anissa and Jennifer to Happy Harbor.

A trio gentleman joined Tombstone, Ocean Master, and his men. The most average of the man, had been Montana, who had sandy blonde hair. The tallest and most slender of the man had been Fancy Dan, a world class Martial Artist, at least in his own mind. He had some fancy moves. The largest, widest, and thickest of them, Ox, had short hair and a mustache, and also had been built like a powerful individual.

"These weapons will cause your enemies to crumble to dust," Ocean Master said.

"Yes," Tombstone said. "It's time for….."

Tombstone turned his attention forward and heard something, a rustling of footsteps. Ocean Master's enforcers took out their weapons and pointed them to the shadows.

An individual, rushing about at light speed, knocked the weapons out of the hands of Ocean Master's men. Ocean Master stepped back and released a trident before shooting beams of energy at the ground.

"Kid Flash," Ocean Master said. "The children."

Robin dropped down and sent shuriken flying down to the ground. The shuriken exploded and sent Ocean Master off guard. Robin jumped high into the air and went for Tombstone, who dodged her kick. Tombstone grabbed Robin by the throat and hurled her down to the ground.

Anissa rushed out and tackled Tombstone down to the ground. Tombstone kicked her off and sprang up, surprised at the attack.

"Well, this is new, and unfortunate," Tombstone said.

Anissa found out that by holding her breath, she could deliver an even stronger attack. She just could not hold her breath for as long as she wanted to. A lasso wrapped around her from behind and pulled Anissa off to the side.

"Alright, here, Missy," Montana said. "You better simmer down, or I'll…."

Up in the sky came Superman, who came down and caught Montana with a flick of his wrist. Montana dropped down to the ground, smashing down hard. Anissa smiled and took the rope, before tying Montana up.

"Your rope tying skills need a bit of work," Harry told Anissa in an undertone.

"Well, not all of us can be so natural in tying people up," Anissa fired back.

The two exchanged a knowing smile before they got back to business.

Kid Flash dodged one of the Ocean Master goons with procession. A ripple of light shot from the goon's hand. The spear in his hand had repelled blasts of energy through it.

"Go, boss!" Ox grunted.

"Oh, no you don't!" Kid Flash yelled.

She ran at Ox, in an attempt to take him down to the ground. Only to smash against a man about as thick as a brick wall. Kid Flash saw three of him and one of them rushed at Kid Flash. Kid Flash dodged the uppercut punch and came back around with several rapid fire punches of her own, all of them bouncing off of Ox's fleshy back until Ox pounded her right down.

Superman hit a back handed attack, sending Ox all the way down to the ground. The Man of Steel threw Ox through one of the barrels.

"You okay?" Superman asked Kid Flash.

"Peachy," Kid Flash said. "Tombstone's getting away though ...GET TO THE CHOPPER!"

Tombstone, along with half of the shipment, had been loaded onto a helicopter and had been up into the sky. The helicopter made good time, and it had been fitted with military grade weaponry.

Superman took to the skies and flew right at Tombstone. Faster than a speeding bullet and gaining after Tombstone rather fast.

"Fire at the city!" Tombstone ordered the pilot.

"But sir…."

"Do it!"

A large missile blasted from the helicopter and flew to the city. Superman flew after the missile which allowed the helicopter to get further and further away from him. But the lives of innocents were far more important. Superman stopped the missile, taking it high into the air, and detonating it, before vanishing the effects of the explosion with magic.

Superman charged at Tombstone's helicopter and went flew after him one more time. The helicopter did a death defying move and lost control, plunging into the harbor with a very hideous explosion which caused a wave of water to shoot up high into the air.

Ocean Master, one of her father's greatest enemies, sent a blast of lethal energy towards her. Aquagirl reflected the attacks and knocked Ocean Master back. They had been evenly matched, although perhaps less so if Aquagirl could get the staff out of Ocean Master's hand.

Fancy Dan and Robin went toe to toe in a Martial arts battle. Dan had some moves, but Robin had been trained by the very best. Robin blocked one of Fancy Dan's kicks with a well-placed staff and swept his leg out from underneath him with an attack. Robin dropped down and caught Fancy Dan around the ankle before kicking him all the way down to the ground.

She hurled him out of it, and Fancy Dan, the Ladies Men, flew head first, and landed into a garbage can.

"I will send you back to the King in bloody chunks!" Ocean Master shouted.

Aquagirl summoned all of the energy she could and hit all of the points. One of them nailed Ocean Master in the point of the elbow and caused him to take the staff down. Before, he could reclaim it, Aquagirl flung him around the ground and caused Ocean Master to scramble.

Two hammers made out of water smashed down onto Ocean Master and caused him to crumble down to the ground.

The Team members, and Anissa walked around. Mareena reached down to rip Ocean Master's broken mask and reveal a shocking individual underneath it.

"Orm?" Mareena asked in numb shock.

Her father's brother, her uncle, had been underneath the mask of Ocean Master. The rest of the team scarcely believed their eyes and no one had been more shocked than Mareena.

Another kick knocked him down knocked him completely out. With a detached expression, Mareena secured him.

Orm and his followers had been transported, ready to be taken back to Atlantis to stand trial. Mera oversaw it and walked next to Mareena and Harry. She looked down, with disgust at Orm. A man who had been a trusted member of their family conspired with great memories.

"I can't believe it would be him," Mera said. "Why did you do such a thing?"

"Why?" Orm asked. "I'll tell you why. Because, Arthur is not fit to be a king. He is not fit to rule our people with strength. He is too soft on these land dwellers."

"And yet, you're the one who give them weapons," Mera said. "It's over, Orm. You won't be seeing the light of day again."

Orm cackled in response, driven completely mad.

"Oooh, no, dear Mera, this isn't over. You see….Arthur is not the only one...who is not fit. And you're going to have me locked away, just like you had her locked away. But someday, we will be free and Atlantis, Atlantis will rise again, stronger and more powerful than ever."

Mera shook off these words and glared down at Orm.

"You want me to come back with you?" Harry asked her.

"No, it's fine," Mera said. "You have more than enough on your plate tonight."

Indeed, they did. Harry scanned the wreckage of the ocean, for the helicopter. Tombstone's body had not been found amongst it. Which obviously meant, Tombstone found a way to escape certain death and he would be back, sooner rather than later.

Orm's mad eyes showed the story. Given Orm had been aligned with the Light, Harry had no doubt their hand had been involved. Despite them being down, thanks to Savage's potential demise, or at least, very evident incapacitation.

Thing were not over. Not yet, not with the Light.

"Yeah, Mom, I'm fine ...listen, I'll tell you everything...but something's happened ...something I've got to deal with...no, nothing like that, I swear….okay, Mom. Tell Jen that I said hi, and I'll be back before the next semester starts. Talk to real soon, by."

Anissa just sighed when she hung up the phone. Back in the Starwave Penthouse, Harry invited her back for some tests on her powers. Which should not take more than a day or two to get done. Still, Anissa had been very anxious.

"You're going to have to tell your mother eventually," Harry told her.

Of course, Anissa knew that, but she wanted to come to terms with this herself before she dragged her mother into things.

"I know, I know,' Anissa said. "Just, you know, it's one of those things that I can't really tell her over the phone. And it's not like I know everything that I can do."

"Which is what we're willing to find out," Harry said. "Just get some rest and we'll start in the morning. I'll be up in a little bit."

"Cool," Anissa said. "Because, I need well I'll see you in a bit."

Anissa leaned in and kissed Harry before walking off in the other direction. He passed Caitlin, who had just come out of one of the bedrooms.

"Everything went off without a hitch," Caitlin told Harry. "Although we're monitoring the situation."

Harry smiled and nodded. Megan sat up in bed, with Marie sleeping off the effects of the transfusion. She would still be sore for a number of days, but sore sure beat an inch for death.

"So, did everything go okay out there?" Megan asked.

"Well, Anissa has powers," Harry said.

"Would be nice to have her join the Team, wouldn't it?" Megan asked.

"Well, I'm sure she'll be up for it," Harry said. "So, I need to ask you to do something...and I know it's painful, but...if you could focus on…."

Megan put her hands gently on Harry's face and leaned on in. Their minds locked together. Harry experienced the memories as Megan felt them. The joy of spending time with Marie, which turned to horror as the mysterious girl stabbed her. And the the horror turned into despair when she could not save Marie, and the memory ended when Harry arrived on the scene.

"Sorry, but I needed to get a clear picture," Harry said. "Barbara's looking into it."

"Thank you," Megan said. "Maybe I'm wrong, but she seems just as much of a victim as anyone."

Harry thought so as well, but without finding the girl who stabbed Marie, they had no idea.

"Yes, there was someone who put her in that position," Harry said. "We'll find out, hopefully soon. Get some rest and we'll figure this out in the morning, luv."

Harry gave Megan a kiss goodnight. The blood transfusion drained her a little bit, and the process of shape-shifting her blood as well. Still, everything appeared to go well.

The last thought which came into Harry's mind when he shut the door is how insane the last couple of days had been.