
Young Justice: Iron Man

A child in Gotham is fused with a piece of Tony Stark's soul, and sets upon building his own suit in his parents basement. That's until Batman knocks on his door with an invitation, and he ends up joining a league of sidekicks.

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The Justice League

"So just to get it straight, you want me to join the Justice League?"

"Yes, that is what the invitation was for."

Batman was inviting him to the Justice League. Somewhere in Tony's mind, he was always rejecting the possibility of such a thing.

I mean him? Tony Stark? A member of the League? They must have better alternatives.

But the realistic side of his mind was telling him that this was all real. After all, his few months as a cape had already spread his name all around Gotham. Even though he hadn't beat any big name villains, usually because Batman got there first, it didn't stop the name recognition of the Iron Man from being at an all time high.

Even if he didn't do anything, his cool armor was all he needed to gain renown. Most of all, unlike Batman, he didn't hide his form at all, and didn't have to use the shadows to hide himself either. After all, he was trying to be a hero, not a symbol.

Anyway, what he meant was that his reputation had received a large boost. Thus, it makes sense that the league would contact him to regulate his activities and give him proper training.

That didn't stop his feelings of validation as he realized that the Justice League had recognized the good he had done in his short superhero career.

But of course, those feelings weren't going to make him join immediately. Although he was legitimate fanboy, that didn't stop him from seeing the benefits he could gain from this situation.

His otherworldly counterpart had received similar invitations from an organization named S.H.I.E.L.D which showed Tony that if you didn't make demands, then they would think your soft and take advantage of you.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D was vastly different from the Justice League, that didn't stop Tony from making the comparison. Not to mention that it was the easiest way for him to gain the materials to make the Arc Reactor and the Mark III. The run in with Mr. Freeze made him realize that he needed to switch armors quickly since his Mark II had an issue with freezing temperatures.

Meanwhile, while Tony was thinking of all the materials he could exploit from the League, Batman and Robin were watching from the sideline.

Robin, who thought that Tony was hesitating on joining, decided to go the extra mile to convince him.

"Look, it'll be fun. We got a whole bunch of other sidekicks who are getting inducted into the League, so you'll get to meet a bunch of the founding members! In fact, you might want to hurry, I really don't want to be late for the meeting."

Tony, who had finally made up his mind said

"I will join, but only with a few conditions. First, I will need access to a lab with high tech equipment, support from the League when it comes to rare materials, and here is the list of materials I need for my latest suit."

Using a nifty holographic feature he installed into his armor, he showed Batman the list of items. He wasn't afraid that Batman would be able to reverse engineer his technology. After all, Tony would put his other self a tier above Batman when it came to robotics and engineering. Batman's specialty was in planning and investigation.

Not only that, he had also mixed in quite a few materials that had nothing to do with his armor, but would be useful later. After all, just because he was superior to Batman when it came to making his tech, didn't mean that Batman wouldn't manage to pull it off. He didn't want his technology stolen just because he underestimated the Batman.

Never trust the Bat.

Batman looked at the holographic screen once, and then nodded.

"Expensive but doable. I expect you to make use of the materials for the good of the people."

Tony grinned, which nobody saw because he had his face helmet on.

"Then lets get going shall we?"


By the time they had reached the Hall of Justice, Tony was already freaking out.

Green Arrow and his sidekick Speedy, along with Aqua Man and Aqua Lad, had arrived before them.

Meeting Batman was expected by Tony, as he lived in Gotham, which was basically Batman's home territory.

But this was the first time he was meeting hero's outside of Gotham, and they had to be the founding members of the League.

Green Arrow, who had noticed their arrival, waved at them and said

"Hey Bats, glad to see you made it on time. My sidekick was a bit too enthusiastic, so we came a little bit early. But more importantly, whose the Tornado look alike over their?"

Tony soon found himself being introduced by Batman.

"Iron Man, new cape that appeared in Gotham. He has several solo missions under his belt and was able to build a power suit able to match supers in his basement. I think he has what it takes to join the League, so I invited him to the initiation since he's around the same age as our sidekicks. Just consider him a fill in for Captain Atom's sidekick."

Green Arrow whistled.

"Not bad kid, good to see some new people who aren't all superpowered meatheads. I think me, you and Bats could have a real good conversation here."

Tony looked around to see the reaction of the other members. Aqua Man and Aqua Lad seemed impressed, but Speedy looked god damned pissed. Though Tony didn't really blame him, because if what Green Arrow said was true, then Speedy had looked forward to this for a long time.

It makes sense for him to hate someone who had achieved his goals in such a short amount of time and had it fall straight into his lap.

Of course, that didn't mean Tony was going to be a pushover. If the guy was going to start a fight, he'd show Speedy that his arrows didn't mean jack to his armor.

"We have arrived everyone. Welcome to the Hall of Justice, headquarters of the Justice League."

As everyone stopped walking, Tony and the other sidekicks gazed at the the resolutely standing Hall of Justice, where their careers as real heroes were about to start.

The glorious moment was then cut of by a zipping noise, as a flash of red and yellow suddenly arrived next to them.

"Aw man, I knew we would be the last ones here. Anyway who's the new guy?"