
Young Justice : Byakko

Fan of all things Japanese Ezekiel Lycan is thrusted in the DC Young Justice universe with the bloodline of the Celestial Breast of Western Sky Byakko. Will he succumb to the pressures of the DC universe or will the western world be added to the King's Domain.

Otaku_Paradox · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: End of the Invasion

[Byakko POV]

I launched myself a Steppenwolf as he struggled to his feet, still recovering from the previous attack. But he would get no mercy from me. I fired a punch.


My attack struck him in his solar plexus. Before the force could launch him backward. I grabned and fired a gut punch and followed with an uppercut introducing him to the city skyline. I jumped intercepted his flight and fired a barrage of combos in mere milliseconds causing continuous shock waves to echo outwards and parcial part the clouds.

With each strike, I felt something stir in me. Like when I activate my transformation a spark. And that was just a fragment of what was within. I felt it hum. Telling me I could go further. I had thought this was my current peak. I was happy to be wrong. I envision the earth of the spark spreading throughout as I kick Steppenwolf toward the peer away from the city. Shazam charged after the New God intended to end the battle. But I was more concerned with energy flowing threw my veins. My heart beat with the force of thunder my mind expanded comprehending the true nature of the sky. My bones hardened and my muscles bulged. My mask retracted as my mouth extended into a maw filled with deadly fangs. My hair became wild and untamed reflecting my nature. My frame bulked up but remained toned and filled with explosive untapped power. My armor adapted to these changes as I flexed my hand feeling the spark stir wanting to give me more to push me further. But I was at my current limit. Although frustrated I was pleased with my current form and salvage at the thought of surpassing my current self. I looked in the direction I sent the New God who was currently engaging Shazam and was losing ground. Although Shazam was holding back. For what reason I don't know not care. I felt the wind around me stir as my body tensed. The clouds darkened and blue lightning raged. A golden glow surrounded my body as I claimed this city as my domain. A wall of wind emerged and separated the evacuated citizens from the rest of the city. Lighting strikes descend and strike straggling parademons. The New Gods present felt pressure on the very being that reminded them of the Lord and Master. Not as strong but similar. This felt natural to me but I didn't have time to revel in this feeling. I had intruders to vanquish.

This new form of his craved combat. A possible side effect of his heightened instincts. It didn't matter he had a target to focus that aggression on.

(New Form)

He pounced in the direction of the peer, passed Shazam, and struck the New God in the chest shattering his armor and exposing his skin and the bruises that now marred it. He didn't stop there he grabbed by his horns and kneed him in the face. A crunch signified his broken nose. As blood leaked from the fazed Steppen wolf. I kept my grip on his horn and launched upwards. Before following after with a pounce. Once we reached high enough I manipulated the air to levitate and trapped home in an air bubble. That contained chaotic winds that were simultaneously slicing and crushing him.

I then focused on the storm clouds above causing the visage of a tiger made of lightning to emerge.


It roared causing the air to tremble as the smell of ozone filled the area. The roar draws the attention of both the heroes and the invaders.

"Shazam let's finish him"

"Hell yeah. Let's show him the power of the lightning duo" he said causing me to cringe for a second. How old is this guy anyway? He's built like brick-shit hours but says things you'd expect from a pre-teen.

"{SPEED OR MERCURY} {POWER OF ZEUS}" yelled Shazam as he shot past us and he'd towards the thundering sky. Before unleashing the latest bolt of lightning since his arrival in the sky toward the roaring tiger. As the bolt approached the tiger it opened its mouth and swallowed it, assimilated it, and was supercharged. Bit Shazam didn't stop there as he continued to release lightning further empowering the beast.

"DO IT NOW" yelled Shazam as his eyes let out sparks of lightning.

I smirked and looked at the suffering New God still struggling and suffering in the air bubble.

"This ends now Steppenwolf"

I held my hands up toward the sky and then swung it down toward him.


The whole city saw a flash and the beats charged at Steppenwolf. The New Gos increased his struggle but it was too late. The tiger opens its maw wanting to consume this being.


The clouds split and the beast struck.



The screams of the New God were defending before they ceased just as fast. Ash and dust fell from the area where he was. Shazam floats down next to me. Somehow shocked at the power he helped unleash.

"So he's dead"


"It's it wrong to kill"

"Yes and No"


"Killing without purpose, without reason is wrong. Killing to protect, to save, and to survive is Justified" I said and the light returned to his eyes. I release my transformation and return to normal.

"Let's check in the others"


As we descended from the sky we flew in the direction of Batman, Cyborg, and Green Lantern.

[Batman POV]

That power was frightening, to say the least. Such power should not go unchecked. He's placed Shazam and Byakko on the same file as Superman. Beings like them with power like that. Should have countermeasures in place to restrain or neutralize them.

The parademons hear we eliminated. As I exited the Bat-Mobile.

"What the Hell was that" shouted Green Lantern

"That was Shazam and Byakko ending their fight"

"How do you know that"

"Shazam showcased lightning manipulation and Byakko wind manipulation. Their combined powers could create devastating effects, especially in aerial combat"

"I'll say. That was devastating alright"

Cyborg landed next to them.

"I can send them back, but I need more power," he said

"Ask Shazam when gets back. His lightning should provide the necessary power"

"Right, I'll d...."


Wonder Woman crashed into a building next to them. Struggling to get up with scuff marks on her skin. It seems the other New God was far stronger. But Superman seems to be holding his own. It's his weapon that gives him the edge in this fight. Green Lantern helps Wonder Woman up.

Superman hits the New God with a solid jab before throwing him. He crashed into the pavement forming a small trench. He gets up but staggers a bit. Superman lands next to me Byakko and Shazam arrive a second later with Flash speeding in. Wonder Woman and Green Lantern stand next to me and Cyborg as we assemble and face the New God. The only remaining invader.

"It's over Kalibak," I said

He spits out a tooth. His armor was in tatters. Bruises marred his skin.

"So it would seem. My attack force is no more and my uncle is dead," he said drawing surprise from everyone except me as I had suspected an attack of that level would be lethal New God or not.

"But know this my Father Lord Darkseid will have his due. This planet is in his crosshairs and like the rest shall fall," he said with ferocity and a focus on Superman.

"I'll get my rematch soon enough Kryptonian"


A book tube opens behind him and jumps in before anyone can stop him. I narrowed my eyes. If they plan to return they return stronger and we must be ready. Plans had to be made.

"Haha we won" yelled Shazam as he extended a first to Byako who reciprocated.

"Yes friend Shazam this day we have won the battle, but the war is still to come," said Wonder Woman.

Superman nodded at her statement and so did myself and Byakko.

"We'll stop them...right?"

I said nothing as the individuals gathered observed each other. Until recently we were strangers.

"Yes we will," said The Flash

Byakko nodded followed by Superman, Wonder Woman. Green Lantern, Cyborg, and then myself. We would stop because we had to. No one else could.