Fan of all things Japanese Ezekiel Lycan is thrusted in the DC Young Justice universe with the bloodline of the Celestial Breast of Western Sky Byakko. Will he succumb to the pressures of the DC universe or will the western world be added to the King's Domain.
:Congratulations mortal you've perished and provided me with a new blank canvas for my entertainment.
Ezekiel was not sure what to expect after he died via bus, but meeting R.O.B in the void was not it.
:Now mortal I shall grant you one Bloodline, one Perk and One weapon. Make them unique and and surprise me otherwise I'll reincarnate in Marvel as The Wall.
Ezekiel swallowed the non existent saliva he wasn't holding being dead an all and thoughts about what to pick. Something unique so no Gamer System, no Kryptonian Bloodline, No Infinity Stones or anything even remotely clique or he'd end up as one of Spiderman's foder villains. Mind made and hoping his choices were unique enough.
:I want the bloodline of the The Divine Beast of the Western Sky Byakko, Task Masters Photographic Reflexes, A combat suit that is resistant to magic and physical attacks, can adapt to any environment and is bonded to my soul.
No those were certainly unique choices, however the bloodline would be a problem, can't have the kid just star as a Divine Beast after.
:Not bad certainly different from usual riffraff mortal. I give you the bloodline, but you'll start if as a white tiger yokai human hybrid, you have earn that power of Byakko and perhaps the title that come with it , I'll even through in some martial arts techniques specific to the bloodline and let you keep whatever memories you poses of the world I'm sending you to. As for the Perk and Item easy.
Sighing in relief, happy that his choices were accepted. He didn't ming that hed have to train to reach the peek, then again depending on the world R.O.B choices they might not be enough to survive.
: Thank you , which world am I being sent to.
R.O.B smirked
Ezekiel stilled. Fuck the cluster fuck that is the DCU and by extension YJ he'd be lucky to survive till adulthood. Specifically human adulthood, yokai have long lifespan after all.
:Can I create my background and the moment of reincarnation.
R.O.B's smile threaten to split his face, this mortal was definitely going to be entertaining to watch.
Thank goodness at least he can control the point of insertion into the DCU. Now from. what he remembers the Japanese pantheon exists in the DCU but not the Divine Beats or Yokai for that matter. So how to go about his creation.
:Thank you. For my background I'll like to be inserted as orphan in Washington DC 5 years before Superboy's rescue from Cadmus. Make me the same age as Aqualad
Being a yokai will give me access to Qi and 5 years is enough time to train his abilities, martial arts and unlock the abilities of his bloodline. By his estimate if everything goes as planned he'll be strong enough to handle season 1 of YJ. However he need to prepare in case Justice League: War is a factor, Darksied was no joke.
R.O.B clapped his hands.
: Lovely done and done, let's get this shindig started.
Last thing Ezekiel saw was R.O.B snapping his finger and then everything went black.
Then he woke with a slitting head as 11 years of memories hit at once .
His name Ezekiel Baihu , his parent died in a car crash when he was 4, His father was Japanese and his mother was Guyanese, they met fell in love and had him and now he's currently at St Margaret Childrens Home.
After sorting through his memories, he got our of bed and head to the mirror , and what greeted him was a brown skinned African white haired boy with golden cat like eyes and sharp incisors that make for quite the intimidating site for an 11 years old. His physique was decently cut form playing and doing chores with the additional of high bloodline sculpting him to become the perfect predator, a 4 pack and some muscles forming on his upper body.
: Alright still black,at least that remains the same, first things first how to I access my yokai abilities.
While he was contemplating a letter say from R.O.B appeared in his had.
: Forgot to tell you, the martial techniques are in your mind just thinking about them and you'll see your availability techniques. As for you yokai form and abilities, those are instinctual just feel Qi in you body and mobilize it with the intent on transforming, but be specific if you doing a partial or a full transforming. That's all now entertain me oh future King Of Beast.
Well that convenient timing, after he finished reading the letter disappeared. Deciding he'll safe the techniques for later, he focus on feeling for the Qi in his body and felt something warm from his chest and then willed his body to do a partial transformation.
Immediately he feel a warm sensation traveling throughout his body.
He noticed his skin grow white fur with black stripes that covers his entire body, his teeth lengthen and inch, and 2 inch black claws grew from his hands and feet, ears sprout from his head and a tail emerges from his back. He felt amazing yet comfortable like this was how he was supposed to be and the previous for was a sham.
Looking in the mirror what greeted him was a humanoid white tiger, his face had the least drastic change looking the same just with white fur, whiskers fangs, golden slitted eyes that showed majesty and stripes on his cheeks.
He feel a need to fight, to find a worthy opponent and test his mettle, before he gets overwhelmed by the feeling he willed his transformation to withdraw, fur , whiskers fang, claws and tail reseed and he was once again greeted by his brown skin, though his shirt and pants was torn, though he didn't care he had power, yes he was week but he had 5 years till shit heats up, until then he'll train his yokai abilities, learn and practice martial techniques and when shit hit the fan, he shan't be helpless, he shan't cower, his pride as white tiger yokai with the bloodline of Byakko won't allow.
Eyes glowing with determination, Ezekiel went to bed it was 2am and he had to wake up for 8, he'd check out his techniques and his suit tomorrow night.