
Chapter 38: World Trip III

3rd pov

At Al Wamis Airport, capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Iodania, a plane belonging to Crown Prince Ferdinand Von Rotenburg had just landed.

At the Airport, there were already several Dacian and Iodan Soldiers to guarantee the security of the place, in addition to escorting the Dacian Crown Prince to the Hashemite Royal Palace.

As Ferdinand exited his plane, being escorted by Imperial Guards, the waiting Dacian Soldiers gave the Roman Salute, while the Iodan Soldiers saluted.

"Your Imperial Highness, I am Commander Monique Vasiliu, I will be ensuring your safety to the Hashemite Royal Palace" Said a woman who was wearing Dacian Officer's uniform as she bowed to Ferdinand.

"I thank you, Mi'Lady, and thank you to all Soldiers for ensuring my safety." Ferdinand said with a calm smile on his face.

He was then escorted to a Luxury Car, which was being guarded by other cars, and would then be escorted to the Hashemite Royal Palace, which was located in Al Wamis Centre.

The local Police were on high alert, as were the Dacian Garrisons and the Iodan Army, who were ensuring that the car Ferdinand was in arrived safely at its destination.

When Ferdinand's car arrived at the Hashemite Royal Palace, there could be seen crowds that were waving both Dacian and Iodan flags, with several of the Iodan Royal Guard and Dacian Soldiers ensuring that no one tried to come near the Crown Prince or the Palace.

When Ferdinand got out of the car, he went with the Imperial Guards to where the Hashemite King was.

"Your Imperial Highness, welcome to Iodania" King Abdul Waahid al-Abraham said to Ferdinand as he bowed, with Ferdinand doing the same as expected of Noble Etiquette.

"It is an honor to meet you, Your Majesty, may you have long years of Reign" Ferdinand said as he bowed to Abdul, who nodded, having a smile on his face before offering his hand for a shake, which Ferdinand accepted.

"I'm sorry my Wife can't make it, she is currently bedridden with her pregnancy" Said King Abdul, Ferdinand nodded in understanding.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I understand perfectly" Ferdinand replied calmly, the two then went inside the Hashemite Royal Palace, accompanied by Imperial Guards and Royal Guards.

Ferdinand stayed in a guest room fit for one of his Status, he also met Abdul's wife, Naaifa, who was apparently in the last stages of pregnancy.

Ferdinand's stay in the Iodan Capital was very fruitful, he met the Prime Minister, who is a General of the Royal Iodan Army, Mahmood al-Farha, during a Welcoming Party at the Hashemite Royal Palace.

He also met other Politicians and members of the Iodana High Society, who always tried to get in his good graces.

Foreign journalists tried to take any picture they could of the Dacian Crown Prince, but unfortunately, they never got the grace of the Dacians and the Iodana Royal Guard dealing with them.

Furthermore, Ferdinand also enjoyed the beautiful "landscapes" that the beautiful Ladies of Al Wamis could give, it can be said that he is 100% loving the Trip he is having in the Middle East.

He can't wait for when he goes to Empire and Republic, the French and German beauties that await him.

Timeskip 1 Week.

After a week of enjoying everything Al Wamis could offer, in addition to enjoying the "scenes" of Capital Iodana, Ferdinand would now go to the Capital of the Great Arabian Republic.

The Plane he would use was the same one he used to go to Al Wamis, which was once again searched to ensure that it was not defective, without fuel, or with a bomb hidden somewhere.

After the Great Arabian Republic, only the Kingdom of Mesopotamia and the Arbemanian Union State would remain, the Rumeli Republic is off the list of visits because of the current instability of the country and also because its safety is not guaranteed there, with many being able to be possible terrorists.

In the Capital of the Great Arabian Republic, Karbasit.

Arab President Mahmood el-Vaziri was being served some grapes by his Harem wives when a Presidential Palace Guard knocked on the door and entered after being given permission.

"Mr President, we have received news from the Dacian Embassy, the Crown Prince of the Imperium, His Imperial Highness Ferdinand Von Rotenbrug is coming" Said the Guard as he bowed to Mahmood, who nodded after eating the grape that one of his Consorts offered.

"Great, I want the biggest Homecoming Party for the Crown Prince...hmmm" Said Mahmood before thinking for a while and looking at his Principal Wife.

"My dear Wife, how about we introduce Ramziyya or Sadeeda to the Crown Prince?" Mahmood asked as he looked at his wife, Intisaar.

"Husband, while I support your decision, what do you expect from it?" Intisaar as she picked up another grape and placed it in Mahmood's mouth, who happily ate it.

"Nothing much, just to ensure a certain friendship, our dear Republic cannot survive without the Imperium, the same for all other countries in the Region, so having a good relationship with the future Leadership of the Imperium is mandatory." Mahmood replied while looking at Intisaar, who nodded at her husband's words.

In a different place in Karbasit.

A meeting was taking place between some men who were arranging their guns, all of whom had a band with the symbol of the ancient Magna Rumeli on their clothes.

"When the Worm Prince appears, we will ensure that our Glorious Sultanate is avenged, first it will be the Demon spawn, then the Leadership of all Leaders of the Traitor Countries!" Said a man angrily as he placed Imperial Design grenades in a vest, all Armament being purchased through certain channels in the Empire.

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