Yul couldn't make it for dinner. The Xiao siblings had decided to go on with it since Yul wasn't responding to his texts too. Yuan kept Zeng busy with chitchats about home and his new job.
After dinner, they called the day off and went to their respective rooms.
Yul arrived at about midnight. Zeng woke up from his half-laden sleep as he heard the clicking of the door and metal keys being put out. He came out in the living room and yes indeed, his boyfriend was here, safe and sound.
He stood there silently until the other came closer, relishing in the relief that his return had brought him. Yul looked at him and gave a smile, announcing his return softly.
"I am home," he said as the tradition.
Forgetting all the disagreement from the past few days, the tension dissolved into nothingness with that.