
You Will Not Decide My Fate

“I am sorry child but you are talentless.” The voice of the blond-haired messenger rang through Ivar’s mind. Ivar's mind on the other hand was in shambles. Why was this happening to him? Wasn't he supposed to be a talented prodigy who could cut mountains with a swing of his sword? Wasn't he destined for greatness? What did he lack? He was smart, handsome, tall, and even kind! Was he supposed to die like his friend? Is that what they decided for him?

LordOfVoid · Fantasie
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27 Chs


'He escaped huh? Although people escaping is not rare in other places, I sure didn't expect someone to escape from my village after I have been here for 200 years.' The messenger clicked his tongue. This incident had put a mark on his pristine record of 200 years.

'He probably escaped to Orabur hiding in the caravan. What an unfortunate thing that I can't instant message the messenger there. Well, I will have to report this to my great messenger.'

The messenger then looked at the family of 4 tied to the ground with golden ethereal ropes.

"Your child has committed a crime. As the protectors are merciful, I will only give your family a light punishment. Make sure to spread the word of this to other villagers. The fate granted by the protectors is to be followed."

The old man then took out a sword and slowly walked toward Ivan.

'This should be enough to scare the people and lower future runnings.'


Ivar looked outside the carriage from the open back. The houses of three villages located at the base of a big mountain kept getting smaller until it was just a dot on the horizon.

The merchant caravan stretched long, guarded by numerous mercenaries to protect it from bandits and wild animals. Ivar noticed a few guards walking beside their wagons. A young mercenary was conversing with an older one.

"Hey, old man! Can you tell me about the southern kingdoms? What kingdoms are behind there? I heard that not many people have gone there!"

"Yeah. That place is quite backward and dirty. Although the people are nice. But that doesn't matter now. Have you heard the news yet?"

"The news?" The teenage mercenary looked curiously at the face of the older one.

"Well, Let's just say you might never get to meet the people in those southern kingdoms."

"Huhh? Why?"

"Because the fire demon has already destroyed three of the southern kingdoms. It was reported a month or two ago he passed through the Southern plains and went to the kingdoms and a week or two ago he started his spree. No one knows when his spree will end."

"Southern plains? Isn't that the only place to get through the southern kingdoms? Why wasn't it guarded? Did none stop him?"

The old man looked at the young mercenary's face and replied, "No one is strong enough to stop him. Well, there are a few people, like the demon sect leader and the Seven Demonic Elders, but…" The older man scrunched his face and continued, "Kindness is something that comes rarely from the hands of those bastards!"

"There are also the seven protectors and the current king of our empire but for them, the southern kingdoms provide nothing, especially for the king." The old man stroked his beard.

"Wow, old man! You sure know a lot about the world!" The teen praised the old man.

"Heh. What do you know kid? This old man was the top student of the Scholars Academy…"

'The fire demon huh? I have heard a little about him.' Ivar found the conversation quite amusing but his monologue was cut off by Johan.

"Hoh. Slave trade will be booming after this!" Johan put his hand on his chin and thought.

"Huh?" Ivar gave a questioning look to Johan.

"Oh, You didn't know? I am doing the Slave trade. Where do you think I got all these scars on my face from? But three southern kingdoms were destroyed huh? A lot of the refugees will be captured as slaves. I think I have an idea for what I want to do in the Oraburg branch!"

"Uncle Johan! You are in the slave trade? I never knew."

"Oh yeah! I did tell Ivan. Looks like he didn't even mention it to you. Well, no worries. If you don't want to learn about the slave trade from me, I can ask another one of my friends to teach you weapon trading. Hmm, but that might be a problem. He has a daughter, so he obviously won't share the secrets with you. I, on the other hand, will teach you everything. In fact, if you want, you can even take over my business after I die!"

"Let's not talk about that. In fact, I do want to learn from you." Ivar replied.

"Oh, that's good. I thought you didn't like slave trade." Johan sighed.

"No uncle. I neither hate it nor like it. Business is business after all." Ivar did think this way. In fact, for him, it really didn't matter even if other people were affected unless he or people he knows started getting affected.

"Good mindset! Business is business. Don't let your personal likes or biases affect it. However, it looks like you don't have the latter issue in this line of work. Anyway, let me teach you about my strategies on the way."


Two weeks have passed since Ivar left home. The caravan is now near the gates of Oraburg. It swiftly passed through and entered the bustling city.

"Now this is as far as this caravan takes us! With the recent incident in the southern kingdoms, we might have to change some plans." Johan jumped out of the caravan and paid the driver.

"Woah." Ivar was audibly shocked! It was his first time in any of the major cities!

The streets of Oraburg were made out of polished stone and similarly, the architecture was beautiful with mostly well-decorated two-story buildings.

"Shocked? I was too when I first came to this city! I wonder what your face will look like when you see the capital." Johan giggled.

"But Uncle Johan, I heard that cities have slums too I don't see those here?"

"Well, normal cities sure do. But Oraburg is one of the popular cities, as it lies on the border of the city near the Central Alliance. You know central alliance right?"

"Yes. An alliance made up of 20 small-sized countries. Although they aren't as powerful as the Heroic Kingdom and Aurora Empire, Our country. They still have a lot of rich and influential people."

"Great! Looks like my teaching wasn't for nothing. So anyway, as I was saying as this is a popular city the royal family make sure to keep the slums out of places like these using various methods." The duo stopped in front of a one-story building still decorated nicely.

"Hoh, Look we have arrived! This is our business." Johan said.

The building had three big words engraved on a wooden board "Liberation Slave Traders".

"Liberation? Quite ironic." Ivar remarked.

"Yeah. Well, those nobles do fancy stuff like these. This was done to attract people with twisted humor or sense so don't be surprised when you meet our customer." Johan smiled lightly.


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