
The Overview

In the city, there was a girl named Curvey. She's beautiful, she's brilliant and almost perfect. She lived by the town city and living in a big mansion. Her parents are big ambassadors and came from a well-known family.

"How lucky I am! I've always got what I wanted..." she exclaimed.

Yes it's true that she's lucky and gifted but because of her personality, no one wishes to be her friend. In fact, this was her 20th university but then, none of these universities wanted her to stay.

Aoi Ryu (from the japanesreaword aoi ( blue ) and ryu (dragon)) her new university since she transferred again and again but unluckily, she was accepted in this type of school. it's not like the usual school that we have, it's located in the province, not a cheaper one but for a purpose. Where every student is allowed to do whatever they want , no rules, no uniform and it's up to them if they will attend classes or not.

Do you think Curvey can survive in her new school in far away kingdom?

Far from the city and far from the city and far from the reality.


What do you think guys? Just drop your insights in the comment section before proceeding to our next part.

By the way, this my first story written in this site so please bear with my style of writing...