
You & Time (English Version)

Jefran Emelard Delonix, an orphaned teenager who loves numbers and time. All the time he spent just making friends with various numbers, but it seems the trauma of the past is now getting to him. He has a phobia, always afraid of life without light. This fear also caused him to be shunned by many people. Rainaxy Flysire Azzora, a teenage girl like an angel who will appear in Jefran's life. Jefran's past life was very dark and bad. His love for mathematics, made him forget important events in the past. One time he was trapped in the dark, that's where the two of them met.

Piano_Dell · Teenager
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26 Chs

Chapter 15

"I swear I and the others are tired of looking for you Lid, even under the table we are looking for it." Said Feby with a face that looks tired.

"Feby is right, we're really tired of looking for you Lid. Now you're even coming with a smile. Could it be that you got caught really?" Rara added a little suspiciously.

He also joined in looking for Lidya, even though he had just met them, they immediately became friends. Lidya, who heard their complaints, laughed. He felt funny with their behavior, it's not that he didn't want to be noticed but their attention was a bit excessive this time.

He also saw Beby's eyes, which looked like they had just been crying. M, it's definitely nothing but crying because of Lidya. Beby is really a crybaby so he's not surprised anymore.

"I'm sorry in advance. Actually, I went out to get some fresh air and this has become my habit every morning, I wanted to wake you all up but you all slept really well, I'll just walk straight away." Obviously Lydia.

"Well, it's already at this hour, outside we can hear the voice of a commando telling us to come out. It's better if we go out, afraid of being scolded by the teacher." continued Lidya.

He did not give the others a chance to answer his statement, he was afraid that he would not be able to correctly answer the answers from his friends. He knew very well the nature of his two friends who if he asked then it would not have an end either. The six girls rushed out and headed to the field.

Unlike the boys, instead of rushing to the field, they stopped at the park instead. In accordance with what Angga said earlier about the beauty, his roommates also joined in looking for the beauty.

Angga broke out in a cold sweat because his friends were very excited to see the flower. He thought hard so that his lie could be believed by them, suddenly he remembered earlier when he hugged Lidya. He saw a bunch of flowers there.

Don't know what kind of flower it is, but it looks really pretty. After thinking about the flower, his brain shifted to remember his memories this morning with Lidya. Lidya's scent was still vivid in her mind. He seemed not to want to forget every incident with Lidya.

But suddenly his heart went against the will in his brain. He quickly forgot the story and threw it away so as not to remember it again, why did the hate come so quickly. Is this God's punishment for him to no longer feel the name of love. He also doesn't know for sure, even though he thinks when he is with Nadya he pours out all his heart just for Nadya. Because he didn't want to be a burden on his mind, Angga immediately rushed to invite his friends to see the beauty, the flower. When he got there, his friends were shocked, not playing.

The flower looks very beautiful, it turns out that the flower is the attraction of Village X. The flower only lives and grows on the plains of Village X. They all took some pictures as memories when they returned from this place. After being satisfied with taking pictures, they immediately rushed to the field because the clock was already at 06.50.

"Okay, good morning everyone, as promised yesterday, sir, so this morning we will carry out our first activity. Looking for Y flowers that only grow in X Village. Before we go, we will hold a draw to determine who your group of friends are, sir, do not allow you for a group of your choice. Because sir knows for sure you are just kidding on the street and not taking this practice seriously, thank you." Said Mr. Nathan then left them.

Not knowing where he was going, all the students came forward and took a small roll of paper that was in a box. Everyone prays that they can be the same group of people they want. It seemed that this time fate was on their side, they were all happy because they got a group of friends as expected.

Jefran with Rara. Feby is with Jorges. Aditya is definitely with Reva. Then two bucin, Alfius and Wardana. Beby and Satria a group. They didn't mind because they already knew each other through Mr. Nathan. On the one hand, Angga looked unfriendly. He got a group with Lidya.

Lidya herself was happy to finally be able to meet Angga again. He doesn't know that Angga's attitude has now changed back to before.

Now Jefran went to Rara, he immediately held Rara's hand and suddenly Rara was surprised to feel someone holding her hand. He turned and saw that it was a handsome man he knew very well. Beby, Lidya, and Feby who did not know their relationship were immediately shocked, they immediately opened their voices to Jefran.

"Hey Jef, that's someone else's child, why don't you just put it into his hands? Don't be nervous, okay?" Beby said a little emotional.

Feby and Lidya are also emotional, even though they know Jefran well, they will not stay silent when Rara is held together like that.

"Eh, you know Jefran, sorry, before that he was my girlfriend." Rara was clear because she didn't want any misunderstanding between them all.

"You know, he just sits next to me." said Lydia.

"Oh, how come this is so? So can Rara ask for your blessing." Rara said jokingly.

They laughed together, then they all dispersed looking for their group mates. Angga has been quiet when he is with Lidya. Not sure why his nature likes to change like the weather, sometimes it's hot, sometimes it's cloudy, sometimes it rains heavily.

Looks like he should check his mental health at the doctor. Lidya herself also doesn't know what to do with Angga. He also chose to remain silent and did not speak a word, because he knew that Angga was not okay.

Seeing that everyone had entered the forest looking for flowers, Angga grabbed Lidya's hand and entered the forest. The silence of the forest made Lidya afraid. He strengthened his grip with Angga. Angga felt it, but he held back his anger. He knew that Lidya was scared, so he just let it go.

If he let go, the child would definitely hug him, he didn't want Lidya to hug him. God forbid, thought Angga. The two of them walked through the forest in silence, but not with their brains and hearts constantly fighting.

"Why did you try to pay attention to me earlier, Angga? You even used a hug too. If I'm finally left alone now, it's better not to hug. I need an explanation now Angga, I don't want to be the only one who has feelings of love. I also want you to reciprocate my feelings Suppose." Lidya was angry in her heart.

He did not dare to say it directly, he was afraid that Angga would be angry and leave him alone in the forest. Angga who saw Lidya's unfriendly face decided to speak up. He knew clearly what Lidya was feeling now.

It seems that there is already a bond between the two of them, they both seem to know how things are with each other. But because of Angga's slightly problematic ego and mental disorder, he held back what was raging in his brain and heart, but never mind he didn't want to open his heart to Lidya first.

"What's wrong Lid, your face looks like a wrinkled shirt." Said Angga opened the conversation.

Lidya was nervous about Angga's question. Time for him to answer honestly.

"Eh, that's so and so, it's my first time going into the forest so I'm a little scared, I'm afraid that a wild animal will come." Lydia lies.

Angga, who knew Lidya was lying, just let it go and walked back without replying to Lidya's answer. They fell silent again without speaking.