
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · Fantasie
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44 Chs

Ch - 3 Reincarnation For Real ??

It wasn't a human ghost it looked like a octopus like thing .its was emitting a pressure that could have killed more that thausand of times if I was alive that is. It had 3 tentacles like hand on both side of his body with 3 finger on each tentacles. its lower part was similar to that of a ghost like mine but it was more transparent compared to mine . His face also didn't looked like that of a human he had a very thin like he didn't have a nose .He hade Giles structure on his thick neck he had ears that looked more like a mermaid ears he didn't had any hairs...


He also looked at me .


We both looked at each other for solid one minute before he broke the silence and said something in very soothing voice that I was not able understand then he snapped his finger and device that look like earpiece came out of thin air and then he said something that again but suprisingly this time I was able to understand him.


He said " Hello I am a lower demi-god .My name is Light "


"Hello" I said in a voice filled with pleasure that wasn't mine It was like somebody forced me to say that "What do I owe a pleasure to meet a demigod himself ."


Light looked at me and said "I want give you a another chance to live a new life I will reincarnate you into a new world and give you the power to become more powerful than me . Do want to take this chance and I will make sure that your that your memory remain intact. "


I looked at light for half a minute before asking" And what do I have to do for that chance . I know there is nothing like a free lunch" this time it was my own voice.



Light chuckled and patted my shoulder with his tentecles and said "Good good I like talking to smart people come sit first and eat something if your soul in not supplied with energy it will vanish." Light snapped his finger and a table and chairs and some wierd looking tint blue colour translucent biscuit like thing and a cup of tea appeared out of thin air.


I was in my soul form but suprisingly I was hungry . I didn't thought much of those biscuit and ate them after 5 minutes Light said "I will give you an artiffect that will protect your life 3 times and it will help you become stronger and as for what you have to do with for your Reincarnation you just have to kill a person for me . I can't tell you right now who the person is because if I told you his name you will die before you are even borned . And another condition is that you have become as strong as me before you reach turn 30 years old and In case you are not as strong as me or stronger than me then your's and your family members soul will be tauchred for eternity and .Now tell me do you want reincarnate ."


I looked at Light and he looked at me with a dead serious expression.


I broke the silence and asked him "To whom do I have to kill?"


Light looked at me and said "You will know once you are as strong as me ."


"Ok , I want reincarnate" I said .

' If I can reincarnate by just killing some one than its not a bad deal ' I thaught


Light noded and said "ok " he took out and an orb and putted it on my chest "It is A-16 use it wisely I have arranged it so that you will be able to ask it questions and it will also help you learn Anything as long as you practice . And as to how you will get stronger I have tinkered it in a way of a game you played back on your planet and as a small gift you will be able to understand their language".


It was a shiny rainbow orb it got sucked in chest and that a warm and too painfull feeling came before I could say something I lost consciousness while shauting.


"You are our last hope 'SON OF HEAVEN . Good luck " Light said before he left 'The Soul's .
