
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · Fantasie
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44 Chs

Ch - 1 [END]

I don't know how to start writing this but lets say I am not the protagonist of this story but I will be a one . It's been many eons since that day but I still remember it like it was yesterday. My writting skills got bad after this many eons.



It all started and ended on that day . It was a normal day of my normal life I was on my first payed mission and I was payed very well . My employer gave me 100,000 dollars as an advance to kill prime minister of X country it was a hard mission but I was trained for killing from as long as I can remember it was mine 101 mission to kill someone . All money that I got from my last 100 missions was taken by my gaurdian who took me and trained me . I was an orphen.



Well it was an easy mission compared to my last hundred missions and I also thought that I already crossed my death flag that was the 100 th and on 1st mission so i was preety confident . The only good thing that god gave me was my heaven difying luck!!! Even if i just shoot my gun in the air it will definitely kill the target .And because of this I became the world most famous assassin I also killed my gaurdian after my 100th mission he was using me like a dog to earn money he became trillionier because of me and even after my 100th mission he didn't even gave me 10 dollars . I lived in a basement of that old men whom I killed I never used money so 100,000 dollars was too godamn good for me .



While I was eating street food on the street and because of my heaven difying luck I found my target on the next street heavly gaurded by armed gaurds i didn't wanted to die so i just left street while whistling*.



And then it happened I just took a left turn from that street and by mistake I stepped on a dog tail it tried to bite me so I ran back from where I came from while that dog was running behind me and I didn't even tried to look at it and bumped into one of the prime minister gaurd that one was holding a gun pointing at me ready to shoot and was shouting to stop me from coming near .



I didn't stopped hidded behind him dog took a bit of his leg and that gaurd shouted and by mistake pressed trigger of his gun. Bullet didn't even scratched the dog but was deflected to the prime minister head and hitted him in the dead centre he wasn't dead because bullet lost most of it speed after getting deflected he was just bleeding a little and unconscious after that there was a complete silence for 2 second before people started to scream and started running In that commotion I Just took out a granade from my pocket and threw it between the gaurds where prime minister was . And started leaving while whistling * in the middle of the commotion after 10 second there was a small explosion enough to kill all the gaurds and prime minister .



I was whistling* while leaving this time I took right turn and there again I stepped on that very same dog who was shivering because of explosion . It was left with only 2 option fight or flight and it took the first one and this time i didn't ran and we started hand to hand combat or should I say hand to mouth combat whatever. It bitted my both legs but in the end I came out to be a winner because of beating that dog took from me it was unconscious .This dog helped me in completing the mission so I took it to the animal hospital with my sorry legs that were bleeding but I was already acusstend to the pain of dog bitting because my heaven difying luck always go to minus heaven difying luck whenever I am in front of dogs. Then I started to leave to go to the hospital for rabiz treatment I was near a road crossing where I saw a 5 or 6 years old girl running in the middle of crossing when it was completely red light . she about to hit a high speed truck .But then I saved her but my sorry legs wasn't able to run as fast as they usually do and I got hitted by my long awaited truck kun too whom always read in comics .



"The End "



That was what I thought at that time .

{ Hello ! This side is author I would like to ask you all about what do you all think about this ch and I also would like you tell me my mistakes and I want ask you to in which way you all would like to read this story from the following points given below -

• Single but a big ch

• Double but a small ch's same size of the 1st ch
