
You Make My Destiny Doki Doki: Su Su's Otherworldly Romance Journey

In a twist of fate that even the most dramatic romance novel couldn't concoct, we meet Su Su – a 30-year-old, self-confessed "chips enthusiast" and someone whose love for snacking outweighed her concerns. That was until her life took a sharp turn, and not just in the direction of the bathroom. Amid the urgency of a pressing matter, Su Su's digestive predicament led her sprinting towards the bathroom, only for her sudden nausea to send her reeling into unconsciousness. As the world spun around her, she found herself not in her familiar surroundings, but in the bewildering embrace of an entirely different realm. Gone was her own familiar figure, replaced instead by that of a striking 16-year-old teenager. However, appearances weren't the only transformation she had to grapple with; the teenager, the embodiment of a "mean girl" straight out of a juicy romance drama, was anything but a sweetheart. Su Su's newfound teenage self was doomed to live a life marred by her own malicious deeds. But Su Su wasn't about to take her otherworldly circumstances lying down – well, aside from the times when she was lying down, unconscious. With a challenge accepted and her fate hanging in the balance, she embarked on a journey to rewrite the narrative of this ill-fated teenager. No longer the passive observer of romance dramas, Su Su found herself as the protagonist, determined to carve a different destiny. Amid the twists, turns, and a cast of characters that seemed like they were pulled right from the pages of a story, Su Su found herself entangled in the complex relationships of the world she now inhabited. From the intriguingly named "Vinegar jar" Han Shu, whose sour demeanor was matched only by his mystique, to the impeccably composed beauty Pei Dong, whose icy exterior hid more than met the eye – Su Su's journey was anything but predictable. With a dash of humor, a sprinkling of self-awareness, and a pinch of that awkwardness that only time travel can bring, Su Su's tale became a fascinating dance between the familiar and the fantastical. As she navigated through the teenage drama and romantic intrigue that surrounded her, Su Su's adventure transformed from a mundane day of chip-eating to a journey of self-discovery, growth, and perhaps a bit of romance. So buckle up, because in this world of unexpected twists, Su Su was determined to prove that even the most vinegar-filled situations could have a surprising sweetness hidden within. Su Su , a 30 year old single fatty-short lady,who was eating chips , suddenly had an urge to poop,So she run to bathroom ,when she opened the door of the bathroom , she started to feel bad and started to vomit and become unconscious , when she open her eyes she saw that she was transported to another world, And the body was not hers a 16 year old pretty teenager, and that teenager was the mean girl version of romance drama. And because of her meanness , This girl will not be able to live.So Su Su challenged Her fate To survive Along the way She entagled between The Vinegar jar Han Shu and perfectly cold beauty Pei Dong . So lets see fun

Nusaibah_Radiat_ · Fantasie
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2 Chs

chapter 1:Huangzhen City

In the bank Huangzhen city , There are many merchants and foreigner gathered , and it looks very beautiful

But if you look closely,You will see that most of the woman are working outside on street , And there dress is so gorgeous and unrestrained, and there behavior is so Enthusiastic and they are talking in free manner.