
Chapter 63

“Biscuits and gravy with sausage, Kitty. Would you like some or would you rather have cereal?” Olivia asked.

“Nana, what are you having?” Kitty asked suspiciously.

“Biscuits and gravy, Kitty-cat.”

“Me, too.” Kitty decided.

“Poppa, are you having biscuits and gravy?”

“Both Daddy and I are having what Olivia made.” Olivia put a plate in front of Kitty, Jason, and Zach.

“That’s good because families eat the same thing.” Jason gave Zach a sideways look and smiled. “We’re a family, right?”

“Right.” Kitty smiled brightly.Epilogue

Thanksgiving Day

The Oakhurst house was finished the week before Thanksgiving. They bought Kitty new white furniture with the Hello Kitty bedspread and pillows for her new room. There was a place for a toy box and Zach and Jason surprised her with a dollhouse.

Olivia was downstairs with the turkey at six and Jason and Zach were on duty at seven. They were taking some quiet time before getting up.