

"I'm already eighteen, im not a minor", she proudly said, staring at him hopingly.

"exactly you're only eighteen", he coldly said without even looking at her.

This conversation kept on ringing on his ear. Its already been five years and he can't still forget the defeated face of Grace after he uttered those detestable words. He felt like he was too harsh to the child but he did it for her, he did it for her own good. Or is it?

He clearly remembers the first time he met her. He also clearly remembers that he hated her in their first meeting because she fully embodied the rich girl aura. Reminiscing their first meeting allowed him to recall how she smell that day. Timothy inhaled the perfume-like and leathery smell of her newly brought bag, his eyes caught the logo of her bag immediately because of the letters LV plastered in her bag. He acted like he smelled something horrible so he covered her nose which caught her attention. Grace slightly glanced at her bag displayed on the table they were at but just brushed it off and just started their conversation.

"Are you willing to participate in this interview?", she asked in her most annoying voice

"No", he flatly said. Because it's true, he is not willing but he had no choice as the newest and lowest rank in their precinct.

"Why?", she asked, suddenly in a slow manner. Which thankfully snapped Timothy that he was being mean to a student, a young female student. He thought he was being childish. Immediately he corrected himself and behaved in the most professional manner he could pull off. And to be fair, she continued asking him like a true professional but she still couldn't get away with her girlish giggle that clearly bothered him.

"thank you very much sir, and thank you for your cooperation I will let you see the finished work so that you can check it too "she said while closing her notepad and then trying to cram it in her luxurious yet unfunctional bag.

"No need, it's okay I don't need to check it" he replied

"Don't worry sir I will go to your office next time, I apologize for setting up a meeting in a place like this", she said.

Trying to feel him at ease. Though he can never feel at ease because he was surrounded by young couples in this café where they met up. He was about to leave when the waitress came and placed a food that is clearly for two. By just looking at the color he immediately knew that it was probably one of the most expensive on the menu. With that he really wanted to get out now, so he started to reasoning on why he needs to go. As he felt like he was helpless, his superior called him. He has now a reason to leave. Timothy stood up once again and showed the caller, while mouthing that he needs to go now.

"Sir!!!', he said unconsciously while walking away that some turned their heads towards him and it became his undisputable excuse.

"Hello Sir" she said in her most soft voice.

Timothy unknowingly was followed by Grace outside and was able to grab Timothy's phone from his hand before the call would end. Unable to react on what had just happened, he was just left there looking at her while she negotiates with his superior.

"Stay with her then and finish everything, I will assign another officer for the mean time" is the last phrase he heard.

And before he knew it he was with her once again eating something that he can't fathom. There is this gut wrenching feeling he keeps feeling in his stomach even when he was supposedly eating a tasty snack. His head can't just understand why she was suddenly in control of his career as a policeman. He has more than enough money but he knows where his limit is. He knows by heart that he can't use it to manipulate the system. He studied hard, he worked hard to make his resume worthy of even just a glance, and he was never tempted to use his money that's why he was in the lowest rank possible but he was proud. Though now his pride had been trampled on by a girl who used enough money to probably buy him.

Grace as graciously as ever never reacted wildly when she felt the uneasiness and anger within his eyes. She never stopped talking even if she was mostly answering her questions anyway. Still, she respects how he let her finished her childish tactic. With that, she stood up on her won and bid him goodbye, though it was not a goodbye when he rushed towards her with a tensed face and a box in his hand swinging as if it was about to be ripped by how hard he was swinging. She wants to avoid him but him calling her by her name seemed like a command that made her halt in her step. She faced him with a confident aura but inside was afraid. Timothy grabbed her hand and held it outward, then put the box in her hand. Then left her there in her tracks without saying anything and decided to never look back.

That was his last straw, he acted that way because he has a reason to, when he was about to pay for their food; the cashier already informed her that it was already paid by Grace. Looking back, it was not a matter to be angry at, but he was just so done after the series of disrespect he received in a day.

Looking at the beautifully packed cupcakes, she smiled and thought that he was totally cute even though he was angry. Grace took a bite then eventually ate it all because it might be the last time that she can eat something given by him. She thought about him and knew that he is just like any other guy whose pride is their dignity. She was happy meeting him but at the same time unhappy that she was the only one who came in their announced group project. It was a group work but she knew she would be left out even if she is in a group anyway so she wore her best clothes and used her new bag. For this will be the only time she will be wearing and using her things without her groupmates' judgmental eyes.

Its true that she enjoys the joy of having enough money but her joy is like a crime to others. Sometimes she doesn't want to be bothered by the thought of others but she is actually, truly bothered. Though she doesn't want to be the unbothered type so she accepts compliment and envy. Though, she never thought of having friends outside her built circle that was already established long before. She has friends but not totally friends yet they don't hate each other because they knew each other.

"Hello, yes. I received it, thank you", she said then let out a sigh as she looked at the box that she received a while ago.

The colorful cupcakes were exactly the same as the cupcakes she had earlier, except they were in nicer form because it was handled with care unlike the first one. Grace had no choice but to consume it slowly because another person bothered enough to send her cupcakes. Loneliness was never present in her apartment even though she was always alone but s companion is what she needs now because she just doesn't want those pretty cupcakes to be wasted.

"sorry, I wasn't able to meet up yesterday…." Is the overused phrase she heard today from her groupmates.

But with the pretense she crafted for a long time, she naturally lied and told them that she never met up with their interviewee anyway because he bailed out. And just like as it is they planned for another meeting but she was the one who turned down now because she would be attending her another class and can't cope with the time they've given. And just like a true pro, she pretended like she is a burden to the group so she should be removed, and yes they said but acted as if I was a hard decision for them to let her go.

They agreed. All is well.

At age eighteen, as a freshman college student, she wants to claim that all is well even if there will be more that she will be facing now. Grace has three more years before she can leave the university and venture out for a new world. However, that seemed to be like another dream because, she didn't have the need to venture out after graduation for she was in a fixed path. She doesn't want to make herself pitiful with that thought so she always makes sure that she makes herself happy and besides she is not the only one who will be journeying in a fixed path.