

Timothy as always was in the reception area, he was assigned there because he was the only one available and willing to be there. Actually, he was the only choice as he was the youngest and the newest I their precinct. Interns would be his companion sometimes and he was sad that he can't teach them because he still didn't receive any assignment. Some important that he wants to tell them though is the quickest and most effective way to take notes, because he was almost the one assigned to take note and summarizes everything after a meeting.

"sir, there is a delivery for you", an intern said. While he was still in the doorway

He wanted to believe that it did not came from her but the moment he saw the box, he immediately almost yelled but thankfully didn't. Because after a minute later, he heard his superior thanking someone over the phone.

Timothy looked around and everyone were having their own share only the interns who were still empty handed. He glanced at the remaining box and there was a note that it was addressed to the interns so I naturally slid the box towards them. The youngest intern was given the opportunity to open it and as expected he was clearly overjoyed. Timothy took a sneak peek and was amazed at how perfectly and beautifully the cupcakes were carefully placed inside the box.

Should he be happy also seeing that everybody is happy inside their precinct eve if in reality they all can afford to buy that kind of cupcake. It was a bad impression for him, wondering his higher ups connection with that girl. Obviously she was no ordinary girl, he like a true policeman distaste the idea that maybe his superior was being bribed but like a real professional he needs a clear evidence about this case.

After the cupcake incident, Grace visits their precinct often now in reason of the interview she was conducting but Timothy can't erase any suspicion because he was the only one who was interviewed so far. Her visit to their office were mainly to chat with the intern and have coffee. Eventually it did not just end with coffee, she would stay and wait for Timothy to finish his round. Grace still feels the annoyance and irritation he gives off every time she follows him and every time she bothers him. She just enjoys the feeling of bothering someone but was often afraid that he might just blow off. But still, she does it anyway because she is giving herself a last chance.

Being followed was not a good idea for Timothy so he always ushered her to go first but she never did because she told him that she likes seeing his back. Fortunately, enough, she is not crazy enough to follow him to where he waits for his transportation. But, strangely enough, she only leaves once he was already in a bus. Strange and bizarre because if he was a true gentleman he would be the one doing that. But he constantly reminds himself that this is still weird and not as romantic as anyone would think. He doesn't like the idea of being followed as if he was being stalked. He doesn't like the idea that Grace had just directly told him that she was interested in him so she was doing all of this unnecessary and costly shit. For, because of her, the interns were spoiled; it seemed like they can't function without her cupcakes.

And that makes him curious, as far as he knew no one knew Grace not even his superior, not just until she interviewed him. But how she approached the people inside the precinct is like a super easy thing for her, everybody felt like they knew her in just a few meetings. So I asked the interns about my theory but they just straightly said that she likes me so she keeps doing this shit. And of course, I know that but started to question also if she was just interested in me or there is something even bigger than that.

Familiarity does help, because everyone is aware of her that they even forget that she is a student because they would be asking where she is in case there are some activities to be done. Because, you see, she joined every activity they offered, whether if it would be volunteering or competition. But at least she knows her boundaries too, she would quietly let herself out when officers were starting to get really busy. And one day,

"what group project?", Grace asked on the other line

And this is what awakened Timothy. He realized that her project should had been long done, and yet she keeps on coming on their precinct as it was her office. He smiled to himself thinking how he had totally forgotten about it because she would constantly bombard him with her affection towards him every time he asks on why she is in their office.

"what do you mean? But we already talked it out and I'm already done with project. I'm sorry about your situation, but you can't just join. I already did everything."

Is the only phrase he heard because it was already getting noisy because of the cars passing by and the shout and shrieks of the drunk people that had just been arrested. He was about to follow her to listen more but he then realized that he is becoming like a stalker so he waited for Grace inside because she still has her bag inside. After some minutes, she came in and was clearly I hurry as she grabbed her bag and never said her ritual goodbye to everyone. She was still bust texting on her phone even if she was in a rush so she didn't notice Timothy standing, blocking her from the exit. Grace only the looked up when she felt the tall shadow overlooking her.

"you finished your project, right? Why are you still here", he asked in his soft yet authoritative voice?

"I told you before, it's because I like you", she said,

Then looked down again on her phone and walked around him like he was just a statue on display. And indeed, he felt like a statue after hearing that. He heard that many times coming from her but this time it was different. He doesn't know if he was hurt or was just insulted by how she said it. The noisy background, the shouting, shrieking, and sobbing of the drunkard seemed like it was muted for a minute after he internalized her words. Timothy starts to question himself, what was the emotion he felt?

"Good afternoon", she greeted

But she was greeted by silence and she thought its normal because it was just Timothy who was left in the precinct once again. The interns were not there because they will be attending a seminar also just like all the other officers.

He never even greeted her with nod and just kept on encoding, that really kept him look like he was really busy. And without even noticing she wasn't there anymore. He felt relieve but stupid at the same time for acting like a child. And for some reason he was angry at himself for being sulky. He could just ask her once again, because everyone knew; she is a straight to the point kind of person.

For another day he never saw her again, then another day, then a week passed by. And it seemed like no one saw her too. Then weeks rolled by and he thought she was probably bored of him now although he never liked her tactics it just makes him feel wonderful to know that someone like him. But she is not there anymore, so maybe she was bored of him now.

As boredom also strikes him, he was now enjoying watching the cctv footages outside their station. As he was about to really bored himself. His peripheral view caught sight of a familiar figure. The very bottom of the footages shows a woman entering the convenience store that was just at the back of their station. He continued to watch her, as she was clearly seen watching the entrance of the police station also, as if waiting for someone to come out. That situation triggered his brain so he checked all the past footages and was shockingly amazed that during the absence of Grace in their station she had just been there. Watching him yet I a more discreet way. She had been doing it for the past few weeks.

Timothy entered the convenience store early the next day and talked with the worker there and they also testified that a student had been present there for the past few weeks and always comes and leaves at the same time.

This time, he waited for her. That day was somewhat rainy but he still saw her entered the convenience store. He purposely never came out and made it look like he is absent. She waited more several hours than her usual wait, so she sadly went out with her umbrella. She ran to the police station and gazed at it for some minutes allowing her face to be splashed by the rain before she turned her back and started to walk away.