
Remembering School Days

During the reunion party, Avians stayed close to Adrian. She listened to her husband's friends' stories of how Adrian used to be in high school. At first she enjoyed the funny stories they told about Adrian.

The fun school days were a far cry from her own. Until one of them started bringing Quinn's name again and again into the story.

From there she knew that Adrian's ex-girlfriend named Quinn often joined the conversation with them. So they were also close friends with that woman.

"I remember how Quinn scolded Addie for trying to smoke," Sam said.

"It was all because Gregory started it. He even got us these snake tattoos, right?"

"What a bad influence."

"What? But you guys said it was cool, right? Don't talk like you regret it yet!" Gregory protested to them.

"But Quinn was so in love with Addie back then, it was like the two of them were inseparable. Addie was also protective of Quinn," Daniel said.