
You can't escape their love -Yandere Harem(18+)

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CanopyL · realistisch
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45 Chs

I got a girlfriend

"Wha.. WH", I stuttered as she held me from behind. Her hold wasn't strong like my sister's this morning, neither it was loose, It was more like she is warming herself.

After a second, I unwrapped myself from her hands and faced towards her with a confused look. The situation made it hard for both of us to make an eye contact with the other.

[An unexcepted turn. Oh yes, baby! The way she acted it seems even she likes me.... I don't think any girl will hug a guy whom she doesn't like. That's it .... Now or Never..... it's worth a shot.]

The next thing, to be honest, I didn't exactly picture how it will turn out, but I hope it isn't a turn off. Kneeling down on one of my leg, I picked her dropped sandwich and stretched forward my arm towards her.

"Rin Adachi ! I love you, Please accept my feelings..." , I confessed and eagerly waited for the results. There was nothing more I could do. This can be a very cringe or weird proposal or the other because I don't understand a girl's brain.

The weight of sandwich in my hand disappeared. To check her reaction, I raised my head, I saw her eating it. She stuffed the sandwich in her mouth and a few crumbs remained on her cheek.

[Damn, Did she accept me?... She looks so cute with those stuffed cheeks like a squirrel.....]

Maintaining my excitement below danger level, I asked her, "Does this mean, Yes?"

She nodded, took another bite from her sandwich and started chewing it.

I am getting mixed feeling now...

[Is she a glutton ? That's why she ate this sandwich or because it was hers? Does she even know what's going on?]

As I was lost in my thought.... She leapt on to me. Even if it was sudden... I didn't lose my balance.

She held my face with both her hands and wasting no second; she eagerly joined her lips with mine and I went with the flow.

[Yes! Yes! Yes!]

Wait! something hot is being sent to my mouth, my tongue tastes too many things at once.

*gulp* I swallowed it. Her tongue tangled with mine and mine tangled with her. None of us showing any regret, I grabbed her back and my face on top of her and her hands around my neck.

*gasp* Our lips separated as we both caught our breath. I unbuckled her ..... Thrilled by what just I had my gaze on her.

"Now you also accepted my feelings.... teehee" , she picked up her earphones and ran downwards.

My fingers moved towards my lips slowly... Just now I kissed... I kissed with the one I liked for so long...

[So that's what a kiss with your lover feels like... Amazing...]


---Rin Adachi's POV(perspective) after kiss---

I raced downstairs and went inside the empty washroom, standing in front of the mirror.

My face is red like a tomato. My fingers touched my lips gently.

[How embarrassing.... What will he think of me now ?... But it was his fault to confess me out of nowhere.... anyone would have done the same thing if their crush confessed to them out of nowhere.... His lips were really soft for a guy...]


Touya Sato's POV

[This was my best lunch break ever.]

Slowly, I headed to my classroom and sat on my seat ignoring my friends....

"Touya" "Touya"

I noticed that she yet didn't return to the classroom...

"TOUYA" Haruto vigorously shook me.

"huh? Ya, What happened?" , I asked Haruto normally.

"What are you dreaming about in mid day?" , Fuji asked me.


"By the do you know what happened to Haruto" ,Fuji asked. Dai giggled.

"What happened?"

"He proposed to our class president.... and she tore his letter and blew the pieces on his face" , Dai laughed.

I looked towards sad Haruto with a pitiful face.

"Shit happens", I consoled him.

" By the way..… Why do you keep touching your lips? " , Fuji enquired.

"No! it's nothing... nothing" I reassured.

"Class return to your seats" , My homeroom teacher commanded and her gaze shifted towards me.

"Don't forget to meet me after school, " she said.

I didn't answer her. I wanted her to know that I am, pissed at her.....

Rin was also in class.. I again stared at her with a smug expression as I remembered the kiss.... She suddenly turned behind and my gaze automatically like a reflex (I got this reflex after using this move for 1 and half year) turned towards the window.

*thak* Something just struck my head.

"Where are you looking again.... pay attention here... " , My teacher scolded after hitting a bull's eye with her chalk.

She came close to my face and when she bent to pick up the chalk she whispered in my ears, "Pay attention to me."

My body shivered.

[What did she mean?]