
You Bettered me

I was just a normal girl who lived with her mother and had enough to make her have a better life but everything changed when I lost her in a car accident. I thought it was a game over for me, but someone I never thought will come and rescue me came and gave me a better life. Gave me a job, gave me a chance to build my life and become something even greater. Neither did I know that I was putting myself in danger, I was becoming a monster, my life was changing from better to worse. The guy I thought was my only saviour was the monster, the devil himself. He was supposed to be my one only my rescue. My shoulder to cry On. My ride or die. , I will only die with you. My, I will never leave you. My, I will have always be with you by your side, but everything changed. The love I had for him couldn't all to vanish. He lied to me and I fell right back to him. He cheated on me, I still chose to forgive him. He opened old wounds, made me insecure but I still went running back to his arms. Why can't I leave, why is it hard for me to leave him? I mean, he made me a monster. I did everything I can to fix our relationship but nothing is left for me. Why do I even try, why do I stay, why do I forgive him, why do I break myself, why do I destroy myself, why do I stay with him, why is it not so easy for me to just walk away. What is it about him that attracts me so deep to him even if he opens old wounds?

Una_Raywishi · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

It's about time now that I have to be honest. I have been acting childish. I know very well why I am angry at Jeffrey.

I'm not furious that his leaving because I know for a fact that I am very happy for him. The only reason I'm angry is that he didn't tell me earlier that he was leaving. We would have used that time for our last recollections, but it's okay and I'm optimistic for him. All I have to do is let him go.

Jeffrey was my first. There is no way, I I am going to let him go without me being angry. He's not only my first but he's the only first person who loved me for me and privileged to be around me. The one person who loved my body. I guess all I have to do is let him go because I know for a fact that I'm about to get another sexy blue eyes guy coming my way.

Enough Una...I am still in a relationship but yet I'm already thinking of another White guy. well, this time he must be dark chocolate with blue eyes and a tattoo.

I'm just messing around. I don't like tattoos and those things. Jeffrey is just clean, blue eyes, dark hair and no tattoos. He's leaving today and I feel like I have to go say my last goodbyes.

I go take a long bath, have breakfast and leave before my mother and Lisa wakeup.

I get from Jeffrey's house. His mother is standing outside, helping his dad pack his Gucci bags inside a White Land Rover car. Jeffrey's parents have money. A lot and lots of it. His mother is a doctor and his father is a Businessman. Jeffrey wants to be a doctor, just like his mother.

"Hello Una, I didn't know you were coming. You want to see Kart or say your last goodbyes to Jeffrey?" She says and welcomes me inside the house.

His father doesn't say a word to me. I did great him with a wide smile but he didn't respond. Then I realized that he is still angry about Jeffrey leaving because his mother kept on saying that "Jeffrey is leaving you like it or not." She was not talking to me okay ...but her husband Mr selfish.

"Come in honey. Would you like some cup of green tea?" She says and we walk towards the kitchen.

I don't like green tea. It makes me sick, literary but it's not like I have a choice.

"Yes please," I say and she starts to tell me all her stories about were she went overseas and all those things. She didn't even worry to say, how are you feeling about J living or offer me some muffins ...Ugh.

"Where is Jeffrey Mrs Mary?" I asked. As she was about to answer, He came down the stairs with his hair covering his left eye and his pack libs looking even juicy than ever.

I think that I am just craving for him. His blue eyes just made me forget what had happened between us yesterday. He was wearing blue torn jeans, white top written I don't care. He was looking so handsome than I have seen him. Just joking.

"I will give you guys space. I and your father will go buy some food to eat before we take you to the airport since I didn't make breakfast. Would you guys like anything?"She says and Jeffrey answers her.

He told her to buy us chocolate muffin and a blueberry milkshake. He knows I don't like green tea. He noticed that I wasn't enjoying it at all.

Jeffrey's mom looked at me with her left eyebrow up as if she was saying you can't eat that, it's not healthy for you but I didn't care.

Jeffreys mom and dad left, I could see the car drive away.

"What you doing here, are we not done?"

He asks, holds my head and we both walk towards the sitting room. We take a sit on the same couch. I looked him straight into his eyes and we start to talk.

"I'm sorry Jeffrey, I now understand that you have to go. I was childish and selfish. I kinda felt betrayed by you. I am happy for you that you going to London. I said crying as he gave me a bear hug.

"I know that you also wanted to go to America but didn't go because of me. You stayed because of. If I could stay, I would. You know that I love you but I have to go because the people who will be paying for me fees, Is not my parents but my mothers boss. She will pay for everything and after that, she will get me a job." He lets out. We came close and close to each other, looking straight into the eyes of each other.

We start to kiss. Before I knew it, my top was on the flow.

What am I doing?

Jeffrey is leaving today but here I am about to have sex with him on his mother's sofa? I kept asking myself the same question.

He also takes his t-shirt off.

"Please Jeffrey, let's not do this on your mother's couch, what if they come back while we still doing this?" I asked.

"let's go to my room." He says

We take our t-shirts that were on the floor and go upstairs towards his room. It's so big and wonderful. The bed is so large as if five people sleep there.

We go to his bed and help him take off his jeans and underwear.

Do you guys think Liana is doing the right thing by forgiving J??

Tell me what you guy think...