
You Are So Cold

My Sister, Sakura Miko is a VTuber. Only one of her friends and I knew that she is a VTuber. And When her friend came over to visit my house, i tried to tease her but she completely rejected me. My name is Yukihana Lamy. I accidentally recognized my friend when i watched a VTuber on MeTube. But when i want to visit her house, suddenly her brother seduce me. And... HE LOOKS SO COOL... Nb: This is only a fanfic, Yukihana Lamy and Sakura Miko are VTubers from Hololive (Cover Corp)! Not my original character! Source pict: https://twitter.com/Mofu07519/status/1504616071147401237/photo/1

CiLLL_Writing · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 10: Strange

"W- What are you talking about, Onii-san" Lamy looked embarrassed and tried to avoid Kaito's eye contact. But Kaito didn't want to give up, he pressured Lamy until she got cornered by Kaito and then he wall-slammed her,

"Don't play dumb, Lamy-chan. I heard all of that. You said that I am cool and anything like that, I also even caught you red-handed and that you are still sober because the sake I bought was non-alcoholic."

"S- Stop it, Onii-san." Lamy got even more embarrassed, she was trying to look at Kaito's face, but she can't because it will make her even going crazy

"Lamy-chan, I want to be with you forever, just like you. That is why,"

"I- I am sorry, Onii-san. C- Can you forget all of that? I- I didn't mean everything I said."

"Eh?" Kaito was shocked.

"I am sorry, i- i will go to Mikocchi's room now"

Lamy then left Kaito alone in the dining room. He was standing still and didn't know what to do. And as Lamy, she tried to go sneakily into Miko's room with a red face. And Miko was aware of that,

"Hey, What are you doing, Lamy-chan?" whispered, Miko.

"J- Just a little bit, Mikocchi. I am so tired"

And just like that, the day ended for all of them. And tomorrow came, Lamy as soon as possible went back home before she met Kaito in the house. She was trying to go sneakily. She looked left and right and noticed there was nobody there. She went outside the house safely.

And the morning for Kaito and Miko was still the same. At least for Kaito. Because Miko noticed something different from her older brother.

"Onii-chan, are you fine? You look terrible today?"

"What do you mean? I am okay" He chuckled. "I never realized that Mikocchi is so consideration of her Onii-chan~ Do you love me that m-"

"No." said, Miko annoyed. She then sat at the dining table with Kaito and ate her breakfast together with him. "So, Lamy-chan yesterday suddenly went to my room, what just happened?"

"Nothing, maybe she was just tired or something."

"Well, she said the same thing."

"Hahaha, then that is that. Why are you so worried about" Kaito smiled and laughed cheerfully. Miko looked at her older brother confused. For her, it is just something different from him, but she can't explain what just happened. And for now, Miko left him just like that because she didn't want to force him to talk about something he didn't want to talk about.


This is strange, Onii-chan is sure different today. If anyone looked at her, I bet nobody would notice that there is something wrong with him. But, I am her sister for almost 20 years, and I knew something is going on with him.

It feels like, back then. When he got rejected by his ex-crush. Don't tell me, Lamy-chan... Nah, there is no way, Lamy-chan likes Onii-chan too, there is no way she would reject him.


It is Lamy-chan. Hm... If I looked at her, I can't find something different from her. It sure is strange,

"Mikocchi, what happened?"

"No- Nothing."

"I- Is, Onii-san going to the university too?"

"Who knows, I don't know everything about Onii-chan."

"W- Well, you are right."

She is still the same. Her face was blushing every time I talked about Onii-chan. And she keeps fidgeting as if she was so embarrassed. Well, just like what I did to Onii-chan, I shouldn't ask something, she didn't want to tell me. Just leave her like this

After the lecture, we both went to the canteen and bought some lunch. But we met Onii-chan accidentally there,

"Mikocchi~," said, Onii-chan.

"Sigh, Stop embarrassing me. Do you want to eat with us?" He then stop for a second, and suddenly smiled again.

"Nope, my friends are waiting for me. See you~"

Eh? This sure is strange. He... Didn't look or greet Lamy-chan at all. Something definitely happened.

I looked at Lamy-chan and she looks away as if she can't look at Onii-chan just now. Damn it, I can't figure it out.

When i looked at Onii-chan, he came back with his friends. There are a lot of female friends of his. Well, he is so famous, though but... Doesn't he like Lamy-chan? Just a few days ago, he always leave his female friends of him and asked to eat with us.


"Y- Yeah?"

"Why did you look at Onii-chan like that? Are you jealous?"

"O- Of course not! I- It is just, I also want to have a lot of friends like Onii-san."

Liar. You keep glancing at him while pouting just now. But you said that you are not jealous. Sigh, Lamy-chan. When will you be aware of your feelings?

I wanted to leave them like that and see what will just happen and what kind of development will they have. But... It is just so irritating. It is already a week and they look like they don't know each other.

Onii-chan. I always care about you, that is why... I don't want you to become like before, back then when you were rejected by your ex-girl. You didn't even pay attention to me anymore. You didn't eat well and always exercising. Always go out with your female friends.

But, when you fall in love with Lamy-chan. It looks like you are going back to that innocent, kind Onii-chan I always love. That is why i have to help you even though i don't know what happened.

"Onii-chan, Lamy-chan will come here shortly. Can you open the door for her?"

"I am sorry, Mikocchi. I have a lot of projects" he said.

Ugh, this is so irritating. I knew that you are avoiding Lamy-chan. But, why is Lamy-chan didn't say anything to me too?

After a while, Lamy-chan came to our house. And of course, as always she asked, "W- Where is Onii-san?"

"He said, he has projects to do."

"I- I see."

We talked a lot today about streaming. She always looks excited when I talk about streaming. But after that, I want to ask Lamy-chan about what happened that day.

"Lamy-chan, anything good with Onii-chan?"

"E- Eh? Wh- What do you mean?"

"I want to know what kind of developm-"

"It is not like that. And if anything, we even become more distant."

"Eh? Why?"

"I- I think that was my fault, to begin with." Lamy's face looked sad. It looks like she was guilty of something but she didn't tell me. "I- I want to go to the bathroom." said, Lamy-chan.

When i looked at her. It feels like, this is going to be hard. Onii-chan looks different, and just now Lamy-chan looks sad and she said, it was her fault.

"Sigh, what should i do..."


Ugh, this is bad. Every time we talk about Onii-san, I always remember what happened that day. Onii-san, he confessed to me, didn't he? B- But what did I say back then? I don't remember since I was too embarrassed. Did I just leave it like that? Is that why Onii-san never messaged me or meet me again?

I am the worst.

"Ah," I accidentally met Onii-san on my way to the bathroom. This is bad, my heart is racing so much. "G-Good afternoon, Onii-san." This is so embarrassing,

B- But why didn't he say anything? He then walked through me without saying anything. He didn't even look at me,

"Good afternoon, Lamy-chan." His tone is so cold.