


After having another shitty day at the office, I dragged my feet to the bus station but of course luck was never at my side. As I expected, just as I reached the stand, the bus was long gone and no more buses would be coming. I didn't even sigh this time.

Hello guys I welcome you to the world of never having luck, always working to survive, ignored by everyone, an orphan, and a chocolate lover y/n. There is nothing interesting in my life and yes I am living up to the hashtag single since birth. Enough with the introductions, now I m gonna cover a distance of 4 kms to my cramped up cozy little flat room with a landlady of whom i dream to murder every night.

I took out my earphones from my purse and plugged them in my ears. Music is the only thing that makes me escape reality and makes me happy even if it is for some time. While walking, I saw a community park and suddenly my inner child woke up. I was already very late so why not be a little more late and fulfill my desires? I excitedly bounced into the park but to my surprise, there was a guy sitting on the bench. He was looking upset and was thinking about something deeply. I couldn't see his face as it was facing down and his head was covered by a hood. His physique looked perfect and from the look of his clothes he looked rich too. Though I must say I was amused by the all black theme he chose to wear. I don't know what happened to me but I got this feeling to help this guy out and ask what is bothering him. So trying to put up a bold attitude, I went up to him.


I am fed up with this idol shit. I am tired of being on constant alert from sasaengs, I am tired of never having privacy, I am tired of always putting up a smile and posing in front of the cameras. I just wanna live a normal life, have a loving girlfriend, have our own house together, roaming on the streets peacefully. But all of this is impossible for me. And now here I am, in the darkness of the night, sitting on a bench in a children's park. My childhood was spent training to be the person I am today. And here I am complaining that I don't want to be what I am today. Pretty pathetic huh?

Suddenly I heard a girl asking me if I am okay. I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I didn't even hear her coming in. Oh god, what if she is a sasaeng? Is she here to kidnap me? Is she going to threaten me?

I couldn't think of anything so I just ignored her and remained quiet. I shifted further more to the corner of the bench so that she gets the message that I don't want to talk to her. She stood at the same place for 2 minutes and then sat beside me at a safe distance. Then she took out one earplug from her year and put it into my ear.

5 minutes passed and I was totally relaxed. I must say I was beyond impressed. She didn't say anything to me, but the song did her work. (the song would be zero o'clock here) The song ended and I gave her the earplug back. She packed up and got up. I thought she was gonna leave but she turned back to me and this time her eyes held a mischievous glint in them.

I was curious what she was going to do now. Suddenly she took my arm and dashed towards the slides. I got the cue that she wanted to ride the slides and on the inside I wanted to ride them too. In the light of the moonlight, when everyone was sleeping peacefully, here we were two grown up adults riding and laughing on swings like two little kids. It was then when I studied her carefully. My breath was long gone when I stared at her. She was indeed a beauty. Her brown long hair brushed past my face as she laughed with that contagious smile of hers and without me knowing I was grinning widely too. Those sparkly blue eyes of hers shined with pure happiness. Her small little body was dressed in a flowery frock.

I couldn't express how much I wished to just have her in my arms just once and taste how her cherry-like lips tasted. I didn't realise I had been staring at her for too long when she snapped her fingers in front of me. 'Where are you lost huh?' she asked with that stomach flipping smile.

'In ur eyes' I said in a dreamy stance. Seeing her shocked face, I realised what I said and my face grew red. Her poking my cheeks and calling me cute afterwards resulted in my face being a little less than a tomato.

She looked at her watch and let out a few inaudible curses. Looking at me with an apologetic smile, she said 'I am so sorry but I need to go now. I had a really nice time with you and I hope you are okay now.' She started going and I was standing at the same spot trying to muster the courage to ask for her number. Be a man jungkook and ask her! I scolded myself. 'Excuse me miss, what is your name? Can we exchange numbers?' She turned back and tilting her head cutely said ' you can call me y/n. What will you do with my number though?' Uh.. What should I say? Come up with an excuse, jaykay damn it. 'Uh what if I need your help again? I need to call you so that you can help me again.' Oh god why am I so bad at making up excuses?! That sucked.

To my surprise she smiled and opened her purse and took out a chocolate wrapped in a golden foil paper. 'Here, take this chocolate. Now whenever you miss me, this chocolate will act as a remembrance of me'. I took the chocolate and she went away. I stared at her going figure and realised that I am in fucking love now.

Heyyyy guysss!! We be updating after a super long time eh? So sorry for the delay:(( We will be more active from now on.

A cutee lovee story for ya'll! Someonee is in lovee~~ xoxo

deviljoonieficscreators' thoughts