
You Are My Youth Heart

She waited for him after his disappearance. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Years ago, a love bloom between two friends, Qin Mei Ying and Chen Gui Feng. It all started from being neighbors to falling in love with each other but no one is willing to confess their feelings. Holding onto those feelings for not long, one of them suddenly disappeared. Years later, they meet again but everything have changed very differently. She waited for him. He moved on. She’s emotional. He’s emotionless. She tried. He give up. She slowly put the pieces together. He slowly destroyed it. “I hate you, I love you.” The feelings that they once have are tangled deep inside their heart. Will they ever be able to confess their true feelings to each other or replace someone else in their heart?

_BMoon · Teenager
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26 Chs

Silent Changes (3)

"Tell me what happened whenever you're ready." Qing Wei tells Mei Ying as he calm her down. Still, no words come out of her mouth. Her head lay against Qing Wei's shoulder trying to think things through her mind.

"Let's go home." Mei Ying grab her purse and walk away. Qing Wei quietly follow behind her. Her phone suddenly ring and she take a look at it and see that Li Hua is calling her. She stare blankly at her phone as tears begin to form in her eyes again.

Mei Ying stops walking and look up into the dark sky holding in her tears. "You can't cry anymore." She told herself. Qing Wei stays behind watching all of this happened.

Mei Ying turns off her phone and put it back in her purse. She quietly continued walking home with Qing Wei.

Next day at school is very intense. Mei Ying tries to avoid Gui Feng as much as possible.

"Mei Ying! Why did you left yesterday?" Li Hua ask worriedly.

"Oh, I wasn't feeling well so I left early." Mei Ying puts her head down on her desk face toward the window.

"I hope you're doing well today." Li Hua rub against Mei Ying's back making sure she's okay. The whole week, Mei Ying stays alone and avoid everyone even Li Hua. She feel drained and useless as she could've done something to prevent what had happened during karaoke. She want to run far away every time she think about the situation.

The week went pass like a blank of an eye and a new week is already here.

"Everyone stretch!" The gym teacher instructed the students.

"Ah, I hate P.E." Mei Ying said as she stretched to touch her toes.

"I hate P.E. too." Li Hua whines and look around seeing other students doing their stretches. The gym teacher always make them run around the track and move a lot.

"Mei Ying, come here!" The gym teacher yells for Mei Ying.

"What do you need?" The gym teacher tells Mei Ying to bring the equipments they're done using to the storage room next to the boys and girls bathroom as gym class is ending. Mei Ying puts those equipments away as everyone is changing back to their uniform.

Mei Ying come out of the storage room and head to the girls bathroom to change. As she is about to take off her shirt, she heard some noises. She heard some yelling and laughing. Mei Ying gets out of the girls bathroom and follow where those noises come from.

She keeps following the noises until she spot a girl and three guys at a corner outside of the boys bathroom where no one can see them. Mei Ying sees the boys trying to do something bad to the girl. They're backing her up into the corner so she can't escape.

Mei Ying check out the situation closely deciding if she should go help her. The girl back up until she hit the wall behind her. Mei Ying listen carefully at what they're discussing.

"Please, let me go." The girl get on her knees, begging them. They let out a evil and disgusting laugh at her words.

"You think we're going to let you go." A guys said as he seem to be the leader of the group.

"Please, I'm begging you guys. I don't like this at all." The girl begins to cry with her begs. They all laugh at her again.

"I need to help her." Mei Ying murmured.

"No need to cry. Your cries won't help you." The guy on her right side crouch down to her. He tried to touch her but she quickly move away.

"Hold her!" The leader of the group command the two guys. The girl tries to escape but was hold down firmly.

"NO! Please, don't do this!" She said frantically as holding onto the leader's leg begging him.

The leader kick her off and fell onto the floor. The two guys quickly hold onto her arms, pinning her to the floor. The leader gets on top of her, begin to rip off her shirt. The girl move harshly trying to get out of their grasp.

Mei Ying's eyes widen and angry level rise up. She knew exactly what the guys are doing to the girl. Mei Ying angrily step out from hiding and begin running to help the girl.

"STOP RIGHT NOW!" Mei Ying yell to the guys as she harshly kick the leader guy off the girl. Mei Ying quickly go help the girl get up.

"Why are you guys doing this to her?" Mei Ying ask the guys angrily. The leader gets up from the floor and dusk away any dirt off him.

"So, I see you have someone here to help you." The leader said and stare deathly at the girl. The girl holds tight onto Mei Ying's shirt and hides behind Mei Ying.

"Answer my question!" Mei Ying shout at the leader. He shift his gaze to Mei Ying.

"We're just having fun." He said sarcastically. Mei Ying's eyebrows narrow and feel furiously at his words.

Mei Ying and the girl back up as they come closer to them.

"I'll fight them and you go get help." Mei Ying said quietly and quickly to the girl. As they come closer, Mei Ying punch hard on the guy to the right which make him fell to the floor. Mei Ying pushes the girl pass the guy that fell and she dashed off to get help.

Mei Ying sees that the guy haven't get up yet so she might have a chance to run. Before Mei Ying got the chance, the leader harshly holds the back of Mei Ying's neck and throws her to the floor.

"Your going to replace her." Mei Ying's eyes widen and her heart rate increased. She's scared but she have to be strong to not let anything happen. The two guy rushed to hold tightly on Mei Ying's arm.

"What you going t-" The leader strongly slap Mei Ying, shutting her up.

The leader forcefully grab on Mei Ying's chin and said, "No need to ask questions." In a blank of an eye, he roughly rip Mei Ying's shirt in half down halfway.

Mei Ying is shock at his sudden action. Tears form in her eyes. Mei Ying sees the three of them stare intensely at her bra and exposed skin. They seem like they're going to eat her up which terrified Mei Ying.

The leader gestures the two guy to pin Mei Ying to the wall. Mei Ying struggle to get out of their grip but they're grip is too strong.

"Why are you doing this?!" Mei Ying ask furiously. The leader laugh evilly.

"This is what I like to do." He grin at Mei Ying. Hearing what he said, terrify Mei Ying. He then grab onto Mei Ying's neck, making it hard for Mei Ying to breath.

"You'll n-never get w-what y-you want." Mei Ying struggle to speak.

"I get everything I want." He smirk. He turn Mei Ying's face to the side exposing her neck. His hand let go of her neck and slowly trace from her neck to her collarbone. He proceeds to pull down her left shirt sleeve exposing her shoulder.

She's afraid. At the moment, she know she can't escape because they're too strong. But, she have to do something before things escalate even further.

"Let me go, you a**hole!" Mei Ying curse at him.

"You never want to piss him off." The guy on the left whisper to Mei Ying then planted a kiss on her shoulder. She froze and feel shiver down her spine.

The leader suddenly covers her eyes with one of his hand and begin to kiss her neck.

"STOP!" She shout at him but he doesn't seem to be bother by it.

"STOP!" Mei Ying shout again but ended up receiving a harsh slap on the cheek. He then lick her neck and continues to give kisses all the way to her collarbones and her exposed shoulder.

She suddenly feel his other free hand slowly rubbing against her abdomen in circles. She can't believe this is happening to her. Mei Ying feel helpless. She feel like this is the end of her life. She can't see anything as his hand cover her eyes but she can feel what's happening. She is disgusted by his touches. She hope in her heart that Gui Feng come save her even though she hated him so much. She need him the most at this moment.

As she feel him landing kisses near her chest, she suddenly feel the guy roughly get jerked away from her. Mei Ying open her eyes and sees Gui Feng standing with his back facing her. She sees the leader on the floor with a bloody nose and barely getting up.

"W-ho are-" Gui Feng aggressively kick his jaw.

"You don't need to know who I am. I just teaching you a lesson for touching my property." Gui Feng said firmly. Mei Ying eyes went wide at what he just said. She can hear her heart beat loudly.

Gui Feng then go to the two guy that was holding onto Mei Ying and give them punches. Gui Feng go back to the leader and clutch onto his shirt collar and severely throw punches to his face. Mei Ying notice that there are so much blood on his face so she have to stop Gui Feng before he killed him.

"Gui Feng stop! That's enough." Mei Ying hold tightly on his arm to stop him.

"GET OUT!" Gui Feng shout at all three guys. The leader barely move an inch so the two guys drag him out.

Mei Ying fell to the floor, not having any energy left.

"Mei Ying!" Gui Feng kneel down to her and lift her head up looking straight at her eyes and see tears. He can tell that she's afraid. He notice that her shirt was ripped so he cover up with his sweater.

"I'm scared, I'm scared." Those are the only words that come out of her mouth as tears stream down her face.

"How did this happened? Where did he touch you?" Gui Feng ask impatiently. Gui Feng look straight into her crying eyes. She pointed to her neck, collarbone, shoulder, above her chest area and abdomen.

Gui Feng stares at those spots she pointed at and feel his anger level rise up. He take his sweater and aggressively rubbing away in those area.

"You're hurting me." She said loud enough for him to hear. But, he doesn't stop. Mei Ying notice that he didn't hear her at all.

"I said stop! You're hurting me!" Mei Ying shout at him. He froze, coming to his consciousnesses. Knowing that they've done this to her, hurt his heart like hell.

Without saying anything, Gui Feng puts her head to his chest, making sure she feel safe.

"Don't cry. You're safe with me here." He tells her. She grip tightly on his shirt.

"I thought no one is going to save me." Mei Ying said as she cry harder.

"I'm sorry that I'm late." He wrap his arms around her. She feel the warmth in his embrace. She feel like all her fears have disappeared.

"Let's go." He pick her up in his arms as she lay her head on his chest. She feel the happiest right now.