
You Are My Youth Heart

She waited for him after his disappearance. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Years ago, a love bloom between two friends, Qin Mei Ying and Chen Gui Feng. It all started from being neighbors to falling in love with each other but no one is willing to confess their feelings. Holding onto those feelings for not long, one of them suddenly disappeared. Years later, they meet again but everything have changed very differently. She waited for him. He moved on. She’s emotional. He’s emotionless. She tried. He give up. She slowly put the pieces together. He slowly destroyed it. “I hate you, I love you.” The feelings that they once have are tangled deep inside their heart. Will they ever be able to confess their true feelings to each other or replace someone else in their heart?

_BMoon · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
26 Chs

Losing Myself

Next day at school is intense. Anywhere Meiying go, people would walk away from her. The whole day, people have been treating her like that. In class, Meiying blankly stare out the window not paying attention to what the teacher is teaching.

During break time, Meiying stay in class alone while everyone go out to chat with their friends. Then Lihua come in and see Meiying with her head down on her desk.

"Meiying....," Lihua shake Meiying to see if she's awake.

"Go away, don't bother me." Meiying remove Lihua's hand off her.

"Meiying, I'm sorry. I'm still your best friend so call me whenever you need me." With that Lihua walk out.

Tears start to form in Meiying's eyes but she holding it back as much as she can.

Meiying got up, grab her things and leave the classroom. She go to the roof top to calm down. The roof top is her quiet and peaceful place that she always go to whenever she is stress. She slowly walk toward the edge of the roof top.

"What are you doing?!" Qingwei run to Meiying and pull her back.

"I'm not doing anything," She said sounding like she have no soul.

"What do you mean you're not doing anything? I know you try to end your life!" Qingwei try to put some sense into her.

Meiying then hug Qingwei and start crying. Qingwei is shock seeing her cry like that.

"Why is everyone leaving me?!!" She cry louder. Qingwei then hug her tighter.

"I will never leave you." Qingwei says to Meiying and try to calm her down. She fall onto the ground and cry more.

"You're lying! You'll leave one day like others!" Qingwei crouch down to hug her again to calm her down.

Meiying finally stop crying after a while. Qingwei then grab her hand and lead her out of the roof top.

"Where are we going?" She ask. Qingwei smile at her and just keep walking. They sneak out of school.

After some time, they reach a convenience store.

"W-why are we here?" She look at Qingwei confuse.

"Go buy whatever you want to eat," He said.

"But I'm not—," Qingwei put some money in her hand and push her into the convenience store. A couple of minutes later, she come out with a bag full of chips and drinks. Qingwei hold her hand and drag her behind him. They then get on a bus. After some times, they get off at a station and Qingwei just lead the way without saying anything.

"Are we there yet?" Meiying ask out of breath.

"Look ahead of you." Meiying look and see a field of daisy flowers. Her eyes open wide and a smile form on her face.

"This is beautiful." She murmured. Qingwei look at Meiying's now happy face.

"This totally worth the time to walk up this hill." Meiying take a deep breath.

"This is my secret place. Never show it to anyone." Meiying nod.

They both enjoy the time there and stay until sunset. After sunset, they get back on the bus and head home.

On their way home, they sees Guifeng at the park near Meiying's house. As they about to pass through the park Guifeng sees them and start walking toward them.

"Meiying," Guifeng said. Meiying hold onto Qingwei's arm and try to go pass Guifeng but he block them again.

"Your mom is worrying about you." Guifeng said. Qingwei come in front of Guifeng.

"Move out of the way. I'm taking Meiying home." Qingwei push Guifeng aside and hold onto Meiying's hand ready to walk away. But Guifeng suddenly hold onto Meiying's other hand not letting go.

"You either go home with me or I'll call your mom and tell your her what you did with that dirty man." Guifeng said that to make Qingwei angry. Guifeng stare intensely at Qingwei.

"YOU'RE THE DIRTY ONE!" Qingwei said. He run to Guifeng and punch him in the face. Guifeng get up from the ground and punch Qingwei. Qingwei fell on to the ground and Guifeng get on top of him and start to punch him in the stomach and face.

"GUIFENG STOP! STOP IT!" Meiying shout at Guifeng. She push Guifeng off Qingwei and see that the corner of Qingwei's mouth is bleeding and bruise on the jaw. She help Qingwei get up and pat the dusk off him.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!! HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO ME!" Meiying shout at Guifeng.

"I'm just doing what you're mom told me to do! She tell me to take you home!" Guifeng shout back at Meiying.

"You should know I'm will not go home with you so you don't need to waste your time." She said.

"You're the wrong one Guifeng! Apologize to him." She said angrily. Guifeng wipe the blood away from his lip and just look away. Meiying wipe the blood away on the corner of Qingwei's mouth. She help Qingwei and they both walk home leaving Guifeng behind.

They've reach Meiying's house after some time.

"I'm so sorry." Meiying said. She touches his lip and jaw making sure it's fine.

"I'm all good. No worry." He said in a soft voice.

"Wait here." Meiying said and go inside the house to get a band-aid and some medicine. She come back out and put the band-aid on the corner of Qingwei's mouth and give him the medicine.

"I'm sorry again." Meiying said. Qingwei touches her head.

"It's okay. I'm just helping you." Qingwei said.

"Also...thank you for today. I had a lot of fun. Let's go there again." Meiying said and smile.

"I'm glad you have had fun. It's quite late now, I'll watch you go inside then I'll go." Qingwei said. Meiying wave goodbye and left. Qingwei then walk home.