
You Are My Youth Heart

She waited for him after his disappearance. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Years ago, a love bloom between two friends, Qin Mei Ying and Chen Gui Feng. It all started from being neighbors to falling in love with each other but no one is willing to confess their feelings. Holding onto those feelings for not long, one of them suddenly disappeared. Years later, they meet again but everything have changed very differently. She waited for him. He moved on. She’s emotional. He’s emotionless. She tried. He give up. She slowly put the pieces together. He slowly destroyed it. “I hate you, I love you.” The feelings that they once have are tangled deep inside their heart. Will they ever be able to confess their true feelings to each other or replace someone else in their heart?

_BMoon · Teenager
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26 Chs

Heart Beats (3)

She look around one more time, still seeing everyone glued their eyes on her. Her heart beat rapidly, feeling like there is specifically someone staring at her. She finally face Qing Wei, letting him know that she's ready.

Mei Ying step closer to him. She slowly move her hands to his shoulder to lower himself to her level.

"Why is the situation moving so slow." She panicked inside.

She can't even make eye contact with him properly. Her hands tremble just holding on his shoulders. Qing Wei whisper to her; "Are you going to do it or am I going to have to do it?" He playfully smile at her. She look away quickly as her face turn bright red.

"I...I..will do it." Her lips gradually move closer to his cheek and kiss it. She's ready to step away as she's done but was quickly hold still by Qing Wei. He hold her face still in his hands and planted a kiss on her lips.

The whole room went quiet. "W-WHAT IS THIS!!?" She scream inside.

He pulled away and wink at her. He break the circle and walk out the classroom like nothing happened. A couple seconds after he left, everyone begin acting crazy about what just happened. They cheer and talk among themselves.

"How was it? Do you like it? How was his lips?!" All type of questions are popping up from students. They all stayed quiet again waiting for her to answer.

"I...I need a break..." Mei Ying rush through the crowd of students and Li Hua quickly followed behind her. "EHHH! Come back! We want to hear about it." Students shout out to her. She quickened her pace and go straight to the roof top.

Mei Ying busted through the door out to the roof top and immediately fell to the ground. She try to catch her breath. Li Hua comes after standing next to her.

"Mei Ying..." Li Hua huff and huff, also trying to catch her breath. After a couple of minutes of quietness, Li Hua speaks up.

"Hey...I'm sorry. Sorry for dragging you into something you didn't want to do." Li Hua said sincerely.

Mei Ying quickly replied, "It's not your fault. No need to say sorry." Li Hua let out a big sigh, feeling relief.

Mei Ying is still freak out about the situation. Her eyes darted from side to side thinking to herself; "What is wrong with me?! I didn't stop him from kissing me. Mei Ying, what has gotten into you, huh?!"

"How long are you going to stay on the ground? Let me help you get you." Li Hua said. But Mei Ying is still out of her mind.

"What am I going to do? Is it going to be awkward between us now?!" Mei Ying speak to herself.

"Mei Ying!" Li Hua shake her. Mei Ying quickly come back to reality and respond, "what did you say?"

"I said, let me help you get up."

"I'm fine. I want to be alone, you can go ahead without me." Mei Ying blankly stare at the ground.

"Ehh! Are you sure? Mei Ying nodded.

"C'mon....I don't want to leave you here alone." Li Hua hold her arm, trying to get her up. Mei Ying pushes Li Hua's hands away and said, "I want to be alone." Li Hua is shock by her action.

"Then....I'll leave you alone. Come back when you're ready." Li Hua smile big at Mei Ying and left.

"I'm sorry, Li Hua. I'm sorry." She talked to herself. She then move to sit next to the door, leaning her head against the wall. The fresh air rushed pass her.

"I'm tired of all of this." She hold her knees to her chest, with her head laying on it. Suddenly, the door opens and there come someone. Mei Ying look up to see Gui Feng. She careless that he's there and just turn her head to face the other side. Then she heard the door slam.

Mei Ying slowly turn back to the other side to see if Gui Feng had left. No one is there so she lifted her head up but is surprise by seeing Gui Feng standing in front of her.

"I thought you left..." she said but only to meet with his silent.

"What are you doing here?" She asked but he didn't bother to answer at all.

"I guess you don't want to talk to me. I'll be leaving now." As Mei Ying about to get up, Gui Feng step closer to her which stop her from getting up.

"What are you doing?!" She shout at him.

Gui Feng then asked bluntly, "How was it?" Mei Ying give him a confuse look.

"What do you mean?" They made eye contact.

"I'm not going to repeat what I asked." He narrow his eyebrows. Mei Ying paused for a second, then remembered about the situation that happened in the classroom.

She chuckled and said, "Oh...the kiss? It's was amazing and I like it." She said it to get him angry.

He crossed arms in his chest and said, "I knew you would say something like that."

She replied, "If you knew what I'm going to say then why bother to ask, huh?!!" Mei Ying gets up from the ground and stands close in front of him. She see herself in his eyes and how angry he is at the moment.

"I hate people like you the most." He responded, staring back her.

"If you hate peoples like me the most then why are you talking to be me?!" She replied right back at him.

"Because people like you are the most fun to mess with. Once it's done, I'll just throw it away like trash." He smirk evilly at her.

She see no sparkle except hatred and evilness in his eyes. She replied, "I see how it is. Is that why you want to see me look miserable right now?!"

Gui Feng burst out a little laugh and lean in to whisper in her ear; "Not just to make you look miserable but also to make me the person you hate the most." Mei Ying furiously push him away.

"You're insane! What are you going to do huh?!!" Mei Ying shout at him.

"Shhh, don't be too loud." He emotionless glare at her.

"Why are you being like this?! Can't you be the old Gui Feng I used to know?!!" She said loudly.

Gui Feng said bluntly; "You don't understand anything at all. You should worry about yourself, not others."

Her face show deep hatred for him. "Alright..I should worry about myself and not someone like you who have a sickening heart and mind."

Gui Feng replied, "Yes, and you deserve to be treated like a unimportant item." With that, he roughly bump pass her shoulder. Before walking out he said, "Also watch your mouth or you'll get what you deserve."

Mei Ying froze in her position, replaying his last words in her mind as her heart beat become louder and louder to her ear.