
You Are My Precious

Amy was waiting for 10 minutes at the station for him to come. They were not in touch for 6months after the graduation....she was wearing a green top with golden design on it and black trousers. "wow, you look nice"...he came talking.he was wearing a magenta coloured shirt with a light purple half blazer and blue jeans..he was charming and so gorgeous. Amy's heart was beating so first that she can hear.. she was confused why this was happening to her.... Where she didn't know same thing was happening to him by looking at her. she was gorgeous.look in her eye was innocent. Both were happy...but their happiness was different. Amy was happy that she met with her best friend after 6months whereas her best friend Was happy to meet his secret lover whome he had crush for the first time and also the last..... want to know their sweet love story... then please read my story....I would love to share my story with you my dear readers ❤️❤️

eugeneamy · Allgemein
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33 Chs

Just confess to her before anyone

Since they meet after 6months it was Luke who was very excited more than Amy . But inside he was the one also nervous. He took 2hours to get ready for that evening. he also had so many plans like they will go for a fine dinner and also he will take her to an ice cream parlour as Amy loves ice cream. He also bought chocolates for her. He wanted to buy roses for her and give her but he thought that will be too much suspicious.So he decided to not bought roses.

when he reached at that station he saw her from a distance. looking at her made his heart race like crazy. He took time to calm himself. then he called her. but when Amy hold his hand he couldn't control his feelings so decided to run.

he was so mad at himself for letting her go like that. but he had to do that to stop his bumping heart. he loves her. he loved her from 2years back. but never let her know that.

At that time he was drinking beer and scolding himself. suddenly his phone rang. it was his cousin. He sounded upset.

Cousin "what's wrong? are you drinking again?"

Luke "ya bro, I just messed it up. I don't know what to do with Amy "

"just confess her before anyone hook up with her. she is working in a big company now so there are huge chances that anyone can steal her. there's no one better than you for her. I know how much you love her. just show her your sincerity and see how can she not fell for you. have your confidence bro. she can't reject you I can tell that. go for it. " his cousin said encouraging Luke .

Luke " ok then I will try at least."

"that's my little brother. " his cousin said while laughed.

Luke decide that he will confess her and try his best. he can't let her go to anyone. he loves her and she is only his.