
Welcome to create on WEBNOVEL

Chapter 1

"So who will save you little Canary??"

The man asked as he walked around the chair with an evil smile plastered on his face."I'm not afraid of you."The small teenaged girl replied bravely while glaring at the man who chuckled at her reply.

"Oh little bird is trying to be brave.You are just like your father but his bravery was useless.He died because of his bravery and you will end up just like that bastard too."

Before the little girl could say anything the door burst open getting the attention of everyone in warehouse and the large amount of light entered in the warehouse which made everyone almost blind.

"Who the hell did that??"The man asked in anger with his hand blocking the light from entering his eyes.When everyone's vision adjusted they look at the person standing still in thw doorway.

"Hey idiot!!!!What are you doing??Who do you think you are?Do you even know who we are??"

The man kept shouting and questioning the person standing in the doorway and walked a few steps towards the person.

"I know you idiots and I believe you will know me...soon."

A cold famine voice came and the lady started to walk towards them and stood infront of the man.Her head was low but the aura around her was mysterious and scary.

"Since when did pretty little things like you started to speak to me like this?Huh??I am the right hand of 'The Snakes'.Do you think I'll let you go bitch??

"Take that back or else you will suffer twice the times I would have caused you to."

That man started to laught along with his men not knowing the consequences.

"You will make me suffer??You must be out of your mind.Right??"

He took the girl's cap and threw it that's when she looked up.Silence took over the whole warehouse and no one dared to move or speak anything.

"What??Cat got your tongue??"The brown eyed female asked and nobody spoke as if they were scared to offend the person infront of them.Cold sweats could be seen forming on their forehead and this made her smirk a little.She was a little shorter than the man but her effect was much more larger.

"Release the girl."She ordered in a dominating voice and it echoed through the warehouse making everyone flinch in fear.

The man looked at his man on the right side signaling him to release the girl who was tied on the chair."But sir---" Before he had the chance to finish his sentence the sound of gunshot echoed and the man's body fell on the groud.

"Release the girl this instant" She said again with more pressure while gritting her teeth.

"Y-Yes M-Miss." He didn't turn his back and walked backwards because he knew if he did that he would die miserably.He untied the ropes around the girl and she ran towards the lady.

"I am taking her and tell your chubby boss I have a gift prepared for him and he will receive it tomorrow." With that she walked out of the warehouse with the girl beside her.

"This much is fine."The girl turned around,took a remote out of her pocket and pressed the red button on it.The whole warehouse blew up.

"My car will be here soon so don't worry."The girl said reassuring the girl who was staring at her as if she is trying to recall something and then suddenly her eyes widened.

"Y-You.....M-my father talked about you alot.I can't believe you're standing right infront of me but I don't know your name."

The female gave her a genuine smile and suddenly a limo stopped infront of them and they both turned to the car.The little girl was amazed to see a limo.She was staring at the limo until she heard a soft chuckle and looked into the female's direction who started to walk towards the car and opened the door.

"My real name is Verose but I am Luna the Leader of Black Rose for the world." The wind started to blow making her long brown hairs dance with the breeze and the sweet smile on the female's face with bright eyes made her even more beautiful than she already was.

"Now shall we leave??" She spoke softly gaining the little girl's attention who nodded and sat in the car.The female named Verose sat down beside the girl and the driver drove away.
