
You're my forever love

In her past life, she was deceived and died miserably at the hands of a scumbag. After being reborn, she became cold and ruthless, seeking revenge against those who wronged her in her previous life. From a timid and innocent girl, she transformed into a cold and aloof woman, but in front of the man she liked, she reverted to her old self. Her two main goals in this life were revenge and winning over Tyler Davis. "I heard you want to win me over?" "N-no, I want to take revenge first, and then... win you over!" Someone lightly tugged at the collar of his sleeping robe and bit his lip, hinting. "I'll take revenge for you, and now you can come and win me over. Come on!" "..." Unexpectedly, one day her two goals merged into one, and after winning over Tyler Davis, everything went smoothly!

ArcticVoyager · Fantasie
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154 Chs

Flirting through the window

The training on the second day was just the same. After two days, some students in Class Six were relaxed, while others were seriously injured. Tyler was not a person who didn't know the severity of things. After a few days, he let go of his anger and the training in Class Six finally returned to normal.

It was funny to say, but such harsh training actually aroused the blood of some people. Those who had not undergone strong physical training spontaneously tailored their own physical training, hoping to impress Tyler and do better than when Aiden Jameson was in charge.

Only Amelia continued to do the simplest and easiest exercises. Tyler didn't say anything about it, and she simply gave up her pride. This made the students in Class Six think that she had given up on herself.

Gradually, everyone could see that Tyler hardly paid attention to Amelia. Some sympathized with her, thinking that she was kind-hearted and beautiful, but even General Tyler didn't care about her. It seemed that Amelia would have difficulty even graduating from the military training of Saint Hua.

Saint Hua's military training was not just military training. There would be an assessment at the end. If you didn't pass, it would be a pity. Saint Hua was looking for students who had all-round development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor skills.

"Look at her, she's so lazy today, and General Tyler still doesn't care."

"General Tyler is so busy, how can he have time to take care of everyone? Besides, seeing him like this, he probably doesn't like Amelia!"

"Hey, mainly because she is really weak, she may have been given up on. It's such a pity."

Two boys shook their heads in pity while looking at Amelia, and several girls immediately retorted.

"What a pity? Isn't Amelia just having a pretty face? What's the use of passing the wilderness survival trial if she will eventually be expelled?"

"Right, unlike our sister Charlotte Lee. She looks good and is good at everything."

Quinn Cooper smiled shyly, but her hatred could not be hidden in her eyes. Ever since Amelia beat her last time, she had hated her to death. She couldn't deal with Amelia in the army, but once they were back in school, she would make sure to disable Amelia.

"Don't say that. My body is not that good, and I'm just trying my best."

The girl immediately flattered, "Sister Charlotte Lee is diligent. Unlike Amelia, who is idle every day. Just wait, if she doesn't pass the military training, let's see if she will still be laughing."

Several girls sneered and looked down on Amelia.

Most of the students in Class Six were still sorry for her, and occasionally someone would try to persuade Amelia to train with them, but she always refused. After being persuaded for a while, everyone stopped caring about her, as if she was really worthless.

Amelia didn't care about these things. Every day, she could see that Tyler was very happy, and she continued to be lazy and indifferent.

"Amelia, come here, I have something to tell you," said Noah Foster. This was the first time he spoke to Amelia since moving out of the dormitory.

Amelia didn't refuse, and she didn't have a bad impression of Noah Foster.

"What do you want to tell me?" she asked.

"Are you really that useless? You finally got into Saint Hua with connections, and barely passed the trials. Are you really afraid of the military training? Where is the courage you had when we fought before, Amelia? Don't make me look down on you," Noah Foster said seriously and coldly.

Amelia was taken aback and didn't know what to say.

"Aren't you the person who hates connections the most? Isn't it just perfect that I can't pass the trials?" Amelia thought of the time when she fought with Noah Foster when she first came to Linfeng Mountain. Wasn't it because he looked down on her as a connected student?

She blurted out these words without thinking, and saw Noah Foster's face turn even uglier. She wondered if she had said something wrong.

"Noah Foster!" Noah Foster's voice rose several degrees, almost furious. "Don't think I care about you. Just train well and don't act like a sickly person every day. You're not like that Pei family green tea bitch, always acting weak and helpless."

Amelia nodded seriously, thinking that her former roommate was actually concerned about her.

Noah Foster finished his awkward speech and walked away, his usually coquettish and aloof face a little red. He casually grabbed the pull-up bar and effortlessly performed several difficult moves, his body glistening with sweat.

With delicate features and a devilish figure, Noah Foster's behavior at this moment was quite manly, and Amelia inexplicably found it handsome.

She never thought she needed friends, but at this moment, she felt that having such a friend wouldn't be too bad, at least it was pleasing to the eye.

After a day of training, Amelia managed to get through it. When it was dismissed, Noah Foster gritted his teeth and seemed to have the urge to fight.

Amelia understood that he meant well and didn't mind. She even smiled at him, which was rare for her cold personality. However, Noah Foster's face became even uglier, and he raised his fist at her.

Amelia's smile grew even wider until she felt a cold wind blowing nearby. She shrunk her neck, thinking that Aria Davis was probably jealous, even of a girl's envy.


At night, Amelia went to bed early as usual.

"Click." She heard the window make a light sound and opened it.

She turned her head and saw a tall, handsome man climbing through the window in the bright moonlight. This man, who climbed the window with skillful movements, was none other than the admired Tyler.

"Uh...the god-like man climbed through the window!"

"Tyler, how did you climb up the window? What if someone sees you?" Amelia quickly sat up and turned on the small lamp.

Amelia had switched to a single dorm room in hopes of having a chance to be alone with Tyler, but she didn't expect it to happen like this.

"No one will see," Tyler said coolly.

"Why do you have such a serious look on your face? Did someone make you angry?" Amelia asked curiously.

Tyler turned his head away, seemingly upset.

"Tyler, Tyler..." Amelia leaned in close to Tyler's ear with a mischievous grin. "What's wrong, big brother Tyler?"

Tyler shuddered and pulled Amelia onto his lap, looking at her seriously and attentively. "Don't laugh at other people like that in the future."

Amelia was taken aback, realizing that Tyler's earlier expression was because she had laughed at Noah Foster. She couldn't help but laugh and cry at the same time.

"What's so funny?" Amelia hooked her arms around Tyler's neck, raising her eyebrows and revealing a coquettish smile.

Tyler stiffened again.

"Or maybe like this?" Amelia's smile became even brighter.




"Big brother Tyler~"
