
The Decision

For the last 5 years I worked in F&B, I met a lot of people. But one particular man caught my eyes, Evan Slim.

Evan is a Junior Architect before I became one. Even though I was just an assistant at that time, he did not see me differently. He was caring and supportive of me.

So when I received my license, I accepted his confession and became his girlfriend.

I really like him, so even if Alexander was adamant about our relationship, I still went on and become his girlfriend.

And I do think I made the right decision. He is very patient with me. For more than a year we've been a couple, he did not force me to have physical relationship with him.

When Alisha heard of this her first reaction was, "Is he gay?"

But no! Evan is not gay. He is just an understanding guy.

A gay office mate of mine said that he doesn't get a "gay vibe" from him, so it suppress all of my doubts.

Not just Alisha, even some of my closest friends were doubtful of Evan.

But, I was not persuaded by that. Evan even thought of me. He said that in order prevent others from destroying my reputation after becoming a junior architect, we should keep our relationship a secret in the office.

Therefore, Evan became my biggest reason in not accepting the offer for transfer to another branch office, even if I don't see a promotion for the next 10 years.

At the mean while, we did a farewell party for Alexander in his retirement day. It was full blast, and we all enjoyed it. Alexander will be miss in the office.

Two days after the party, Alexander and Susan, his wife, meet me for a lunch date.

When I reach the restaurant I saw the couple already seated, as I approach them Susan saw me and she gave me a sweet smile and called me to the table.

"Emma, its good to see you again", she said while hugging me.

"Its good to see you again Susan. Alexander hows the retirement life?" I aked as I sit opposite them.

"Boring, I should say." Rumble Alexander which makes Susan laugh out loud.

"It is! I thought I can just sit all day and do nothing. But its impossible!" He told his wife who was laughing in her seat.

"Well retirement is another chapter of your life. It does need adjusting to. Specially you who have been very active for a long time. A slow life is a foreign thing." I said to him with a small smile in my face.

"Well, cant do anything about it now. You already gave me a party. Hahaha!" He joked that made us all laugh again.

We ate and talk as the same time. They also informed me that they are going back to Susan's hometown tomorrow, since its where their family is. They have already arrange everything and what's left is them informing me about it.

I knew this was coming but hearing them say it to me doesn't make it hurt less. I will really miss them. But they are also right, spending their remaining time with family is the best way possible.

How I wish I can have that to in the future.

After we finish lunch they left to continue their preparation for tommorow.

I did not want to get off my seat to manage my emotion. So, I sat their for a long time until I heard a very familiar voice in the quite resturant.

I seach for the owner of the voice around the resturant, because my seat is in a more private area people cant see me easily.

As I found the owner of the voice, what I notice was a brunette hugging his arms intimately.

At first I thought it was a sister, but seing them kiss eachothers lips erased that notion totaly!

I was petrified, 'did Evan just kiss another girl?'

I was so shocked, that I dont know what to do about their public display of affection.

'Should I run to them and make a scene?

Or should I slap him?

Or throw my juice into them?

I don't know what to do!'

They sat in the table just 5 meters away from me so they were within hearing distance.

I just sat at my chair, paralyze and listening to them talk like no one was around.

"Baby, how's that crazy fan girl of yours? Is she still bothering you?" The brunette ask as she try to eat Evans face.

Evan answered her, definitely loving her action, "Oh, you know the usual still so crazy for me."

"How can you even last her, I mean she has been like that for what, 4 years now! She really is delutional. Did she really thing you like her?"

"Well you know she's useful to me. She always put my name in her project even if I dont do anything. Usefull right! And another big project is in her table now, which means another project with my name on it without braking sweat. I think a promotion is on my way!" He told her while holding her lips with his thumb.

When I heard that, I lost all the energy of my body.

How can he do this to me. All this time he was just using me. Its not that his patient or understanding. His a bastard, who use others for personal gain.

All this time he has a girlfriend and I was the ingnorant girl from the sidelines.

I cant help but cry and cry. I stayed there until lunch time is over.

When the waiter saw me, he became worried. He continue to ask 'if whats wrong'. But I cant even utter a single word because I was sobbing hard.

There and there, I decided California is not worth staying and Evan is not worth the sacrifice of 10 years.

Another Chapter tomorrow!

We're finally in the 3rd Arc..

Romance is finally comming people!

I cant wait!

Happy reading!

Sakura07creators' thoughts