
Yggdrasil's Pupil

Yggdrasil’s Pupil. A direct representative of the God Tree. A protector and a bridge with the world. No one truly knows where he came from. The one that would come to lead them all. Guiding the Eternal Forest’s inhabitants. A place of myth and legends. All we know is he left his mark everywhere in the world. I spent my whole life looking for answers. I just found a manuscript apparently shedding light on it all. I just have one thing to say: “What the fuck is this?!” *Sigh* I will just copy it in its entirety. You guys can judge for yourselves. *PS: Volume 1 is mostly Slice of Life ;)* **** Schedule: 2-3 chapters a day (Temp hiatus, write on the last chap if you want more of it !!! ) My Discord: https://discord.gg/TccuJPD

Zombie · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
120 Chs

First Month

I sleep at the inn again. The soldier seems unsure of what I'm doing. Still, he doesn't try and stop me. I eat a simple but delicious breakfast before heading out. They are all out there lining up. Good.

[Today we will have some more fun!]


[Alright, run to the training grounds!]

They all start jogging. Before long the brutalizing starts again. The more the day progresses and the less they are screaming. They simply endure.

I can see a light in their eyes. They have hope. That hope is the only thing keeping them alive. I can't help but compare myself to them.

I said a lot of bullshit, but I don't have half their dedication. The only reason I even completed my training is that I was forced. Not once do they drop their sword. I'm surprised no one has impaled himself by accident yet. Well, it almost happened many times already.

There is only so much change that can happen to strength itself. I am really just trying to increase their skill. I try something. I make them a small house to sleep in. This way they will always remain in training spirit. The villagers will bring them food.

Before long a week passes. A long week where they keep having to dodge my attacks. Evading to the best of their abilities. Sometimes I can hear them talk between themselves. They are wondering what this training will accomplish.

Every time there is another to defend me. Saying that I am the strongest man they have ever seen. That this is their one opportunity. They all seem to agree that I am cool when I'm not beating them up.

I even hear a girl giggles that she wouldn't mind if I joined her at night. I actually quite like the idea. Thus starts our second week.

This time I reduce the training duration a bit. I tell them that they can and should relax and rest. Most are happy. A few are skeptical.

That night I do visit them. A very painful visit. A very memorable one. Now they have to be careful at night too. This is a whole new challenge.

Humans naturally get less vigilant at such a time. Especially when it is quiet and peaceful. That is exactly when I strike. They start having a vigil. Except I take that one out easily.

They quickly realize this won't cut it. They start a system where a third of the group is always awake. This way they can see me coming. Well, that's because I let them. Taking out 10 recruits at once would be easy.

The third week, I increase the intensity a lot. By this point, they are sleeping whenever possible. Leaving a watch even during the day. I never give them a warning. They have to figure it out by themselves.

The mayor is mostly the one that delivers the food. I can see him worry, but he doesn't object either.

Before long the fourth week starts. I give them objectives. Ones they will only be able to reach by working as a group. Like stealing an object. One guarded by living plants. A new creation of mine.

What I do is mix nature magic with creation magic. But I create a pseudo-spirit instead. One that is able to follow simple orders. One that doesn't have an ego either. One could call it an automated plant. Would be perfect for a tower defense mini-game haha.

After lots of sweat, tears, and blood their first month of training is over.

[Listen up you all!]

They stand at attention.

[You have officially completed your first month of training. Do you guys know what that makes you?]

I look at them all.

[Nothing! You guys are still trash. Trash that can take a bit more pain. Trash that can run a bit better. Nothing else.]

They don't disagree.

[Whether you remain trashes or become swordsmen… Will be all up to you. Ready your swords.]

It has never left their hand. Funny how they are getting calluses just from running with it.

[We'll play a new game. The goal is simple. Whoever manages to strike me successfully gets a reward. Alright, start!]

One hesitantly raises his hand.

"Sir, how do we proceed exactly?"

[Didn't you hear me? What is hard to understand?]

Another continues.

"How many of us are allowed to attack at once?"

[HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ah, you sure like to joke, don't you. You think I can't even take on 31 trashes? Just come! All of you!]

For a few seconds, they hesitate. Looking at their companions. Sharing a few looks. Then they all charge at once. Well, that is what they try to do. The thing is their speed is different. They all start together but reach me in small packs of 2 or 3.

[What happened to the group?]

I easily dodge everything. I mean they are so damn slow. The ghost was way faster. They have a long way to go. I playfully trip many of them. They sprawl on the ground. Soon out of breath.

[Is that all you got? About 20 seconds? You guys will never get a girlfriend like that you know.]

They get up and charge again. They try to encircle me. That is when they start discovering something beautiful. A beautiful thing called friendly fire.

Yep, they barely stop before killing each other. Many are bleeding profusely. I use nature magic to bandage their wounds.

[You guys really suck, eh. What good is having a sturdy weapon? You gotta know how to use it too. Otherwise, you guys will never-]

One tries a sneak attack. Hehe, as if that was gonna work. Well, I've let them have enough fun. Time to beat them up. Before long they have trouble even moving. I guess that counts as good exercise.

Funny how they kept running around. They were fine. Now that they are swinging their weapons… Let's just say they are discovering muscles they didn't know they had. Of course, I am a magnanimous teacher. So I let them rest.

They all clean their wounds. They eat like ravenous beasts. Then they fall asleep. They are so tired they even forget the vigil for once. *Sigh* Only a demon would attack them in such a time. That is why I give them a rude awakening.

[No matter how tired you are… Carelessly sleep and you'll get your throat slit. Is that understood?]

Comes the most depressed and tearful "Yes, Sir!" of all time.

I'll keep giving it my all.

What should I change starting tomorrow?

He is getting a bit too into it for someone that recently...

Zombiecreators' thoughts