After coming out of the shower, she went and removed the sheets from the bed as well. There was no salvaging these items, so she may as well throw them away. Bringing them out of the RV, she took them to the side, preparing to burn them.
Noticing that there was a fire already burning, she threw the clothes and sheets in as well. Walking back into the RV, she asked, "Why is there a fire outside the RV?"
"Reporting to Master, this servant thought it would be unseemly for you to have to see all those dead Reapers when you first woke up, so I got rid of them for you!" Ace responded proudly with a fawning expression on his face. He was clearly looking for praise.
"I see," she responded. "Where are the others?"
"They said they would return in the evening."
"And Little White?"
"I'm not too sure, I think he might be on the roof of the RV."
Nodding, she went up to the roof to find Little White. Little White was standing on top of the RV, looking into the horizon. His shirt was covered in the blood and guts of the Reapers he killed. Seeing this, she pulled him by the hand back down into the RV to take a second shower.
By the time everything was cleaned up, the others returned as well. Rose and Xiao Ai, who was being hugged by Rose in her bun form, immediately went to Aida's side. Rose stared up with her expressionless face at Aida as though looking for acknowledgement. Aida smiled and patted both of them on their heads before taking her hand and bringing her in.
They all sat together and ate dinner as Aida shared the exciting news about her breaking through to level 2. Everyone was astounded by this piece of news, they hadn't realized that Variants and Reapers had levels. This renewed their determination to grow.
Rin jumped up from the table with excitement, calling out with shining eyes, "Wowww big sis! Do you feel stronger? What can you do now?"
Light scolded Rin for his bad manners while everyone else chuckled good naturedly, they were all used to Rin's random outbursts by now. On the side, Yukio was unusually quiet. He bit down on his lip as he looked down at his food, lost in thought.
"I feel stronger, but I haven't tested out my new abilities yet. We can do that tomorrow."
Seeing that Aida responded and was willing to humor him, Rin continued to question her until the end of dinner. Light just shook his head helplessly, it seems Rin would never understand how to read the mood in a room.
After sending Rose and Xiao Ai up to go shower, she pulled Yukio and Light to the side, "I finally found a couple healers among all the Reapers we got rid of today."
Saying this, Aida produced a shining white gem and a green gem and placed them on the table. One of them was acquired in the morning, the healing Reaper was following behind a different Reaper. It was memorable because it was Aida's first time seeing Reapers interact with each other. The second one, surprisingly, was in the large jar of gems that Ace gave to her. Since she upgraded to level 2, she somehow seemed to be able to intuitively differentiate each of the gems.
Light stared at the gems with a mixed feeling. He knew it was inevitable and that they would create a safe environment for the transformation, but he still worried for his little brother.
Aida explained, "The white one is a light element, just like Little White's, while the green one is a wood element. Both of them heal, just in different ways. Which one do you want?"
Yukio looked towards Light, asking for input. Light, who had been increasing his personal knowledge on abilities with light novels, smiled calmly and responded, "The difference is in the way you absorb energy. You can't go wrong with either of them, you just have to see which one is calling out to you."
Yukio hesitated before responding, "Can I have both? Both the gems are calling out to me, they want to be my friends."
Both Light and Aida were taken aback and looked towards each other with questioning eyes. Could he have both of them? Light was still human and Aida had been turned into a Reaper by infection, neither of them had the experience to know for sure. Since it's still the earlier stages of the outbreak, there were still many unknowns with the virus and gems so there were no examples for them to draw from. In fact, most people still weren't even aware of the gem's existence at this point in time.
Light excused himself as he went to find Lucifer. Lucifer was formerly a base leader so would theoretically have more information on Variants than an average person. After bringing Lucifer up, Light immediately asked him, "Have you ever seen someone with dual powers before?"
Lucifer, who had been briefed on the way in, nodded and responded, "Dual powers are extremely rare, but there was one case. That Variant had the ability to float and an arm enhancement."
Aida interjected, "This isn't quite the same. Lucifer is referring to people who were infected by the virus and acquired power through that experience. It is fundamentally different from the situation we are currently looking at. In this case, we're forcefully injecting the power into a human's system. Additionally, the dual powers that Lucifer described are two abilities that don't need to interact or clash when used, which is potentially why they could coexist."
Ace, who had been listening quietly from the side also popped his head in, "I haven't seen any cases online, but I've seen some hypothetical cases."
Everyone turned their attention towards Ace, who they hadn't even thought to include in the conversation. Ace's face lit up as he turned his head towards Aida for attention. He was clearly looking for praise.
Aida simply gave him a deadpan look and said, "Explain."
Extra release today for everyone who is stuck inside or quarantined by the Coronavirus.
Stay safe and healthy everyone!!