
Yandere Woman

"Little boy are you alright?" A little girl about ten years old asking the little boy on the ground. The little boy about five years old look at the big sister infront of him. She was like an angel give a light in his dark gloomy life. "Let's big sister help you with your wound." Little girl sit down near the boy and started to bandage him, she always had a smile on her face. "Big sister, what's your name?" The boy asked absentmindely, he was so engrossed with the angel's smile. " Nita " The girl help the boy stand up, and give him her name. "Big sister Nita..." "*Giggle. Remember it well, that's big sister name" She wink at him before give him her last word. "Little boy if someone dare to hurt you be brave and counterattack. If you were a coward your life will forever miserable." The boy look at the little girl figure dissappear from his sight.... "I won't be a coward!" The clenched his hands as he vowed. _______ "Ahhh!! Look Angel Nita had come!! Angel we love you!!" The crowds screaming excitedly as they saw their idol. "Be good.. My beloved Fans. My heart will hurt if any of you get hurt because of me.." Nita smile and wink at her fans playfully. Yes! She is an angel. A real angel on earth all her words she said to her fans are the truth from her mind. But no one know that's this angel had a dark side. Because the peoples that's know it has all vanished without a traces. SHE IS A Yandere!!! ____ THE COver was not mine! Crédit to the owner.

Bloodymoon · Allgemein
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4 Chs

3. Silly Little Boy

"Release me! Who are you?" Nita trying to wriggle out of his embraced.

"Big sister....You forget me?" Alexis loosen his hands and look into her eyes with the hurtful expression, his hands still on her waist.

"I didn't have a little brother! So how can i know you" Nita was a like a cute little bunny but that doesn't mean, she didn't had a temper.

"Big sister...Do you still remember this?" Alexis take out a hair clip that had a cute little cupid on it.

"Eh? It really familiar....." Nita trying to remember where she had saw that hair clip. Suddenly a light bulb shine on her head.

Back to the memories ten years ago....

Nita had just rebirth to the time she was still a little ten years old girl. She had run away from the abusive woman. That's time she still didn't know that she had a devil sleeping inside her.

While she was trying to figure out what to do with her new life, she had witness two adults man hitting the little boy. A surge of anger and hatred fill her brain.

"Huh? Why didn't all this kinds of peoples vanished from this world? Hehe maybe i should be the one to make them.....Vanished" A dangerous yet creepy smile bloom on her face. She found a piece of broken glass hide it in her shirt and walked toward the Two man who was happily abused the boy.

"Please stop...D-don't hurt him." Nita timidly trying to stop them from kicking the boy, and she had successful.

"Oh look what we got here?" One of the man speak as he look at Nita up and down with a lustful eyes. "You want me to stop hitting him? If you give me the money he had stole from me then i will let's him go." The man with a scar on his face said with an obvious lie.

"N-o..I..I didn't stole their money's. Th-ey lying" The little boy was covered with black and blue his hand was slit and blood dripping to the ground yet he still trying to rebut about his innocence.

"Shut up! I said you had steal, then you must!" The scared man kicked little boy again. Nita hide her killing intend in her eyes before she pleading for the boy.

"Fine give me the money!" He said his stand 'No money he will get more hit' meaning.

"But i-i don't had money..." She looked so pitiful but the scum man had another idea.

"No money?....Then if you followed us i will let's him go." His lust can't hide away from Nita, but she still agree.

"If you really let's him go i will followed you." She looked at the wounded little boy and smile at him. "You should go now" She urge him to get away from this place so that she can act as her plans.

"Big sister...Y..ou can't! T..hey will hurt you..." The little boy persuade Nita to not followed them, he knows what those man wanted to do. He may look like a 5 to 6 years but he already 9.

"Don't talk too much nonsensed! Hurry up and shoo away before i change my mind" They only wanted to beat this boy for fun, now that they got a little girl to play with. Why should they still bother to waste their energy on the boy?

"Big sister..I will find someone to help you!" The boy try to crawl up from the ground give Nita an assured look, then run out the place to find a helper.

'Fool' Nita thought. How can someone help a little beggar like him. This is the cruel fact of this sociality. She sneer Inwardly.

"Now what's should we play? Little girl~" The vulgar men lick their lip and trying to touch Nita body but she had successfully averted it.

"What's the rush big brother~" Nita temperament change from a timid to a cheerful one, and call them big brother sweetly.

"Oh wow! Haha we met a slut girl this time! Haha Slut what's more suprised will you give us" The scum men laughing grossly.

"Big brother~ Come here let's play one by one as now I'm only a little girl." Nita give them a flirtatious wink as she crooks her index finger to called the scared man to her.

"Bro..She wanted me first haha. I will be fast so wait a while" The scared man walked to Nita, his hands busy undress his belt.

"Come big brother~ I will served you well" Nita secretly take out the glass piece, hide it in her sleeves. "Big brother~ bend down abit...I want...to...you know...." She act shy and trying to lead him to the wrong way.

"Little slut..You are a gift that the god send to me haha" The scared man laughing he was drooling just the thought of the girls little mouth.

"Yes~...I was send from the God to.....kill you! *Stab" As he bent down, Nita hook both of her hands around his neck. She said cutely... but untill the last word, her whole aura change. She stabbed the glass piece into his neck and pull it out, she stepped back afraid to get his dirty blood on her.

"Arhh!! Slut....I...w...ill..kill..you." He was one step to the death door but still trying to kill her by crawling toward Nita.

"Urgg!!! So dirty!!! Don't come near me!!" Nita feels like the bloody man on the ground is the most disgusting in the world. She throw the glass piece in her hand into his right eyes.

"Arh..ah...." His breathe finally run out.

"Hehe i had cleaned one trash. Now it's your turned you trash~~" The other man was too shock to see a little girl kill a person without batting an eyelash. So he forget to help his bro and just watch him die.

"B*tch!!! I will kill you to avenge my bro!!!" He snapped back when he heard her wanted to kill him next. He jumped in wanting to kicked Nita's head, but she only shift a bit and his kicked missed her.

"*Tsk Don't hurries to die. I hadn't play enough yet" From a adorable girl, she's now was like a completely different person. She pull out a long stick that she found nearby. Tapping it on the ground and she was humming without a care about the crazy man infront of her.

"Don't be so confident Slut!!! You can kill my bro because he was catch off guard. I will kill you for sure Bi*ch!!" He rushing towards Nita and thought 'Just a little Bi*ch! How can she win him a big man?' He aim to her neck wishing to break it in one go.

"Oh? Don't you dare touch my body! You dirty trash!!" She swing the stick in her hands so fast. The man saw it's coming but he can't escape from it.



He was hit and fall to the ground, the little slut had such a strength, it's hurt like hell. he thought. "How can you--.." So strong?' He didn't finished speaking the stick come down to his head yet again...

"How dare a trash like you show up infront of me? *Thud ..Didn't you like hitting the little innocent children? Then let this little 'innocent' me help you taste how it's feels like to be hit. Haha!." Nita was so engrossed in her bashing, she only aimed at his head and beat it faster and faster.

"Haha is it good? Tell me dose it feel comfortable? *Thud" She was laughing and asked him how he feel.

"St..op! You b*tch...It's hurt!" He used his hands to covered his head, his hands was broken and was now showing the bones inside. His head was not so good either blood flow down and soak his body.

"Why hurt? If it hurt, why do you hit those pitiful children? They also hurt!!! They had the flesh and blood too!!! Why hit them?!! Why?!! Why?!!" Her own memories from her past life made her anger even more intense. She was screaming asking them to why they like hitting others when he knows that's it hurt?

Nita had spend one hours to battered the trash man. It's such a gory scene, there was blood and brains flow out from the man, his body was wrecked untill you can't recognized him anymore. But to Nita it's was such a beautiful scene.

"Another trash was cleaned *Yawn So tired..." Nita close her eyes for a bit her rage and angers was all vanished without a traces. "I did this?" Nita remember everything but it's was like she can't control her body..Her feeling was too intense at that time all she want to do is killing them.

"It's not like i had never kill a person...But to wrecked someone to this state it's was my first time in both life...What's wrong with me?" Nita look at her hands, her thoughts was a mess. "Maybe i was too stressed..Forget it!!" She brash away her thoughts... "Let's burned these corp" She used to be an assassin in her past life, so she had alot of methods to not leaving her traces and burned them is a good choice as of now. It's was a remote area so no one come here that made it's easy for Nita.

"Big sister....sorry....sorry....I can't find a helper...They all are heartless..." She just walk out after finishing everything, then she heard the little boy crying.

'It's that little fool'

"Why are you crying?" Nita saw he was sitting on the ground crying. She saw his hands still dripping blood and so she sit down tore out her dress and bandage him.

"Big sister...." He was suprised and happy to see her was fine but then he saw some blood on her dress his heart fail.

'Oh No...Those beast had hurt her...' The little boy thought that the blood was her. His tears flow out again.

"Silly boy..Don't cry no one will hurt you again." I already kill them....But she can't tell him that.

"It's my fault...Wuuwu" If she didn't help him, then she was not hurt like this...

"It's not your fault, it's their. They was a beasts that's like to abused the children to satisfied their ugly nature. Don't cry.. Big sister is fine" She give him a warmth smile.

That's make the little boy heart even more guilty. 'She is such an angel, but was hurt because she wanted to help me a nobody. They didn't even know each other'.

"Big sister...What's your name?" He love her smile, he wish that's she will had this beautiful smile forever.

" Nita " She give him her name as she take out the cupid hair clip on her head and clip the bandage with it. It's look good, she smile satisfied.

"Little boy if you want to live in this sociality, you need to be strong and not a coward. Remember you can only depend on yourself. If someone hurt you be brave and counterattack. Bye" She patted his head and turned to leaved without looking back again....She heard the little boy shouted from behind.

"Big sister!! I will be strong!! One day i will go and find you!!!" Nita smile as she listening to his vowed.

"Then hurries and become strong! I will wait for you to find me!" She casually replies without turned to met his face.

Memories end here....

Nita lift her head to look at the young man infront of her, her eyes wide open she was shocked.

"You was that 'boy'?" Shocked was written clearly on her face.

Alexis knows that she had remember him. Give her a bright smile and than he said. "It's me..I had fulfilled my vow to you. I had become strong no one can hurt me now and.....I had finally found you"

Nita didn't think that's her casual replies had changed Alexis entire life.....

Go go Silly boy!! I'm your fan?

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